Do you you give O2 a complimentary reach around while driving it home or do you charge extra for that?

So, what's the deal Happen ... just have to have the last word?

You, you know, there's no cure for being short but you could increase your stature. It would take some time but you may find that finally; the other kids on the playground wouldn't shun you.

Now say something and prove me right ...


(Hey AFKAY 'et al, thanks for checking in ... phone thingie tomorrow wish me luck Yankee.)

I had pretty thorough interview with Janssen DM. Told I will hear back from Q since they are make the offers or dtermine the next steps - looks like Janssen DM has to give the "thumbs up" or else it's a no go. He said that his level of intensity is so high because he wants people on the team that he would hire directly and that would be a posibility in the future.

I had pretty thorough interview with Janssen DM. Told I will hear back from Q since they are make the offers or dtermine the next steps - looks like Janssen DM has to give the "thumbs up" or else it's a no go. He said that his level of intensity is so high because he wants people on the team that he would hire directly and that would be a posibility in the future.

The interviews do not start until Monday dumbass, nice try.

I had pretty thorough interview with Janssen DM. Told I will hear back from Q since they are make the offers or dtermine the next steps - looks like Janssen DM has to give the "thumbs up" or else it's a no go. He said that his level of intensity is so high because he wants people on the team that he would hire directly and that would be a posibility in the future.

You don't understand the process do you, the reason Janssen is hiring q is to add voice to a product launch. After two years they will drop the the extra voice, q. They are looking for experienced reps who can step in, not newbies they have to train.

If you interviw this week, when can you expect an answer as to the final decision? i know the start date is sept 19th but have not been given insight as to how quick decisions will be made? any feedback will be appreciated. Interviewing with two different contract companies and quintiles by far stands out over the other.

If you interviw this week, when can you expect an answer as to the final decision? i know the start date is sept 19th but have not been given insight as to how quick decisions will be made? any feedback will be appreciated. Interviewing with two different contract companies and quintiles by far stands out over the other.

Providing this is your final interview I can't imagine it taking very long.
Should be down to two people per slot at this point.