52-Week High pulled thread again???

There is no BIG-PHARMA.... this socialist regime has obliterated this industry just like everything else it touches. Need I remind you that Novartis was forced to reduce its sales force by 70% a little over a year ago.

It is true, Government is far too involved with medicine. Government sets-up the system and all the companies try to find ways to exploit it. Government needs to get the fuck out. Allow free-markets to work.

anyone who claims that US medicine is, before 'Obama Care", a 'ree market", is someone who deserves to live on the salary that they will get after Novartis continues on its current trend and throws even more of you turds out onto the street. And the stock price goes up!

Go wall street, go.

Fuckin' moron.

anyone who claims that US medicine is, before 'Obama Care", a 'ree market", is someone who deserves to live on the salary that they will get after Novartis continues on its current trend and throws even more of you turds out onto the street. And the stock price goes up!

Go wall street, go.

Fuckin' moron.

Hello... MORON? I said medicine is not a free market and that is precisely why it is broken. However, the status quo is much more of a free-market than Obamacare. I want less government involvement while leeches like you advocate for more.

Hello... MORON? I said medicine is not a free market and that is precisely why it is broken. However, the status quo is much more of a free-market than Obamacare. I want less government involvement while leeches like you advocate for more.

Its more of a "free market" for mostly white people who are enjoying the fruits of Govt subsidized Employer provided healthcare.

"Keep your hands off of my Medicare! (current health insurnace)" because it is less socialistic than Obama Care that will give the same subsidies to everyone.

not only is are you total scumbag parasite becuase you work for pharma but you are a hypocritcal one because you like your govt subsidized healthcare but think it too "socialist" when it is extended to everyone.


Its more of a "free market" for mostly white people who are enjoying the fruits of Govt subsidized Employer provided healthcare.

"Keep your hands off of my Medicare! (current health insurnace)" because it is less socialistic than Obama Care that will give the same subsidies to everyone.

not only is are you total scumbag parasite becuase you work for pharma but you are a hypocritcal one because you like your govt subsidized healthcare but think it too "socialist" when it is extended to everyone.


How is my healthcare insurance at novsartis subsidized?

Its more of a "free market" for mostly white people who are enjoying the fruits of Govt subsidized Employer provided healthcare.

"Keep your hands off of my Medicare! (current health insurnace)" because it is less socialistic than Obama Care that will give the same subsidies to everyone.

not only is are you total scumbag parasite becuase you work for pharma but you are a hypocritcal one because you like your govt subsidized healthcare but think it too "socialist" when it is extended to everyone.


Yes Moron.... If I am to accept your absolutely ludicrous premise, which I don't, the number of working people are less than the total US population. So even if my insurance was subsidized by the government, wouldn't more people (the entire US population) being subsidized equal more socialism than the current system? Get your calculator and do the math. Total population minus working people. Total population > working people. Surely even your dumb-ass can comprehend that.

Now understand this.... I want less government involvement. I want more free-markets. More free-markets equals more freedom generally. And that is what you liberal morons despise most... Freedom. You want government to control everything, because you think government can pick winners and losers better than free people using their freedom of choice. Pathetic!

wait....isn't obamacare taking govt out of the picture and making people purchase insurance through the 'free market' system? Right now, anybody with no insurance can get sick and be 'covered' at the expense of the taxpayer.

And how is the NVS insurance 'subsidized' by the government exactly?

Lastly - let's get govt out of the pharma industry. Let them produce any drug they want and sell it any way they want - free enterprise indeed!! It will definitely work because all those corporate leaders have an altruistic streak running deep in their bones.

wait....isn't obamacare taking govt out of the picture and making people purchase insurance through the 'free market' system? Right now, anybody with no insurance can get sick and be 'covered' at the expense of the taxpayer.

And how is the NVS insurance 'subsidized' by the government exactly?

Lastly - let's get govt out of the pharma industry. Let them produce any drug they want and sell it any way they want - free enterprise indeed!! It will definitely work because all those corporate leaders have an altruistic streak running deep in their bones.

Government "making people purchase" ANYTHING has NOTHING to do with Free Markets. And how is government forcing people to do anything somehow more "altruistic" than free people making free choices to choose or not choose any legal product they desire???

You are clearly a moron too? Go back to school or just cut-n-paste some liberal chant.

Go ask Wesley Snipes how Altruistic the government is. Go ask anybody who has been audited by the IRS how Altruistic the government is.

Now go worship government, you DRONE!

Government "making people purchase" ANYTHING has NOTHING to do with Free Markets. And how is government forcing people to do anything somehow more "altruistic" than free people making free choices to choose or not choose any legal product they desire???

You are clearly a moron too? Go back to school or just cut-n-paste some liberal chant.

Yo moron....my point is that we are paying for those people anyway with our tax dollars. Why is putting the onus on them to be a bit more responsible and put some skin in the game such a bad idea? If the republicans had come up with this idea, it would have been the greatest thing for your half and a complete violation of rights from the left. go figure.

Yo moron....my point is that we are paying for those people anyway with our tax dollars. Why is putting the onus on them to be a bit more responsible and put some skin in the game such a bad idea? If the republicans had come up with this idea, it would have been the greatest thing for your half and a complete violation of rights from the left. go figure.

You so misunderstand how Obamacare works, rather how it doesn't work. 31 million Americans will remain uninsured. How do you think people who go can't afford insurance now will magically begin to afford it under Obamacare? Answer: They won't. Obamacare is about redistribution of wealth. I am ALL for personal accountability, but Obamacare is the furthest thing from it.

And despite your obvious expert insight, NVS continues to make gains... even with over a 260 pt. drop in the DIJA yesterday. Oops, there goes your theory that a rising tide lifts all boats. For example, has Suntech Power Holdings Co Ltd (NYSE: STP) been helped by the rising tide? Your knowledge is not even equivalent to a paper-tiger, you are just plain ol' paper.

The Swiss don't lie and the media believe everything that Novartis spins.