Life is tough! Times are tough! Being strung along for weeks only adds to the stress.
You are not alone...But get your self together and go apply for any and all possible jobs you can. It may not be the best income, however, it will be something and it will keep you busy.


Jury is not in yet on thus contract, although nucytnta ER needs promotion, and represents revenue. Thus still have the 1st indication in Xarelto, and depending on Thursday's panel review, he AF indication will be delayed possibly.

The contract could easily still start, with the 2nd and 3rd indications getting approved,must delayed according to plan.

My bet is that the contract is on is major territories, and most likely the contract will still move forward in all territories.

Nucynta ER needs to get in pharmacies, so this is a driving force to move forward with the contract. And Xarelto still has the knee/hip replacement indication against pulmonary embolism.

So the only thing that would rock this boat hard would be if the FDA removed the drug from the market entirely, even though it's 1st indic. was approved in July for the US.

I would think everybody should know by Friday after dust settles from Thursday advisory board meeting, and FDA's reaction to them, they can rule anyway they want. Just an advisory board.

FDA will make final call in about 12 hours.

Have you considered a band gig on the Titanic?

J&J has more than enough warm bodies already for the current products and indications.
Nucynta ER. Uhhhm sure. Hip and knee indication is hardly enough for a contract sales force.

Let it go. This one is over.

fuck quintiles fuvk janssen where they breathe....way to waste 4 valuable weeks of my life...way to lead me on...when i should of diligently been interviewing elsewhere...and u wonder why all teh reps rape the expense account....an eye for an puta...may this whole fucking industry burn....we bail out the banks for 7 billion...but can't get an honest fucking answer from our potential employer...burn down the system...the whole world is imploding and those in white collars are doing ther most illegal shit...the doctors the lawyers the judges...we will not have revolution until we unite and kill the greed...

You can thank your wonderful gubament and the FDA.

I doubt 4 weeks of your life is particularly "valuable" as you are unemployed and sound like a dumb SOB. Not a good skill set for potential employers.

Have you checked local car washes? I noticed mine typically has a couple of losers not unlike yourself around to run the towels.
You would probably be “OK” there as song as they kept you away from sharp objects.

Have you considered a band gig on the Titanic?

J&J has more than enough warm bodies already for the current products and indications.
Nucynta ER. Uhhhm sure. Hip and knee indication is hardly enough for a contract sales force.

Let it go. This one is over.

So since yesterday DSM said contract was was, how will thus go down ?

So since yesterday DSM said contract was was, how will thus go down ?

Official "thumbs down" from FDA panel this afternoon.

J&J notifies Quinitiles they aer "out".

Quintiles will send out blanket generic e-mail letting candidates know the gig is dead.

Could happen by COB on Friday or it could be Monday.

Official "thumbs down" from FDA panel this afternoon.

J&J notifies Quinitiles they aer "out".

Quintiles will send out blanket generic e-mail letting candidates know the gig is dead.

Could happen by COB on Friday or it could be Monday.

Another lie from the Pfizer guy. The review has not at all been a negative slam dunk against Xarelto, no decision yet, they're just starting the afternoon session. you're an asshole.

this news 'blows'....... I am still being that eternal optimist. There were originally 5 drugs to promote and internal medicine is a needed area to call upon. Not giving up hope yet.