Give thanks if you are safe. You will potentially have conf calls on Monday after thanksgiving to go over changes in the sales force. You will find out during your stay home "calls" by the end of the week for your new assignment and potential new manager. Selling in the field the following week, conf calls with your new teams and home study for overlapping products to follow. This allows time for "displaced" reps to back fill open positions and have everyone trained on new products and in place by national meetings. By this time your year end rating will already be completed in the system by your previous manager for the "new" manager to sign off on.
Can be 30-40% reductions across the board in each OU. Hardest hit can be re, cvm and Gen meds managers.
There will be larger territories and portfolio selling. Criteria has already been set and determined. Last years ratings, geography, tenure and awards all have a role to play. Chronic care teams report to 1 portfolio manager. Neuro/psych combined and will overlap on products as well.
God bless us all!!