same here....still progressive hear something on the 28th.
Nice try poster #58. You tried to pull this one yesterday. You're a douche.
welcome to quintiles!!! Where information is NOT forthcoming!
Spoke w/my Q manager at length this morning. Q has no information to give...they are in the same boat as us. The decisions are being made way up the Janssen chain of command. Jansen DM's and regional's don't even know what the hell is going on. When Q gets info they will share it with us.
I just have to vent-
They treat us like this because they can.....What kind of business keeps people on a string (and for some its "second string") dangling a carrot for weeks. Not giving any details because they do not need to. They have NO respect for us, yet, we continue to bow and wait, and wait, and wait....because we are willing to do whatever to support our families.
Crap do you feel like you need to start smoking?
welcome to quintiles!!! Where information is NOT forthcoming!
I dont expect any offer until after the FDA votes on the Afib indication. The fact that a hand full of Q reps have already been put on this contract means nothing because Qunitiles can just put them on for 30 days and have them wait until the FDA vote. Perhaps the first week with the company will be a launch meeting in San Diego, who knows but Q can stop with the bs updates and just tell everyone to hold tight until early November.
This contract is not just about afib!!!! It would be stupid to have the first week be a launch meeting when nobody has been trained on the disease state or product, there are other products, other products with upcoming new indications and more new indications for Xarelto. Back up off your whole "Nothing will happen until afib is approved thing", you're wrong and your rants are old! My rant is fresh BTW.
This contract is not just about afib!!!! It would be stupid to have the first week be a launch meeting when nobody has been trained on the disease state or product, there are other products, other products with upcoming new indications and more new indications for Xarelto. Back up off your whole "Nothing will happen until afib is approved thing", you're wrong and your rants are old! My rant is fresh BTW.
I agree. Afib shook them up but they need bodies selling n er and x with existing indications. Waiting til the fourth of nov is not going to happen. They need to fill territories before that; maybe not all that they thought. If afib comes either first or third line, that may create additional hiring.
They do not need bodies to sell "x" until it gets the afib. Hip and Knee replacement is a very small piece of the pie.
Has anyone heard if the Janssen CV reps are being moved into retail? Maybe that is why the Quintiles contract is on that they can see what spots need to be filled just in case the a fib indication isn't as strong as was hoped and they have to move those specialty reps into the spots that the Quintiles reps would have filled. The only Q positions that would be filled then would be those where there wasn't a displaced specialty rep. This could be the territory analysis that is taking place.
I actually spoke with the J&J CV rep in my area, we used to work together and he said this has not been discussed because the company is very confident they will get the Afib indication. Even if they dont get first line indication, the CV group will still have something to sell to Cards, not the the prefect scenerio but better than nothing. Only sharing what I was told.
OK-random thought. If the home study is 4 weeks and we go to company training on November 7, then would we not start on October 11? Perhaps that is what the wait is about? I'm just looking for hope people!