Ok buddy stop responding to your own lame posts. Loser
You can room with me
Ok buddy stop responding to your own lame posts. Loser
Management. No leadership here.
shut up bitchManagers to bark orders at soldiers like you. What’s your daily call average soldier?
shut up bitch
I live by your mom. She rents my you’re a sassy lil biatch. you know you live by you’re daily call average.
I live by your mom. She rents my basement.
Mom blast was solid. Try again, bitch.9.5 ADC Lane is your address loser boy. Now go complete your pre call plans for your 9.5 tomorrow.
Mom blast was solid. Try again, bitch.
Mom blast was solid. Try again, bitch.Yep you check all the boxes. Mindless, ass kisser and a pervert! C ya 9.5 woke ass.
Mom blast was solid. Try again, bitch.
scoring down at the nursing home during your glucose screening days eh ya stud muffin.
Mom blast was solid. Try again, bitch.scoring down at the nursing home during your glucose screening days eh ya stud muffin.
Mom blast was solid. Try again, bitch.
Abbott is pure class!
Its gone to the shitter for sure ever since Duncan left here.