Perfect Poster here: If you think you should change your answer, then do it. Its nice when you know what that answer was that may have been the issue. I say change your answer.

I myself have been concerned about the phone screen, wondering if it is gonna be a standard phone screen or the Lilly test. I have had a couple of different hints but they both contradict...I was originally told don't get distracted while doing the screen as if you don't pass you don't move forward. Then I was also told it is a standard phone screen. I am gonna keep researching..cuz I have my screen early next week.

Now I want you to get on this contract, as well as myself get on the contract..so I can spend most of training trying to figure out who you are..

Dear Perfect Post,

That'il be fun ... (but I'm just a schlep moving in the shadows of anonymity).

I know we would point and smile,

So ... “Oh to be Juan” is sure to be one? How come you're so sure?

Hope you’re right.

They have 500 positions to fill, basically in 2 weeks. They don't have the time to administer exams. They don't have the time for 2 interviews. Even if they brought in only 3 people, that is 1500 people they have to interview. This is most likely a call from a recruiter, and 1 short interview and a job offer.

They have 500 positions to fill, basically in 2 weeks. They don't have the time to administer exams. They don't have the time for 2 interviews. Even if they brought in only 3 people, that is 1500 people they have to interview. This is most likely a call from a recruiter, and 1 short interview and a job offer.

Cool ... yep, very cool.

Perfect Poster Here: I agree with you O2b1 - no time fo the lilly quiz you took before, also heard this from a manager. With the time constraints they need to get an interview rolling. I also heard the same scenario - brief interview - then offer from recruiters.

I did however read on the innovex board on there 6566 thread, that someone got emailed an assessment, the phone screen scheduled after that. I asked if they were internal or not. I got the email to set up my phone screen, and did so, that is all I have gotten.

Dear Perfect Post and Cool...Yep,

Nothing so far like that for me ... however I did get a thorough work up for Colcrys the Wonder Drug.

Perhaps that’il do.


Today, Saturday I got an e-mail: I am to choose either a phone interview or an online assessment. Either one will take 1 hour. Anyone have any idea on why the choice or which one would be better?

I applied this past Thursday and have not received an email or gotten a call. Was I too late??

I am not a former Quintiles employee, but I actually have the perfect background for this position (experience in diabetes, CV and have also sold anti-depressants - thinking about Cymbalta). I've worked for big pharma but am currently with another contract company (contract about to end). So I don't make TOO much money for the job and I shouldn't have TOO much experience, just the right amount I would think (6-8 years).

Any idea if they're just looking at former employees right now? Any chance calls could still go out? I'm afraid since they're moving so fast that it's going to be a crap shoot because they won't even look through all the resumes submitted or it's all about who you know.


I applied this past Thursday and have not received an email or gotten a call. Was I too late??

I am not a former Quintiles employee, but I actually have the perfect background for this position (experience in diabetes, CV and have also sold anti-depressants - thinking about Cymbalta). I've worked for big pharma but am currently with another contract company (contract about to end). So I don't make TOO much money for the job and I shouldn't have TOO much experience, just the right amount I would think (6-8 years).

Any idea if they're just looking at former employees right now? Any chance calls could still go out? I'm afraid since they're moving so fast that it's going to be a crap shoot because they won't even look through all the resumes submitted or it's all about who you know.


I am a former Quintiles employee with background in all three areas and applied 6/1/11. I have not received an email/call for an interview. Don't know what they really are looking for. Obviously being a former employee is irrelevant!

I am a former Quintiles employee with background in all three areas and applied 6/1/11. I have not received an email/call for an interview. Don't know what they really are looking for. Obviously being a former employee is irrelevant!

Same situation here, former Q rep and no email, but I am not in a major market. Do know of former rep that got email who was in a major market.

I am a former Quintiles employee with background in all three areas and applied 6/1/11. I have not received an email/call for an interview. Don't know what they really are looking for. Obviously being a former employee is irrelevant!

Yes! 2 whole business days since they received your wondrous application and they have the nerve not to all! What insensitive bastards! Don't they realize how special you think you are?!

Yes! 2 whole business days since they received your wondrous application and they have the nerve not to all! What insensitive bastards! Don't they realize how special you think you are?!

Very intuitive comment. You obviously missed the point. Previous posters have indicated that emails and phone interviews have already been set up. If you interrupt physician responses the way that you have interrupted my comment...........you're an idiot!

Very intuitive comment. You obviously missed the point. Previous posters have indicated that emails and phone interviews have already been set up. If you interrupt physician responses the way that you have interrupted my comment...........you're an idiot!

Let me correct my spelling errors, due to anger at your insensitive comment!

I meant "If you interpret physician responses in the way that you have interpreted my comment.........you're an idiot!"

Everyone chill out. And whoever you are with your smart a$$ think your special comment, get off this thread, it has actually been a good thread with no bs where people can actually get some info, because we are trying to get jobs.

Now..what I do know additionally, is that the recruiters had a more clarifying cc on thursday. Also - when I scheduled my phone screen, there were appointments for all day, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and even Friday. So there is plenty of time for phone calls to set up your phone screen. I wouldn't be concerned till mid weekish.

O2b1 -Perfect Poster here- I got the same colcrys work up....was told my interview and product detail was amazing, and here I am, hoping to get on this contract. Rep that got it must have performed a miracle in thier interview, cuz I thought amazing was pretty damn good. :)

Everyone chill out. And whoever you are with your smart a$$ think your special comment, get off this thread, it has actually been a good thread with no bs where people can actually get some info, because we are trying to get jobs.

Now..what I do know additionally, is that the recruiters had a more clarifying cc on thursday. Also - when I scheduled my phone screen, there were appointments for all day, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and even Friday. So there is plenty of time for phone calls to set up your phone screen. I wouldn't be concerned till mid weekish.

O2b1 -Perfect Poster here- I got the same colcrys work up....was told my interview and product detail was amazing, and here I am, hoping to get on this contract. Rep that got it must have performed a miracle in thier interview, cuz I thought amazing was pretty damn good. :)

Thanks for your rationale feedback!

Everyone chill out. And whoever you are with your smart a$$ think your special comment, get off this thread, it has actually been a good thread with no bs where people can actually get some info, because we are trying to get jobs.

Now..what I do know additionally, is that the recruiters had a more clarifying cc on thursday. Also - when I scheduled my phone screen, there were appointments for all day, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and even Friday. So there is plenty of time for phone calls to set up your phone screen. I wouldn't be concerned till mid weekish.

O2b1 -Perfect Poster here- I got the same colcrys work up....was told my interview and product detail was amazing, and here I am, hoping to get on this contract. Rep that got it must have performed a miracle in thier interview, cuz I thought amazing was pretty damn good. :)

Hey Perfect Post,

Keep it right here if we don’t get this gig.

Just sayen,