Nope, wrong contract. This one is $.555/mile only, sent to you as 1099 income, you buy the car, the gas, the insurance, the maintenance, everything and use your mileage reimbursement to pay for it. You're very welcome.

All of this is true except that the mileage reimbursement is not 1099 income. Your mileage is reported on your monthly expense report and you are reimbursed directly. It is not taxable income.

had 2 q interviews with same dm in delaware, face to face with janssen haven't heard shit yet, my understanding is still have to interview with rbm but everyone has been sketchy beyond belief. I was told that they want to have g=hiring complete by labor day also. Good luck everyone!

They are screening to hire new reps for themselves, these are two huge product launches with a lot of money at stake, why wouldn't they want those who fit with their plans? The whole idea that CSOs are "temporary help" is over, the game has changed and we are a bigger part of it. I'm a little tired of those with CSO experience who believe, and this is a direct quote from someone I know from 6122, that "All I have to do is go to an office, be nice and talk to the staff, leave samples and get nice bonus checks." Any of you who aren't willing to prepare for an interview on this type of contract like you're preparing for a direct interview don't deserve the position, the days of letting others do your heavy lifting while you dick around with no responsibility are over.

Spoken by someone who knows nothing about the situation here.

1) You hire contractors because it costs millions to lay off large numbers of people (which is what Janssen did in 2009). Contractors are temps.
2) Thinking Nucynta is a billion dollar drug is delusional.
3) Expecting Nucynta-ER to be a billion dollar drug is optimistic, possibly very optimistic.
4) Specialists are going to drive Xarelto use. The need for primary care coverage here is grossly overestimated.
5) Access has dramatically dropped since the early 2000's. Paying armies of pc salespeople to saturate offices is so-90's.

Buy a clue. These are temporary jobs that will rarely (if ever) turn into permanent Janssen positions. When Janssen finally wakes up to realize how few calls per day this large sales force can actually perform, they'll figure out that their permanent sales force is plenty large enough to do the job. Those who believe otherwise are kidding themselves.

I was told that offers would definitely be delivered this week. Apparently, all offers have been approved by Quintiles and are now waiting for JNJ approval. Start date might be moved a week later for some. Does anyone feel as if this contract is in jeopardy? I am counting on this job!

How often are contracts terminated early and what is the process if that does happen. Unemployment? Thanks for your insight

Some reps on Contract 7048 had their contract terminated early and received 60 days pay and benefits. They were eligible to collect unemployment. Depending on the state, unemployment may habe begun right away, even while still receiving a Quintiles paycheck but not working, or in some states after the 60 days.

Let's hope so. Waiting is the worst and I'm starting to think the start date is going to be pushed back because Quintiles will have a hard time getting offers out, paperwork returned, etc by Sept 19.

The Janssen 6517 contract has been rescinded by the client. This information per my recruiter in the east. Janssen received unfavorable info from the fda regarding xarelto and new indication. There is talk of a new quintiles contract in the works for a very large sales force. Good luck everyone!

Let's hope so. Waiting is the worst and I'm starting to think the start date is going to be pushed back because Quintiles will have a hard time getting offers out, paperwork returned, etc by Sept 19.

From what I heard start date is still the same and offers will go out today, they will devide and conquer to confirm with everyone who has already been put on notice that they have been hired...then it will use next 2 weeks to complete background checks, etc

I am one of those waiting myself

The Janssen 6517 contract has been rescinded by the client. This information per my recruiter in the east. Janssen received unfavorable info from the fda regarding xarelto and new indication. There is talk of a new quintiles contract in the works for a very large sales force. Good luck everyone!


I got the same information from a friend at quintiles this morning. They are just as disappointed in the cancellation. Keep watching for another posting for an upcoming new contract.