A sobering truth about how much we make

You guys remind me of that loser kid in college we all made fun of who would get all giddy about getting a smooch on the cheek from an okay looking girl. 100k IS NOT a great income. Answer this, can you achieve all your financial dreams on that? If the answer is no its time to set the standard higher. By the way, if you are older than 30 and still in primary care you are in serious need of a career reassessment.

You remind me of the egocentric kid that we all made fun of. The kind of kid that mommy and daddy bought new cars for and paid their way through college.

You are not a self-made individual capable of standing up on your own two legs. You are a little brat that has to try and put others down so you can feel better about yourself.

Your relationships are probably as short-lived as your attention span.

And no, I am not the 28 year old OP. I am a thirty something DSM that started from the bottom as a rep, at another company at the age of 21. I then worked as a trainer at that company and became a DM. 4 years ago I joined this great company called AZ and started as a DSM. Honestly, I am happy where I am at.

I have a house, a 1.4 MM 401K, shares at AZ (yes you can laugh but it's still shares), and I make in excess of 165K per year, combined base salary and bonus.


We don't make that much compared to how much education we have. All of us have a minimum of a 4 year degree. I'd say at least 10-15% of us have graduate degrees. Do you realize that a union LA City garbage man, yes garbage man, earns a base of 90K per year? And he is probably just a HS graduate and picks up trash. What we do is much more complex and yet we only earn 10k to 30K more. Sad, very very sad.

Cearly, what we need is a union!

New Us employment / income numbers are out today:

National income levels have dropped to a decade low.

Good luck, boy. If you think the pay at AZ is so meager, go try to come close in the market. My guess is you'd be very lucky to land a job anywhere at 1/2 of the fake $120,000.00 you write you make here. No car, lousy benefits.

Now call me names and continue living in your fantasy world. Then go ask for a siggie.

Seriously you have no clue. You obviously haven't looked out there. There are higher paying jobs out there easily. I have actually found one and start very soon. So don't act like it's not possible. If the OP is telling the truth about having hospital experience then that is very valuable to a lot of different companies that pay a lot more than AZ. The only difference is that AZ tolerates mediocrity for whatever reason. The other high paying companies expect more from the reps. I'm for one fine with that and it sounds like the OP would be too. So again OP get your name out there and start networking. It took me about 6 months to find the right job but I won't be around for the next layoff extravaganza at AZ. I don't think the next layoff is around the corner not predicting doom and gloom like everyone likes too but lets be honest it will happen sometime though. Also why do you all assume 100k is great money. Think bigger then that. I don't know why you wouldn't continue to push the envelope and make more money then that.

AZ has mediocre management practices and processes and uses fear to motivate. $120,000 a year is a good salary in this environment and I challenge you to find a sales job paying much more. They exist but most Business Admin majors working at AZ aren't going to get them. Live beneath your means, max out your 401k, and don't think you can keep up out in California's Bay area and you will do okay.

AZ has mediocre management practices and processes and uses fear to motivate. $120,000 a year is a good salary in this environment and I challenge you to find a sales job paying much more. They exist but most Business Admin majors working at AZ aren't going to get them. Live beneath your means, max out your 401k, and don't think you can keep up out in California's Bay area and you will do okay.

There are many. Example, the OTE for an oil drilling salesperson is 500k per year. Bases start at 130k. But you will work as a true salesperson which most AZ peeps are not

There are many. Example, the OTE for an oil drilling salesperson is 500k per year. Bases start at 130k. But you will work as a true salesperson which most AZ peeps are not

I agree. It's amazing how so many AZ reps have been conditioned to be thankful for what they have. 100K ain't shit. I am getting my Series 63 and 7 as we speak and will work as an asset manager. With just 100 clients each putting in 1 MM at the firm I am interviewing with, and a 1% Asset management Fee I would get 1 MM per year. How's that for a great income?

I agree. It's amazing how so many AZ reps have been conditioned to be thankful for what they have. 100K ain't shit. I am getting my Series 63 and 7 as we speak and will work as an asset manager. With just 100 clients each putting in 1 MM at the firm I am interviewing with, and a 1% Asset management Fee I would get 1 MM per year. How's that for a great income?

Cool story bro

I agree. It's amazing how so many AZ reps have been conditioned to be thankful for what they have. 100K ain't shit. I am getting my Series 63 and 7 as we speak and will work as an asset manager. With just 100 clients each putting in 1 MM at the firm I am interviewing with, and a 1% Asset management Fee I would get 1 MM per year. How's that for a great income?

LOL.......how "easy" do you think it will be to get 100 people to invest 1MM with you? Let's see....you are a drug rep....great background for an asset manager. I'd bet you have an undergrad degree from some no name state school. These people you are talking about invest with PROFESSIONALS. You my friend do not qualify. Now don't get me wrong...I'm all for leaving this shithole of a company and industry but your view of reality is fucked up.

Good luck with finding 100 clients with $1 million and getting 1% commissions for yourself. Typically, asset management companies charge from 1-2% and you will be lucky to see a quarter of that. There are tons of financial planners/salesmen out there scrambling for the same piece of the pie you are looking for. Unless you actually manage the money you will be cold calling to find people who will invest and that is harder than you think. Series 7 and 63 licenses aren't hard to get. Been there, done that.

Pharma's not a bad gig, work is not difficult, the pay is decent, benefits good, expense account there to be abused. Live below your means, save, enjoy the freedom and free time and you will be in good shape later in life. Oh, and leave AZ as soon as possible, it's a terrible place to work.

I agree. It's amazing how so many AZ reps have been conditioned to be thankful for what they have. 100K ain't shit. I am getting my Series 63 and 7 as we speak and will work as an asset manager. With just 100 clients each putting in 1 MM at the firm I am interviewing with, and a 1% Asset management Fee I would get 1 MM per year. How's that for a great income?

It could be a tough road. But I admire you for having the balls to learn and try something new. This is what it takes to be successful. Buckle down and go for it. Do not look back.

There are many. Example, the OTE for an oil drilling salesperson is 500k per year. Bases start at 130k. But you will work as a true salesperson which most AZ peeps are not

Very true, many make much more. You work hard with a lot of pressure. The OTE looks like device in the gravy days. Some pharma folks in SE TX and Alaska have transitioned to the field. But like most environments you need contacts. Additionally, if you did not start at the bottom 20 years ago you will need a degree in engineering and be willing to live in ND.

But you are spot on.

The bottom line is there are thousands and thousands of jobs that pay way more than AZ. It's just that the old farts here have been conditioned to be thankful for the little income Z should pay us for the amount of education we have! Sad but true. I am about to finish my FNP program and will become a full fledged FNP pretty soon. Will be earning more than any of my AZ colleagues.

A buddy of mine in another part of the country, also at AZ, is finishing up law school and will be a practicing attorney. He is only 29 and it took him 5 years to finish law school, but he will make more. There are literally tens of thousands of sales reps in the software industry that earn between 200K to 1 MM per year. If you don't believe me do yourself a favor and research websites like Glassdoor.com and type in SaaS Account Executive and see for yourself.

I am with OP. 100K or even 125K is nothing to brag about and barely above minimum wage in California. orry to bust your old bubbles you old AZ farts!

OK, I took the bait. I also went to Linked In and did a SaaS Sales / Account Manger search.

There seems to be as many or more people (searching for new opportunities) than pharma.
Now that is not good. It's sales, Silly. Sales is for kids.

OK, I took the bait. I also went to Linked In and did a SaaS Sales / Account Manger search.

There seems to be as many or more people (searching for new opportunities) than pharma.
Now that is not good. It's sales, Silly. Sales is for kids.

According to Glassdoor.com the average annual pay for a Salesforce Sr Account executive is 330K per year. Average. If that is your idea ogf being a kid I will gladly be a kid anyday pops.

The bottom line is there are thousands and thousands of jobs that pay way more than AZ. It's just that the old farts here have been conditioned to be thankful for the little income Z should pay us for the amount of education we have! Sad but true. I am about to finish my FNP program and will become a full fledged FNP pretty soon. Will be earning more than any of my AZ colleagues.

A buddy of mine in another part of the country, also at AZ, is finishing up law school and will be a practicing attorney. He is only 29 and it took him 5 years to finish law school, but he will make more. There are literally tens of thousands of sales reps in the software industry that earn between 200K to 1 MM per year. If you don't believe me do yourself a favor and research websites like Glassdoor.com and type in SaaS Account Executive and see for yourself.

I am with OP. 100K or even 125K is nothing to brag about and barely above minimum wage in California. orry to bust your old bubbles you old AZ farts!

Oracle sales rep range is $43,000 to $120,000.

What is your point OP? So you are depressed big whoop! Most 28 year olds w/college degrees are not lucky enough to make what you make working the hours you do. Do you want sympathy or are you mad at yourself for going to a shitty school? Let me guess online school? majored in art? First of all the word leave means to depart and live is to reside, an obvious indication you are not well educated. Secondly every city/state has its bad & good areas. You can afford a home in LA or OC try Compton, East LA, or Santa Ana. Also for your information there are many areas in TX where you can’t even afford to rent. It’s obvious you’ve never been outside of CA other than maybe Vegas or Cabo. If making over 100K is not a lot of money you probably don’t know how to manage your money. Don’t feel sorry for the 50 year old fat slob because they probably have more money saved up than you do. Well I guess you should be depressed cuz there’s no guarantee that you will have a job in a few months.

What is your point OP? So you are depressed big whoop! Most 28 year olds w/college degrees are not lucky enough to make what you make working the hours you do. Do you want sympathy or are you mad at yourself for going to a shitty school? Let me guess online school? majored in art? First of all the word leave means to depart and live is to reside, an obvious indication you are not well educated. Secondly every city/state has its bad & good areas. You can afford a home in LA or OC try Compton, East LA, or Santa Ana. Also for your information there are many areas in TX where you can’t even afford to rent. It’s obvious you’ve never been outside of CA other than maybe Vegas or Cabo. If making over 100K is not a lot of money you probably don’t know how to manage your money. Don’t feel sorry for the 50 year old fat slob because they probably have more money saved up than you do. Well I guess you should be depressed cuz there’s no guarantee that you will have a job in a few months.

Where? Texas is a big state but please don't compare Austin or Dallas to La Jolla, Santa Barbara or Newport Beach. Your top pf the line neighborhoods would be like our middle of line neighborhoods and nowhere near the likes of what we have in California. Nowhere near. Douchebag

The bottom line is there are thousands and thousands of jobs that pay way more than AZ. It's just that the old farts here have been conditioned to be thankful for the little income Z should pay us for the amount of education we have! Sad but true. I am about to finish my FNP program and will become a full fledged FNP pretty soon. Will be earning more than any of my AZ colleagues.

A buddy of mine in another part of the country, also at AZ, is finishing up law school and will be a practicing attorney. He is only 29 and it took him 5 years to finish law school, but he will make more. There are literally tens of thousands of sales reps in the software industry that earn between 200K to 1 MM per year. If you don't believe me do yourself a favor and research websites like Glassdoor.com and type in SaaS Account Executive and see for yourself.

I am with OP. 100K or even 125K is nothing to brag about and barely above minimum wage in California. orry to bust your old bubbles you old AZ farts!

There are plenty of doctors I used to call on that don't make $100,000.00. Not huge practices but smart doctors nevertheless. The OP writes about how his bubby is going to be a "practicing attorney." Think about the words he chose to describe his buddy! Whoop tee doo, a practicing attorney. There are plenty of broke practicing attorneys too, probably more than broke attorneys than doctors making $100,000.00 a year after expenses.

The OP in an inexperienced, immature youngster who's been overpaid for a long time. Reality will hit if he does change companies, whether for being laid off or another reason.