Abbott Vascular Clonmel

Employees in Ireland have a right set down in the Constitution to join a trade union.

There is no legal obligation on an employer to negotiate with a union on behalf of an employee member

Dismissal for trade union activity or membership is automatically unfair

This is true but the government have to force companies to recognise trade unions otherwise it's a waste of time and money plus you set it up and see what happens
So.... While the company is trying to cut costs, let them fire anyone joining a union which is automatically unfair Dismissal. The union can bring them to LRC for recognition and hopefully the cost of all this is too much for the company. Who then make us all redundant and move everything to St judes plants in China!

All joking aside, a union does need to be started or at the very least threatened. what needs to be done is a letter type typed up and signed by operations, engineering departments, day staff if they want to and hand to the management team by a supervisor as a request. Hopefully enough people will sign it. This letter can be Placed on a line in all departments passed around and signed with UPI numbers.
This letter will need to address 3 main issues that we have concerns with.
This will force them to address the issue, without the worry of an individual getting into hassle by asking the "union question" at meetings in the canteen or huddle rooms. I personally have never worked in a union but I do honestly believe we need one, due to the upcoming increases in VHI & Pension payments. These will over time be increased as the pensions will cost them absolute fortune.
so, what do ye think ?.. please say it to your friends to see what they think. I don't work for HR and I work shifts. Im also not a Line Lead or supervisor.

Pat Kealy are you listening???? Quality group are you listening???? I have reported seeing procedures not followed directly to my supervisor and what has he done about it???? Nothing!!!! Everything is swept under the carpet it's all about numbers!!!!

Union time. Unite and stand up to their bully boy tactics
i was just waiting for redundencies but since they have started hiring new employees i have decided on going the route of starting up a Abbott Vascular Union. i have a few more on board.if you would like more info on it email my account email

How would a union stand up against one of the biggest cooperations in the world. It's hard enough to turn up every day without people like you making it harder by mean negative. Only one way to hurt them. STOP hitting Numbers so work late every Friday night for the next 2years then you shall have your golden handshake.

All joking aside, a union does need to be started or at the very least threatened. what needs to be done is a letter type typed up and signed by operations, engineering departments, day staff if they want to and hand to the management team by a supervisor as a request. Hopefully enough people will sign it. This letter can be Placed on a line in all departments passed around and signed with UPI numbers.
This letter will need to address 3 main issues that we have concerns with.
This will force them to address the issue, without the worry of an individual getting into hassle by asking the "union question" at meetings in the canteen or huddle rooms. I personally have never worked in a union but I do honestly believe we need one, due to the upcoming increases in VHI & Pension payments. These will over time be increased as the pensions will cost them absolute fortune.
so, what do ye think ?.. please say it to your friends to see what they think. I don't work for HR and I work shifts. Im also not a Line Lead or supervisor.