6815 medical sales reps?

Well, finally some traction! I received a rejection notice saying that my credentials are good enough for future positions, just not this one. At least they are moving forward. Good luck to the rest of the candidates. Keep your resume active, though.

Well, finally some traction! I received a rejection notice saying that my credentials are good enough for future positions, just not this one. At least they are moving forward. Good luck to the rest of the candidates. Keep your resume active, though.

Be thankful a start up like Exact has themselves out to be making billions on a test that nobody even knows what the reimbursement will be. From a rep standpoint nobody will make $ unless they make you a Direct employee fast (2 yr contract) and they give you thousands of options which also won't happen. It's a smoke and mirrors show you will make like $30-50 a test if you're lucky and that will take a good 6 months.

Well, finally some traction! I received a rejection notice saying that my credentials are good enough for future positions, just not this one. At least they are moving forward. Good luck to the rest of the candidates. Keep your resume active, though.

It's a stool test to PCP I've never heard of a job like this till now it is bottom feeding plain and simple.

Exact is like Joseph Smith and the magic scrolls . The fact that Exact projects their revenue to be close to 60% plus of the revenue of Quest the largest diagnostic lab does is beyond moronic. Do they really think people are this dumb seems to be the case.