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Abbott under criminal investigation


How can this company and its leadership be so awful and cruel towards babies? This is the most disturbing story to come out of the healthcare industry in decades. Ford should be put away for life.

We will see if anything even happens. Do you remember the whistleblower's message about safety issues sent to the FDA? It was conveniently lost in the mail from October until mid-February, a time in which Abbott was making record profits.

The FDA and pharmaceutical companies work hand in hand. The FDA get's ~75% of its funding from Pharma, so I doubt anything meaningful is going to happen. Meanwhile, Abbot is making a $546 million manufacturing facility in Ohio to keep chugging along.

We will see if anything even happens. Do you remember the whistleblower's message about safety issues sent to the FDA? It was conveniently lost in the mail from October until mid-February, a time in which Abbott was making record profits.

The FDA and pharmaceutical companies work hand in hand. The FDA get's ~75% of its funding from Pharma, so I doubt anything meaningful is going to happen. Meanwhile, Abbot is making a $546 million manufacturing facility in Ohio to keep chugging along.

Thanks, management. Go destroy some documents. Abbott has been getting away with poisoning babies for too long. Times up!

We will see if anything even happens. Do you remember the whistleblower's message about safety issues sent to the FDA? It was conveniently lost in the mail from October until mid-February, a time in which Abbott was making record profits.

The FDA and pharmaceutical companies work hand in hand. The FDA get's ~75% of its funding from Pharma, so I doubt anything meaningful is going to happen. Meanwhile, Abbot is making a $546 million manufacturing facility in Ohio to keep chugging along.

The DOJ is conducting a federal criminal investigation because of the falsification of records and LIES. Nothing to do with the FDA really anymore at this point. Something IS happening right now. Something extremely serious.

And the Ohio factory being built is because the Sturgis factory is outdated and filthy; it’s beyond repair. Something that should have happened over 20 years ago.

What is a FDAs case? The DOJ is conducting a federal criminal investigation into Abbott for covering up and falsifying records. Stop snorting the baby powder. The cronobacter has made its way to your brain apparently.

Why hasn't Scott H and the Squid been fired already? Poor nutritional sales are causing the layoffs. Why should we be negatively impacted due to the malfeasance of select "leaders"? Corporate life defies logic and fairness.