Why is the drug Xarelto being promoted as a Bayer med on internet web sites?

Will it be promoted as a Janssen and Bayer med?

I know that Bayer is also a J&J company like Janssen. I am just wondering if there can be any changes in the contract for Q and that maybe there will not be a contract. I am a positive person and have received a call, plus to interview, but will Xareltro be promoted by all three sales forces? Janssen; Bayer; and Quintiles?????

For the record, Bayer is not a J&J company like Janssen. Bayer Heathcare AG is an independent Co. Based in Germany. Part of Bayer was sold to Schering Plough 2004( Primary care products Avelox, Levitra, CiproXR. Bayer co-developed Xarelto with J&J

I have a f2f in kentucky tomorrow. I am nervous because I have been out of work for a while and really want this position. Any suggestions from other J and J interviews?

Had my interview this am and was told I was moving on to the next step with a Jansen manager! Sounds like a decent contract. The only real negative is No car, but hey, can't be too picky these days!

I have a f2f scheduled for the end of the week with Quintiles manager. When and where will the next iv take place? I know it will be with a Janssen manager. Any other different news than what has already been posted?

Sounds more like a circle jerk and cluster . . . . . . . .

You're brilliant! Every time you post it's the most mature, intelligent well thought out message ever typed on a keyboard! Please, post a picture of yourself and let us all know how we can personally contact someone like you with such great intellectual depth!

I have a F2F next week. Anyone had there's yet? If so, what's the focus of the IV? Has anyone heard when they hope to have the team hired by? I hear start date is Sept. 18.

Do they want you to bring a "Brag Book"?

No need to take a "brag book" with you as the job only requires that you show enough strength to pick up, hold and then deliver pizzas, donuts or platters full of sandwiches for the fatties in the office. A BA/BS is NOT required and no sales experience required. Too bad that Nova misrepresented the job description.

You're brilliant! Every time you post it's the most mature, intelligent well thought out message ever typed on a keyboard! Please, post a picture of yourself and let us all know how we can personally contact someone like you with such great intellectual depth!

Calm down douche nozzle. It's cafe pharma not a Stanford round table. What a little biatch.