6815 medical sales reps?

I just took the online assessment for this position and I was told to wait for interviews week of May 19th with offer being given by june 8...The actual job start date is July 7th, its a 2 yr contract with company wanting to take good reps direct after first yr depending on sale.
I got this info straight from a quintiles staffing agent yesterday.

I took my assessment last night had phone interview Wednesday. The questions were pretty simple basic in nature and lasted about 20 minutes...ran through my resume and to and spoke about a few experiences. Assessment was about 32 questions and you have 1 hr and 15 min to take it but should only take about 40 min.

I just took the online assessment for this position and I was told to wait for interviews week of May 19th with offer being given by june 8...The actual job start date is July 7th, its a 2 yr contract with company wanting to take good reps direct after first yr depending on sale.
I got this info straight from a quintiles staffing agent yesterday.

Was the staffing agent you spoke with out of Florida?

Thx I know who the company is and I would much rather work direct for them . PC calls for this is bs the dr's who will use this will be GI's. If you read the job posting from Quintiles the company name is listed in the posting.

No, the target physicians to use this will be primary care.
If you know anything about GI you will know that GI's like to scope. This test will eat into their $, so they are not the call point.
I was told PC and OBGYN.

I had a first f2f yesterday and the Area Mgr was also there for Exact Sciences to cut out an extra step of interviewing. The next interview will be with the RBD....for whomever is chosen.

I have a second interview this week with the Exact Sciences District Manager and Regional Director.
Has anyone been given a definite salary yet? Is it 75K across the board? Does experience matter?

Not all regions have a hired Sales Manager yet. Those regions in that have one, will likely get an interview sooner. Others will have to wait until the week of June 9th or shortly thereafter, until a manager for their said district is in place.

Not all regions have a hired Sales Manager yet. Those regions in that have one, will likely get an interview sooner. Others will have to wait until the week of June 9th or shortly thereafter, until a manager for their said district is in place.

Thanks! Do you know if there is a Midwest or a Great Lakes Regional yet? Has anyone interviewed for the PA or OH territories?