6517 Update?

My contact, direct employee of Janssen, says that they had conference call yesterday and was advised they are moving forward on Xarelto and hiring. he said we will hear something very soon.

My Q manger confirmed this on friday by a phone call, not an email. So I am feeling better that this is FINALLY going to happen.

My contact, direct employee of Janssen, says that they had conference call yesterday and was advised they are moving forward on Xarelto and hiring. he said we will hear something very soon.

My Q manger confirmed this on friday by a phone call, not an email. So I am feeling better that this is FINALLY going to happen.

Have a friend who is in line for a direct hire with Janssen in a territory close to mine, that hiring has been delayed just like ours but now Janssen is saying start date of 10-17 or 10-24, seems like this message is becoming pretty consistent with what we're hearing about our offers.