@ least for neuro - psych. keep in mind nat meeting is dec 13 for that div so unless nvs is sending every rep to that meeting (dont think so) an announcement has to be made on dec 3 or sooner. we all shall c.

@ least for neuro - psych. keep in mind nat meeting is dec 13 for that div so unless nvs is sending every rep to that meeting (dont think so) an announcement has to be made on dec 3 or sooner. we all shall c.

I agree. Def sometime the week of dec 3rd. They have no choice if they expect ppl to have to make travel arrangements for mid December. My money is on that week for neuro-psych. Possibly later for other divisions

You're close. REE and CV will be evaluated jointly. We're grouping the pod as a whole and cherry picking who we want to keep. There will be cases of CV reps being let go and REE reps taking the vacant CV spot and vise versa. Time frame still not set. Still might get pushed back to the week of Dec 6th thru 10th. "God bless us all"? Really?

No chance FLM's have a say in this, as one I have heard nothing and during CCI I heard nothing until the day of. Your are all full of B.S. There will be changes, they will be big but as far as details no one knows. Everyone saying they do above even the Directors they do not know.

No chance FLM's have a say in this, as one I have heard nothing and during CCI I heard nothing until the day of. Your are all full of B.S. There will be changes, they will be big but as far as details no one knows. Everyone saying they do above even the Directors they do not know.

Some people know and others don't. Week of December 3rd

Originally Posted by Anonymous
You're close. REE and CV will be evaluated jointly. We're grouping the pod as a whole and cherry picking who we want to keep. There will be cases of CV reps being let go and REE reps taking the vacant CV spot and vise versa. Time frame still not set. Still might get pushed back to the week of Dec 6th thru 10th. "God bless us all"? Really?

No chance FLM's have a say in this, as one I have heard nothing and during CCI I heard nothing until the day of. Your are all full of B.S. There will be changes, they will be big but as far as details no one knows. Everyone saying they do above even the Directors they do not know.

I agree! If not a phony, then a very very new manager, high on kool -aid. Only a green mgr. would think they wield that much clout.

You are all crazy... We are all getting raises, and a 10K Christmas bonus. Our managers are being told to value us and our opinions and to make up for the Prius ordeal we all get BMW 700 series. Oh, almost forgot, we are bringing back the good old days were we could take customers (doctors) to games.

Good news or what?

Just curious what the thought is regarding entire pods that received 1's on performance? Don't see how it is possible to fire an entire pod especially since pods go from the top in rankings and then to the bottom due to goaling.

I hate to say it but it looks like changes are coming down the week of December 3rd. Just heard from a few people with reliable sources all saying they heard the same date. Time to shop on the bravo website!!!

This has never happened before(managers taking open territories) and I tend to doubt it will start now.
Novartis wouldn't save much money paying managers their same salary as a rep....Won't happen!

NEVER say NEVER...Sanofi-Aventis did exactly that last year. Managers were given first shot at an open territory as a REP or look for another job elsewhere. Why would you not take advantage of this? Don't let your "Ego" get in the way. Your salary, benefits, etc all stay the same, you just lose the title. With todays economy and the job market the way it is, if you can keep your job, do it!!!

The thing that jumps out at me from most of these rumors regarding CV/REE (at least those that are well-written, and there are many of those believe it or not) is that about every one makes the claim that CV/REE is being combined and will go from 5 reps to 3.

That's great except it leaves out an important detail; There are SEVEN reps in a full pod if you count REE and CV. With Specialty Sales (That may be the overlay position for all I know) you have eight.

But to keep it simple--if they are going to three in a pod for General Meds, the number to cut from in a full Pod is not 5 to 3 but 7 to 3.

I have no more idea than anybody else but here is what SHOULD happen.

General Meds: Should have AT MOST three reps. Regardless of geography or managed care. You could probably do it with two depending on how wide the swath is cut for a given territory.

Oncology: I have no idea and dont fucking care. Just ballpark it and say cut them by half.

Psych/Neuro: Fanapt should be sold. The other drugs in Neuro are very unlikely to be worth bothering with as well. I would eliminate this entire division.

Managers: Should have a minimum of 15 reps under them. They dont do anything. I know it, you know it, and they know it. I think they ought to be able to handle approving a few more expense reports. Other than resolving (hopefully) the occasional HR conflict I dont know what else they do. Plus, with more people under them then they wont be in the field with a given rep any more than two or three times a year.

Novartis should consider voluntary layoffs as well. I would say there are a number of people that would happily take a package.

To the above poster. You make some good points. However, this company sank way to much money into fanapt and no one will buy it therefore they won't scrap it just yet. Plus, there is another psych med in the pipe. It can be a money maker of they had another indication. Cvm should be eliminated I agree. Youre dead on about managers. I'd love to know which threads you think are well written. I couldn't find many ha.

The thing that jumps out at me from most of these rumors regarding CV/REE (at least those that are well-written, and there are many of those believe it or not) is that about every one makes the claim that CV/REE is being combined and will go from 5 reps to 3.

That's great except it leaves out an important detail; There are SEVEN reps in a full pod if you count REE and CV. With Specialty Sales (That may be the overlay position for all I know) you have eight.

But to keep it simple--if they are going to three in a pod for General Meds, the number to cut from in a full Pod is not 5 to 3 but 7 to 3.

I have no more idea than anybody else but here is what SHOULD happen.

General Meds: Should have AT MOST three reps. Regardless of geography or managed care. You could probably do it with two depending on how wide the swath is cut for a given territory.

Oncology: I have no idea and dont fucking care. Just ballpark it and say cut them by half.

Psych/Neuro: Fanapt should be sold. The other drugs in Neuro are very unlikely to be worth bothering with as well. I would eliminate this entire division.

Managers: Should have a minimum of 15 reps under them. They dont do anything. I know it, you know it, and they know it. I think they ought to be able to handle approving a few more expense reports. Other than resolving (hopefully) the occasional HR conflict I dont know what else they do. Plus, with more people under them then they wont be in the field with a given rep any more than two or three times a year.

Novartis should consider voluntary layoffs as well. I would say there are a number of people that would happily take a package.

I don't know who you are, but I think you should be running this ship. I love your take on managers. And I would take a package at this point.

Exactly! Been thinking the same thing. Currently a full pod in gen meds is 5 cv 2 RE and 2 overlap reps, correct? Obviously not all have full pods but to drop down to just 3 per territory? That's pretty significant unless I am misinterpreting previous posts. Time will tell I guess.

Heard same number but timeframe earlier. gen med manager weekly call cancelled for 12/3. lets put these pieces together. "geo-tailored" geographies based on potential. Large number displaced. Hang on folks, should be a ride.

The thing that jumps out at me from most of these rumors regarding CV/REE (at least those that are well-written, and there are many of those believe it or not) is that about every one makes the claim that CV/REE is being combined and will go from 5 reps to 3.

That's great except it leaves out an important detail; There are SEVEN reps in a full pod if you count REE and CV. With Specialty Sales (That may be the overlay position for all I know) you have eight.

But to keep it simple--if they are going to three in a pod for General Meds, the number to cut from in a full Pod is not 5 to 3 but 7 to 3.

I have no more idea than anybody else but here is what SHOULD happen.

General Meds: Should have AT MOST three reps. Regardless of geography or managed care. You could probably do it with two depending on how wide the swath is cut for a given territory.

Oncology: I have no idea and dont fucking care. Just ballpark it and say cut them by half.

Psych/Neuro: Fanapt should be sold. The other drugs in Neuro are very unlikely to be worth bothering with as well. I would eliminate this entire division.

Managers: Should have a minimum of 15 reps under them. They dont do anything. I know it, you know it, and they know it. I think they ought to be able to handle approving a few more expense reports. Other than resolving (hopefully) the occasional HR conflict I dont know what else they do. Plus, with more people under them then they wont be in the field with a given rep any more than two or three times a year.

Novartis should consider voluntary layoffs as well. I would say there are a number of people that would happily take a package.

Seems to me I have heard that each manager will have 10 reps now . If each POD has 5 that means 2 or 3 reps will lose their job If you had a full POD. Many of the PODS have vacancies so that is why the numbers may be lower. I know in my area both PODS that hare adjacent are full so there will be some people that are displaced