60 Minutes

I see that you're a Conservative.*


We can describe it like this.
We can describe it like that.

It's just word salad at the end of the day.


Just like this one:

The great irony is that "civilization's downfall" doesn't necessarily require a hopeless, criminal, mentally ill rotten apples of an underclass social system.
We've always had an underclass, just the names and hues have changed over time, yet "civilization" kept on keeping on.


Truth is, current "civilization's downfall" will result from the prevailing "order" / "system" guiding human affairs since the last major turning point, an "order" / "system" which has so far been dependent on continual expansion no matter what the cost.


We just can't get enough, can we?


The choice is yours.


*If I've misread your bias, then say so.
Pro tip: I'm neither mainstream "liberal" nor "conservative". You can just consider me "radical" if you desire.

I have only a bias for facts, knowledge, wisdom, rational thought, logic, sanity... You know, many of the qualities that used to be a prerequisite for successful human existence. Good thing for you, government subsidizes stupity.

If I were to consider you at all, it would be YouTube Master Cut-N-Paster in Chief.

I have only a bias for facts, knowledge, wisdom, rational thought, logic, sanity... You know, many of the qualities that used to be a prerequisite for successful human existence. Good thing for you, government subsidizes stupity.

If I were to consider you at all, it would be YouTube Master Cut-N-Paster in Chief.

There is so much META going on in the posts here.


It's been fun.

There is so much META going on in the posts here.


It's been fun.

It has been my experience that only douchebags use the term "META"

Try dealing with reality.... ALL GOING OVER YOUR HEAD.

Your so-called "META" posts never seem to grasp or address reality.

I would like to say it's been "fun", but then again I have a life.

The "economy" is not an altar to be worshipped unquestioningly. It is a man-made construct, and in our current economic framework, one that is built upon a principle of profit maximization from human and other natural resources. Unfortunately, endless economic expansion is unsustainably, incompatible with the laws of "facts, knowledge, wisdom, rational thought, logic, sanity".

If we do not transform the structure of the status quo, over the next century we will see the Earth's natural processes become more antagonistic to our and other species. I will leave it to you to ponder the implications for "current civilization".

Bear this in mind. 9 billion people by 2050, and we are blowing through our resources at an extremely unsustainable rate already.

Think about it.

Or not.

And... to your fake Latin I say, ex nihilo nihil fit.

Hopefully it's not too META for you, because I mean it very literally.
It sums you up PERFECTLY.

For the audience watching.

nihilo nihil fit = "Out of nothing comes nothing", a concept first expressed by one of the Greek classic philosophers Parmenides.

You be the judge.

Fama fraternitatis. Paracelsus. Novartis. You. Me.

All inter-connected.

The Rosicrucians are a legendary esoteric Order first publicly documented in the early 17th century. They are said to have the power to heal the sick, work miracles and even possess the secret of immortality. Join us on a journey of discovery into the secret world of magic, heresy and alchemy to discover the true secrets of Rosicrusianism.


For the audience watching.

nihilo nihil fit = "Out of nothing comes nothing", a concept first expressed by one of the Greek classic philosophers Parmenides.

You be the judge.

I have already made my judgement.

It is obvious, neither you nor your YouTube videos are capable of changing that.

The inescapable truth is that you have nothing to offer of any value.

Now... go copy-n-paste some more fake Latin. I guess morons like you would call it Meta-Latin.

The "economy" is not an altar to be worshipped unquestioningly. It is a man-made construct, and in our current economic framework, one that is built upon a principle of profit maximization from human and other natural resources. Unfortunately, endless economic expansion is unsustainably, incompatible with the laws of "facts, knowledge, wisdom, rational thought, logic, sanity".

If we do not transform the structure of the status quo, over the next century we will see the Earth's natural processes become more antagonistic to our and other species. I will leave it to you to ponder the implications for "current civilization".

Bear this in mind. 9 billion people by 2050, and we are blowing through our resources at an extremely unsustainable rate already.

Think about it.

Or not.

The Earth has a process that is capable of becoming antagonistic toward us?
Does the Earth have an immune system? Are we humans, like a virus?

There is ZERO evidence that we are "blowing through our resources at an extremely unsustainable rate".

You are like a child who has watched The Lorax one too many times.

Grow the fuck up.

The Earth has a process that is capable of becoming antagonistic toward us?
Does the Earth have an immune system? Are we humans, like a virus?

There is ZERO evidence that we are "blowing through our resources at an extremely unsustainable rate".

You are like a child who has watched The Lorax one too many times.

Grow the fuck up.

You are an obviously an ignorant and greedy NUTTER.
No concern but for your own immediate comfort and reward.
Yep,..it's a great world!
No immune system, sadly, or opportunistic infections such as you would have been weeded out after a brief fever.
So "lecture" on.

You are an obviously an ignorant and greedy NUTTER.
No concern but for your own immediate comfort and reward.
Yep,..it's a great world!
No immune system, sadly, or opportunistic infections such as you would have been weeded out after a brief fever.
So "lecture" on.

It is you, who is lecturing on... I imagine you, on your truffula tree stump, babbling on like The Lorax.

I am not wasteful. I do not litter. I even participate in our local recycling program... but, for you environmentalist whackos, it's never enough. You have to dictate that we all live like cavemen.
You must control our lightbulbs, toilets, cars, the food we eat, etc., etc., etc.


The rising of the Sun in the East and the setting in the West is not a conqueror to kneel before - but a challenge to rise to. A challenge we must rise to.

The falling of the leaves in the Fall is not a conqueror to kneel before - but a challenge to rise to. A challenge we must rise to.

Nightfall is not a conqueror to kneel before - but a challenge to rise to. A challenge we must rise to.

The Ocean tides are not a conqueror to kneel before - but a challenge to rise to. A challenge we must rise to.

Shall I continue moron?