52-Week High pulled thread again???

Oh yeah, that's right. You, the great fortune telling guru, can see that I'll never get another job once I leave this stinkhole....

I'll ride this horse as far as it goes and then parlay my education and experience for another high paying gig. On top of that, I'll continue to trade the markets with stellar acumen and live the life of luxury while whiny little peons like you cry that 'big pharma stole my future'.

If you think big pharma was the only industry dipping their stick, you should open your eyes....we're probably the 4th or 5th largest wang in your backside.

Money talks, BS walks....trickle down economics is alive and well - except what's trickling is taxpayer funds into the pockets of all big business and their paid for crony politicians.

You are a Ford Taurus company car driving Pharma crack ho - how much education can you have?

Yes I am - and I make a decent buck for a job that gives me flexibility to do other things with my life....like get an mba from a top school, become proficient at trading the markets through classes & seminars and enjoy time with my family. For work/life balance, this job really isn't so bad. And when I'm done here (whether via them or me) - I'll have plenty of choices on what to do next.

So go back to your Xbox and kill a bunch more zombies....

Yes I am - and I make a decent buck for a job that gives me flexibility to do other things with my life....like get an mba from a top school, become proficient at trading the markets through classes & seminars and enjoy time with my family. For work/life balance, this job really isn't so bad. And when I'm done here (whether via them or me) - I'll have plenty of choices on what to do next.

So go back to your Xbox and kill a bunch more zombies....

I don't know Sprout Offered MBA's. Let me guess, your case studies were supervised by Nina?

Realy though, takes someone with very little character to be proud of getting paid by a company gaming the system, using lobbiests to basically bribe Congressmen and using the Republican Party's Fat Old White Evangelical Men to "keep the govt hands off of thier Medicare". Feed at the trough - parasite.

I don't know Sprout Offered MBA's. Let me guess, your case studies were supervised by Nina?

Realy though, takes someone with very little character to be proud of getting paid by a company gaming the system, using lobbiests to basically bribe Congressmen and using the Republican Party's Fat Old White Evangelical Men to "keep the govt hands off of thier Medicare". Feed at the trough - parasite.

Here goes the communist again talking about parasites. Here's a question for you, since apparently you don't like lobbyists... Does Obamacare create more parasites and lobbyists or less? And which Old, fat Republican supported Obamacare?

it's amazing that people pick on the pharma industry so much - they are just like pretty much every industry in the world. pick one, any one, that doesn't have lobbyists filling politician pockets with cash to bend the rules their way. you like big oil? banking/investments? insurance companies? even down home with the little farmers collecting big dough to leave their fields fallow? the capitalist way rules the earth - what's in it for me? the only time people complain is when they aren't the first in line anymore.

and what does character have to do with holding a job that supports a family - we should all work for a non-profit for free? oh yeah, one of those 'charities' that pay their execs millions, just like the big boys....hmmmmm.

also, wtf are you doing on this site anyway?

Here goes the communist again talking about parasites. Here's a question for you, since apparently you don't like lobbyists... Does Obamacare create more parasites and lobbyists or less? And which Old, fat Republican supported Obamacare?

If you are over 65 you are twice as likely to be a Repub. If you beleive that the Bible is litterally true, word for word, like when the animals lined up "2 by 2" and walked into Noah's Ark you are 4 times more likely to be a Repub.

I am sure that there are a proportion of the ignorant morons who supported Obama Care but the same math science and math underpinning modern science can detirmine who mostlry supports the Repubs - and it ain't the edumacated ones.

PS - the morons. Unless you think that it is possible to believe in a litteral interpretation of the Bible and not be a moron.

it's amazing that people pick on the pharma industry so much - they are just like pretty much every industry in the world. pick one, any one, that doesn't have lobbyists filling politician pockets with cash to bend the rules their way. you like big oil? banking/investments? insurance companies? even down home with the little farmers collecting big dough to leave their fields fallow? the capitalist way rules the earth - what's in it for me? the only time people complain is when they aren't the first in line anymore.

and what does character have to do with holding a job that supports a family - we should all work for a non-profit for free? oh yeah, one of those 'charities' that pay their execs millions, just like the big boys....hmmmmm.

also, wtf are you doing on this site anyway?

Someone who makes the statement "what does character have to do . . ." deserves to be . . .themselves. You are truely a waste of a human life. You should have been born in Africa and had your young life snuffed out by pestilence or famine. What you have would have been much better deserved by someone else.

What am I doing "on this site"? Apperently making myself feel better by reading you and feeling good that I am not like you.

If you are over 65 you are twice as likely to be a Repub. If you beleive that the Bible is litterally true, word for word, like when the animals lined up "2 by 2" and walked into Noah's Ark you are 4 times more likely to be a Repub.

I am sure that there are a proportion of the ignorant morons who supported Obama Care but the same math science and math underpinning modern science can detirmine who mostlry supports the Repubs - and it ain't the edumacated ones.

PS - the morons. Unless you think that it is possible to believe in a litteral interpretation of the Bible and not be a moron.

Your twisted world-view is noted. Whenever you want to discuss reality, not democratic propaganda, just let me know.

Someone who makes the statement "what does character have to do . . ." deserves to be . . .themselves. You are truely a waste of a human life. You should have been born in Africa and had your young life snuffed out by pestilence or famine. What you have would have been much better deserved by someone else.

What am I doing "on this site"? Apperently making myself feel better by reading you and feeling good that I am not like you.

When, God forbid, one of your loved ones gets cancer, hopefully a Novartis treatment will be there to save their life. Only then might you understand the folly of your worthless world-view.

Someone who makes the statement "what does character have to do . . ." deserves to be . . .themselves. You are truely a waste of a human life. You should have been born in Africa and had your young life snuffed out by pestilence or famine. What you have would have been much better deserved by someone else.

What am I doing "on this site"? Apperently making myself feel better by reading you and feeling good that I am not like you.

The comment about what you are doing here was questioning why a non NVS employee would be reading the drivel on this site? My point is the entire corporate structure - globally, all industires - is basically corrupt and living the 'what's in it for me' life. So if you have a job - any job - you can probably trace the roots of your 'hard earned cash' back to a parasitic company leeching off the system. At least NVS is working to develop answers to some of the problems that plague the masses. They deserve to make a profit on the work that they do - just like all industries.

So go back to trolling sites you have no buisness being on, bashing hard working (OK maybe some aren't) people and feeling good about who you are because you aren't like 'us'....and tell mommy to put a bit more peanut butter on your sandwich, looks like you can use some extra protein.

When, God forbid, one of your loved ones gets cancer, hopefully a Novartis treatment will be there to save their life. Only then might you understand the folly of your worthless world-view.

All the while you are pushing branded drugs that could be substituted for generics.

Parasites are alwasys the same. "Look over there, it is worse so don't notice while I feed at the trough".

Got news for you - if Novartis stock price were based soley on its sales of oncology drugs, it would be practically worhtless.

But keep telling yourself what ever you need to in order to sleep at night.

Hey, after this pharma gig runs out for you, I heard they need sales people to sell cigarettes to school kids!

The comment about what you are doing here was questioning why a non NVS employee would be reading the drivel on this site? My point is the entire corporate structure - globally, all industires - is basically corrupt and living the 'what's in it for me' life. So if you have a job - any job - you can probably trace the roots of your 'hard earned cash' back to a parasitic company leeching off the system. At least NVS is working to develop answers to some of the problems that plague the masses. They deserve to make a profit on the work that they do - just like all industries.

So go back to trolling sites you have no buisness being on, bashing hard working (OK maybe some aren't) people and feeling good about who you are because you aren't like 'us'....and tell mommy to put a bit more peanut butter on your sandwich, looks like you can use some extra protein.

I am a consultant in the pharma industry and I make a fortune putting pharma sales morons like you out of work. I just come here every one in a while to rub salt in the wounds! hahahaah

All the while you are pushing branded drugs that could be substituted for generics.

Parasites are alwasys the same. "Look over there, it is worse so don't notice while I feed at the trough".

Got news for you - if Novartis stock price were based soley on its sales of oncology drugs, it would be practically worhtless.

But keep telling yourself what ever you need to in order to sleep at night.

Hey, after this pharma gig runs out for you, I heard they need sales people to sell cigarettes to school kids!

Who is stopping anyone from substituting shitty generics in place of branded meds?

I am a consultant in the pharma industry and I make a fortune putting pharma sales morons like you out of work. I just come here every one in a while to rub salt in the wounds! hahahaah

Oh yes.... Here is the self-important consultant. Is there anything more worthless?
Please enchant us with a tail about your war experiences. Really.... It is so bloody interesting.

Oh and the high and mighty consultant (that seems to have trouble spelling, go figure)....you blast us for earning a paycheck from pharma, yet where does YOUR check come from - and if you answer 'my employer' you are truly a much bigger idiot than we realize and confirm what we all know all too well about consultants. I have yet to see a consultant recommendation that made sense in the grand scheme of things - they are hired by upper management too stupid or timid to do their own thinking and implementation.

All the while you are pushing branded drugs that could be substituted for generics.

Parasites are alwasys the same. "Look over there, it is worse so don't notice while I feed at the trough".

Got news for you - if Novartis stock price were based soley on its sales of oncology drugs, it would be practically worhtless.

But keep telling yourself what ever you need to in order to sleep at night.

Hey, after this pharma gig runs out for you, I heard they need sales people to sell cigarettes to school kids!

I gots news for you... If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, then we'd all have a Merry Christmas.

Oh and the high and mighty consultant (that seems to have trouble spelling, go figure)....you blast us for earning a paycheck from pharma, yet where does YOUR check come from - and if you answer 'my employer' you are truly a much bigger idiot than we realize and confirm what we all know all too well about consultants. I have yet to see a consultant recommendation that made sense in the grand scheme of things - they are hired by upper management too stupid or timid to do their own thinking and implementation.

Your employer in particular, Novartis, and your industry in general, has paid me and is still oaying 4to 5 times your salary to help them to make as much or more profit for sales with fewer and fewer of you field sales turds each year.

That is why the stock price keeps going upmfuckimg moron - the street knows that NVS's sales are independent of the ciosts of your salaries so that they can keep shit caning your asses until you mare almost gone. Obama Care is the icing on that (is for you, a shot filled) cake.

How is that for an explanation for a 20 year set of recommendations that have and continue to make sense in the grand scheme of things?

So you are making 800K a year??? I call BS in a big way. Not with the lack of writing skills you possess. I'd say more like 80K being a gopher for the asst VP of kissing the a$$ of the VP. Great that you have made life so difficult for all of us. Personally, it's been a great long term ride and should continue for a bit longer. If not, I'm good with that. You on the other hand, are being paid the same 'parasitic money' - no matter what you are doing to earn it. Oh wait, I get it now....because you are helping this company shed salaries and increase profits for the capitalist pigs of the world, that's OK!! Either way, you've helped me tremendously - I own a boatload of stock and options from the 38 - 43 level. As I drink my next bottle of Cristal, I'll think about you and how we wasted good money paying people like you when we could have kept a few more good salespeople.....you know, the one's you got fired by pulling their names out of a hat. Sad excuse for a business person you are.