Abbott Vascular Clonmel

People in Clonmel need a swift kick in the balls. If this shower of pricks were treating employees like this in a city they'd have a union in, and pickets at the gate until they changed their bully boy ways

Why dont we unionise????? Thats the only thing to put manners on the b*stards. It worked next door
Unfortunately a union would not work in clonmel because the overall majority of people do not like each other and do not care if colleagues turn up or end up in hospital or dead its genuine I have seen it everyone can be replaced within a week. Its a job that pays the bills so shove your union where the sun don't shine the majority can't afford to give 20 euro a week to a prick in a suit. We would rather give it to bank manager to pay mortgage or prostitute in Amsterdam every couple of months.

It is funny we do charity of choice and it's always management presenting the cheque. The workers put hands in their pockets and make them look good which is fine I like to help charities but ye do make billions ye cud easily match it. Then wen we have a worldwide pandemic management don't give a dam bout employees, their families or the community that we live in. The place should halt production for a month and not only should employees be paid in full we should get a 100% bonus for risking peoples lives over the past week not just employees lifes but the lifes and health of all our families, friends and the community. I'm forced to work beside alot of people which is a breach of health and safety guidelines from the hse social distancing you have to maintain a 2 meter distance between every person at all times during this pandemic. Every worker on the factory floor is entitled to compensation for breach of contract. They have a duty of care to all its staff which they are not able to maintain if they can't do it then the place should be closed on health and safety grounds. Disgraceful carry on in Abbott clonmel. Also ye pricks wen someone is sick get them the fuck outta dere your nazi style sick pay policy is putting us all at risk. Anyway I will continue to raise my concerns in work but this carry on is embarrassing and down right scary. At least 10 people had an awful dose of the runs on Wednesday wen we returned to work over fear and that's not meant to be funny by the way it's a fact shameful carry on. Only came on here because ye don't listen in work so if you want feedback from ordinary workers who are actually human aswell there you have it. It's grand for ye tho cos ye can work from home congratulations ye have very little to be concerned about.

Your post is spot on it's scary being in there so near everyone . And anyone at home during this should be left alone .. also anyone who rings in just to get time of should be ashamed... You never know when this will come to anyone of us ..... I can understand if someone rang in to just stay at home because there scared .... This company does not care about employees whatsoever ..

Yup, the directors and managers in clonmel will have a lot to answer for when the inevitable break out occurs up there. You have to laugh at the state of the canteen now, they've the canteen staff making our tea and serving food but aren't changing gloves in between, the whole social distancing in there is all for show. We all go back to the production lines working on top of one another.

People with symptoms who are self isolating are being intimidated and bullied into coming back to work. Some are too afraid of losing their job to even do the right thing and stay at home. A supervisor named derek in vessel closure actually rang some employees who had symptoms and stayed home, and demanded proof and spoke to them like dogs, real bully boy carry on.

Disgraceful what's going on in there all week I've been asking for social distancing with no avail they couldn't care less about us! It is going to be the hub of coronavirus and it will spread like wildfire when we bring it home to our families and community! They should be so ashamed of themselves a multi billion company and they cannot keep there staff safe at this worrying time! Holding us in the room so that we don't congregate at clock machines but yet we stay in the room with 50+ other people! Absolute disgrace! Cop on Abbott!

Your right the s**t will hit the fan up there I have got unsatisfactory answers when raising the issues with spacing on lines. Deirdre will have plenty of dead people in her nightmares to keep her up at night because it’s only a matter of time!

Suppose to be a leader in healthcare and they put their own employees health at risk, meanwhile our great leader is at home in her pyjamas with her kids on a computer. It is absolutely disgusting behaviour from management. Lots of people need time off to take care of children since it's impossible to get childcare now and some people can't even take their own hoilidays. Worst place I have ever worked the snakes even pay 80% of vhi but by God if you need to use it they hand out verbal and written warnings for no reason they always lacked compassion.

Built as if intended for my fa....ahahahaha yeah right! Get out of your PJs Deirdre and enforce the 2 metre social distancing guidelines for everyone not just in the canteen you hippocrite!

The main issue here is that Social distancing was implemented for management straight away and for a lot of IL workers but the employees who are the backbone of the industry have to keep on working in an unsafe environment. You cannot wash your hands in the clean room and be two meters apart and then you dry them and there are people either side of you practically on top of you and that's before you go into the cleanroom. That's across the site. Social distancing can be implemented if management are serious about it but it will hit their output. The question is what's more important output or lives. People need to start realising that they have no one in Abbott that will stand up for them at least if they had a union they would have someone. Your decision do you pay a contribution to a union and have some backup or do you carry on as is and take whatever they want to throw at you.