A sobering truth about how much we make

Thank God this pathetic human being lives in California. Those of us that live in the "flyover" states have a great life! I make 130K total comp and I live like a King!

You are the idiot by choosing to stay in Kalifornia! Enjoy your life, Komrade!

Great life huh? Where do you live? Dumb fuck Kansas? Minnesota? Yeah nice life either freezing your balls off during the winter or dying from the humidity and 120 degree heat index during summer. No beach. Nothing to do. It's not just about the money pops and, by the way, 130K is a living wage not a great wage. 2 MM per year is a great wage. 130K is just a living. douchebag go back to Kentucky or wherever the fuck you live like a King, your highness!

You bitter old man. You must be a Dumbocrat! I DID start at the bottom dick head. I was 22 when i started in Primary Care. By the time was 26 I became a Level 3. Last year I promoted to Hospital. I worked my way up and proved myself. Who the fuck are you to judge me? I am just stating the facts asshole!

If you wanna play this game how does it feel to be 42 and earn the same or, less than me? Asshole!

How are those knee pads working out for you? Four years and a big bad hospital rep. On your way to senior leadership. Keep playing the game. Another loser.

How are those knee pads working out for you? Four years and a big bad hospital rep. On your way to senior leadership. Keep playing the game. Another loser.

Do not be bitter pops. And no, I am not the 28 year old OP. I am a thirty something DSM that started from the bottom as a rep, at another company at the age of 21. I then worked as a trainer at that company and became a DM. 4 years ago I joined this great company called AZ and started as a DSM. Honestly, I am happy where I am at.

I have a house, a 1.4 MM 401K, shares at AZ (yes you can laugh but it's still shares), and I make in excess of 165K per year, combined base salary and bonus. You are probably bitter at OP because he, unlike you, has at least progressed in his career. If I was to guess you are over the age of 40 and still in primary care. You make a decent wage, maybe 130K or so, but you are still in pri ary care and very scared of next layoff because you have no transferable skills.

OP on the other hand has, at least on paper, specialty experience which could put him in a spot to gain an institutional or even account manager job at another pharma company. Something you would have a hard time getting even padding up your resume. By the way, I do agree that 100K is not a very good income. When you start making that per month then you will be in a different league.

How do I know? Well my college roommate started in a start up company that does SaaS, that stands for software as a service. He still is there and he makes 6 figures per month. We still hang out because we are friends, but he is definitely in a different league. He also works 65-80 hours per week, has no social life, and barely sees his son. So everything is sacrifice.

That is my 0.02 and take it for what it is from a thirty something DSM that is younger than you but could teach you a thing or two pops.

Why is he self entitled? Most of us manage territories that produce over 2 to 3 million dollars a year minimum. Quite a few sales jobs will pay your 5% to 10% of your territories annual revenue on top of your base salary. So think about that. You have a base of let's say 75 or 80 grand as a career ladder 3 and you get 5% of that 2 million, that's an extra 100 grand in his pocket. You all have just been conditioned to be happy with these small bonus checks. He just wants what he is prolly worth. That's why I am leaving this company and switching industries all together. I am grateful for everything that has been provided to me and the training I received. But I am worth more and found a company that is willing to pay me more. So to the original poster of this thread it sounds like you are a high producer like I am. Time to get your name out there with other companies and start interviewing to get what your worth. Stop listening to the these old timers who think you are a entitled brat. Go get yours and leave them here to waste and by the sounds of all the posts from them fake the calls and just milk this company dry. The sad thing is this company could be so much greater if people wouldn't cheat the system and actually tried to move share. I know this because I have seen it from so many reps. I have taken over 2 different areas now both with older tenured reps that were let go because they couldnt move the share in that area. In both places I have not only grown the MS I has become a top producer in both of my regions.

It makes me kinda depressed to think how much you guys think we make. I keep hearing comments on CP about we make so much for what we do, our paycheck is our golden handcuffs, we earn 100K per year which is a good income etc.

Now I am 28 years old, an d have been doing the AZ gig for 6 years now. I am a Hospital Rep and yes, do earn close to 110K per year. BUT, that is not a good income. The average home on the West Coast - LA or OC, runs 675K. A 110K income will not allow you to buy that unless you have another house with 200K equity that you can sell so you can get into it. Forget about SF where the average house runs close to 880K.

Honestly you need to earn 250K per year to play in these leagues. Sure, you can leave in nowhere TX or KS or Montana and get a 200K house. But is that a quality of life? Hmmm no way. So 100-150K per year is NOT that much. Get off your high horse.

I truly feel sorry for the fat slobs that are over 50 that think 100K is a good income. It is not!

A dual income family in CA is almost a must. You need to complete the story for us as this one is hot, you would be doing us a disservice. If you compute what your husband earns you should have good living. What does he make?

A dual income family in CA is almost a must. You need to complete the story for us as this one is hot, you would be doing us a disservice. If you compute what your husband earns you should have good living. What does he make?

OP here. You shouldn't assume things. First I am a man and un married. Secondly, you
Obviously have never lived in California. Do you realize in just a zip code of SF Bay Area how many unmarried twenty something's there are? You are talking about IPO millionaires or Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Box, or Salesforce top salespeople or engineers who earn 50k per month or more. No that is not a typo. They earn 50k or more per month.

Real estate is all about supply and demand. That is why the average starter home is 880k and 1 million doesn't get you much house. A good house here costs 3 mm and up but then again there are tens of thousands of millionaires in a town like San Jose or Mountain View. So no, you don't need a dual income here. And now do you see why 100k isn't much? There are thousands who make that every month, not year.

It makes me kinda depressed to think how much you guys think we make. I keep hearing comments on CP about we make so much for what we do, our paycheck is our golden handcuffs, we earn 100K per year which is a good income etc.

Now I am 28 years old, an d have been doing the AZ gig for 6 years now. I am a Hospital Rep and yes, do earn close to 110K per year. BUT, that is not a good income. The average home on the West Coast - LA or OC, runs 675K. A 110K income will not allow you to buy that unless you have another house with 200K equity that you can sell so you can get into it. Forget about SF where the average house runs close to 880K.

Honestly you need to earn 250K per year to play in these leagues. Sure, you can leave in nowhere TX or KS or Montana and get a 200K house. But is that a quality of life? Hmmm no way. So 100-150K per year is NOT that much. Get off your high horse.

I truly feel sorry for the fat slobs that are over 50 that think 100K is a good income. It is not!

Go somewhere else you whiny little rep.

I feel sorry for your partners who have to listen to you whimper like a little girl about only making a 100K a year.

Do you realize how pathetic you sound?

Go away.

It makes me kinda depressed to think how much you guys think we make. I keep hearing comments on CP about we make so much for what we do, our paycheck is our golden handcuffs, we earn 100K per year which is a good income etc.

Now I am 28 years old, an d have been doing the AZ gig for 6 years now. I am a Hospital Rep and yes, do earn close to 110K per year. BUT, that is not a good income. The average home on the West Coast - LA or OC, runs 675K. A 110K income will not allow you to buy that unless you have another house with 200K equity that you can sell so you can get into it. Forget about SF where the average house runs close to 880K.

Honestly you need to earn 250K per year to play in these leagues. Sure, you can leave in nowhere TX or KS or Montana and get a 200K house. But is that a quality of life? Hmmm no way. So 100-150K per year is NOT that much. Get off your high horse.

I truly feel sorry for the fat slobs that are over 50 that think 100K is a good income. It is not!

What an idiot to post this crap.

OP here. You shouldn't assume things. First I am a man and un married. Secondly, you
Obviously have never lived in California. Do you realize in just a zip code of SF Bay Area how many unmarried twenty something's there are? You are talking about IPO millionaires or Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Box, or Salesforce top salespeople or engineers who earn 50k per month or more. No that is not a typo. They earn 50k or more per month.

Real estate is all about supply and demand. That is why the average starter home is 880k and 1 million doesn't get you much house. A good house here costs 3 mm and up but then again there are tens of thousands of millionaires in a town like San Jose or Mountain View. So no, you don't need a dual income here. And now do you see why 100k isn't much? There are thousands who make that every month, not year.

First off you are not a man. You are a whiny little girl.

Obviously you have never had to worry about anything in your pampered life.

You are a turd dressed in a human suit.

Soooooo what? Big deal? Does making 300 per hour because you and I work 15 hours per week max still increase our Annual take home pay? No! So what is your point?

I'll spell it out for you. If YOU want to increase your annual pay because of the high cost of living in your area, you might want to find another job, a part time job or move to another area. Its unfair but so is life. I appreciate your honesty at least in regards to your work hours. The answer to your question is no it does not increase our annual pay. So at this point you need to ask yourself, am I worth more for doing this job? Should I be making $500 an hour? Am I fairly compensated for the amount of sales generated in my territory or the work? Am I actually responsible for all of the sales generated in my territory? Should I be making $300-$500 an hour for simply collecting signatures all day (which most do)? Also, I say why should someone on the west coast get paid more than me simply because of where they live? Dont we do the same job? Is that my fault the state of CA is so expensive to live in? Again, living in the midwest I personally will accept this pay disparity because I understand we live in an imperfect world and these things happen all the time. You should probably understand this as well. You sound like you are "keeping up with the joness'", a BIG problem with this country right now!

Do not be bitter pops. And no, I am not the 28 year old OP. I am a thirty something DSM that started from the bottom as a rep, at another company at the age of 21. I then worked as a trainer at that company and became a DM. 4 years ago I joined this great company called AZ and started as a DSM. Honestly, I am happy where I am at.

I have a house, a 1.4 MM 401K, shares at AZ (yes you can laugh but it's still shares), and I make in excess of 165K per year, combined base salary and bonus. You are probably bitter at OP because he, unlike you, has at least progressed in his career. If I was to guess you are over the age of 40 and still in primary care. You make a decent wage, maybe 130K or so, but you are still in pri ary care and very scared of next layoff because you have no transferable skills.

OP on the other hand has, at least on paper, specialty experience which could put him in a spot to gain an institutional or even account manager job at another pharma company. Something you would have a hard time getting even padding up your resume. By the way, I do agree that 100K is not a very good income. When you start making that per month then you will be in a different league.

How do I know? Well my college roommate started in a start up company that does SaaS, that stands for software as a service. He still is there and he makes 6 figures per month. We still hang out because we are friends, but he is definitely in a different league. He also works 65-80 hours per week, has no social life, and barely sees his son. So everything is sacrifice.

That is my 0.02 and take it for what it is from a thirty something DSM that is younger than you but could teach you a thing or two pops.

You are so full of s**t! 1.4MM 401k, Right


The guy came out of college and landed in clover. Since that time his bullsh1t has kept him in th egreen.

Wehn he gets whacked he'll be unprepared to survive - unless he's parked his cash elsewhere. Doubt it. He thinks 100 k is standard money. When it really is in the top 3 %

3% huh? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affluence_in_the_United_States take a look and weep. 100K is NOt anywhere near top 3% or even 5%. Nowhere near. Asshole!

It amazes me how many people think 100k is great money. Don't any of you dream bigger then that? I am witht OP here it's not that great. That's why I am out of here very soon. I got another gig that already offered up a much more enticing package. That's my advice to you OP. start looking. You obviously have gains skills from AZ, whether the old farts here think you have or not. Let them be happy with 100k, cuz I sure as hell am not.

$120,000 per year is a living income in California or East Coast. Those are the facts. Homes in California (Palo Alto, Santa Barbara, San Diego, Malibu) start at 5 MM and up. Homes in normal places like Fresno, Burbank, Davis etc start at 600K. Why? Because the average income in California is in the 62K range and for college grads it's 110K. Don't believe me? Take a look at Forbes article from earlier this year and educate yourself.

Now, I don't mean to poop on those of you who live in Texas or Kentucky or Ohio. 120K per year will get you far there, but only so far. Until you earn 6 figures per month, and like a previous post said there are many many many many of those in California (think software companies or internet millionaires) don't say 100K per year is a great income. It's a decent living, that is all or a great income if this was 1982. Who do you think is buying all those 1 MM homes???? People that earn 100K as pharma reps? Idiot!

3% huh? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affluence_in_the_United_States take a look and weep. 100K is NOt anywhere near top 3% or even 5%. Nowhere near. Asshole!

It's top 3% of households. That includes plenty of doctors married to lawyers, etc.

You're pretty good at reading those confusing statistics, aren't cha? Good thing your job doesn't have anything to do with interpreting data presented in various forms.

Now go show a doctor your commercial on your computer, if you can get past the front desk. Warm up a chair somewhere, pinkie.

The same wiki page defines Upper Middle Class, the top 15% of people (not households) as:

Highly-educated (often with graduate degrees) professionals & managers with household incomes varying from the high 5-figure range to commonly above $100,000. (2005 data).

So the poster here has likely got an undergraduate degree only, and still is getting a $120,000.00 annual paycheck (unless he's blowing smoke, which he likely is) and that exceeds the upper limit of upper middle class (in 2005), plus a car and gas, 401-k, etc. etc.

Does anyone think that's not really excellent compensation, particularly considering what you really do all day on the job? Good luck after pharma. No one wants to hire someone with an attitude about what he's worth like that: It's one reason why you see WRITTEN policies like this from companies advertising job openings: "Candidates with prior pharmaceutical experience will not be considered."

You guys remind me of that loser kid in college we all made fun of who would get all giddy about getting a smooch on the cheek from an okay looking girl. 100k IS NOT a great income. Answer this, can you achieve all your financial dreams on that? If the answer is no its time to set the standard higher. By the way, if you are older than 30 and still in primary care you are in serious need of a career reassessment.

The same wiki page defines Upper Middle Class, the top 15% of people (not households) as:

Highly-educated (often with graduate degrees) professionals & managers with household incomes varying from the high 5-figure range to commonly above $100,000. (2005 data).

So the poster here has likely got an undergraduate degree only, and still is getting a $120,000.00 annual paycheck (unless he's blowing smoke, which he likely is) and that exceeds the upper limit of upper middle class (in 2005), plus a car and gas, 401-k, etc. etc.

Does anyone think that's not really excellent compensation, particularly considering what you really do all day on the job? Good luck after pharma. No one wants to hire someone with an attitude about what he's worth like that: It's one reason why you see WRITTEN policies like this from companies advertising job openings: "Candidates with prior pharmaceutical experience will not be considered."

WTF does 2005 have to do with the PRESENT? Fucking moron!!!!!!

New Us employment / income numbers are out today:

National income levels have dropped to a decade low.

Good luck, boy. If you think the pay at AZ is so meager, go try to come close in the market. My guess is you'd be very lucky to land a job anywhere at 1/2 of the fake $120,000.00 you write you make here. No car, lousy benefits.

Now call me names and continue living in your fantasy world. Then go ask for a siggie.

New Us employment / income numbers are out today:

National income levels have dropped to a decade low.

Good luck, boy. If you think the pay at AZ is so meager, go try to come close in the market. My guess is you'd be very lucky to land a job anywhere at 1/2 of the fake $120,000.00 you write you make here. No car, lousy benefits.

Now call me names and continue living in your fantasy world. Then go ask for a siggie.

I don't need to call you names because it is truly sad to see you think 100K is a great income. Very sad.