6517 Update?

I haven't worked since April. I'm not sure I'll remember how. Loving this life of no stress. Janssen, are you sure you want leftovers?

That's what we are. Leftover, waiting and desperate.

That's what you are! Probably my team member at my last position who threw everyone under the bus, never did their job and yet survived a few more months by pretending to have something to offer. Can't stand these types in this industry - they cheapen the profession.

Yep - anger management when projects don't go right and the culture gets ugly, chronic complaining and reps or managers throw others under the bus.

Won't happen with this project - people selected are class acts!

I understand the frustration but not the anger, they're not treating us poorly they're working through their process. Waiting isn't stopping any of us from working our current job, applying to other opportunities or interviewing. I know 2 people who accepted other positions and I don't know anyone who has stopped interviewing outside of Quintiles. If all your eggs are in this basket and you're stressed out and angry it's probably time to shop for additional baskets and fill them with different eggs. Crappy analogy but I'm a rep, not a writer.

I will say I stopped interviewing for a couple of weeks because, for me, I have to be 100% committed to a process and company when I am interviewing. At this point, I am over it and am interviewing again.

Go fuck yourself. Your obviously the same tool from last week. First of all, Asswipe, the recruiters aren't making the offers. Second of all your game is old. Go troll on someone else's board.

Same crickets here... you start to wonder if you really are the "one". I will post if I hear anything and I promise only information that is true.

I have also been waiting for weeks but I am glad for the wait because I have decided to stay with my current company. I was already to bail and take a job on this contract but things have turned around in the last couple of weeks so thanks for the delay Janssen and I hope this works out for those waiting but I would keep looking!!