52-Week High pulled thread again???

So you are making 800K a year??? I call BS in a big way. Not with the lack of writing skills you possess. I'd say more like 80K being a gopher for the asst VP of kissing the a$$ of the VP. Great that you have made life so difficult for all of us. Personally, it's been a great long term ride and should continue for a bit longer. If not, I'm good with that. You on the other hand, are being paid the same 'parasitic money' - no matter what you are doing to earn it. Oh wait, I get it now....because you are helping this company shed salaries and increase profits for the capitalist pigs of the world, that's OK!! Either way, you've helped me tremendously - I own a boatload of stock and options from the 38 - 43 level. As I drink my next bottle of Cristal, I'll think about you and how we wasted good money paying people like you when we could have kept a few more good salespeople.....you know, the one's you got fired by pulling their names out of a hat. Sad excuse for a business person you are.

Well said my friend, but you give this moron too much credit. There is no doubt that worthless "consultants" exist, kinda like "The Bobs" from "Office Space", but it is obvious this guy ain't too bright and wouldn't qualify to give advice about anything. He lives in a delusional world. It's pathetic, but this is apparently his only outlet to feel good about his worthless existence. If it weren't for this website, we might be reading about this guy "going postal" somewhere... apparently, according to his stories, he is a war-vet of some sort... Can anyone say PTSD?

I love that he feels he has to give us a stock update on a regular basis so he can pontificate on how wise he is on the investment front. Like all of us as so dumb we can't check our own price, and he can give us the a running update. I do feel sorry for anyone who has such a meaningless life that this is their only outlet

I love that he feels he has to give us a stock update on a regular basis so he can pontificate on how wise he is on the investment front. Like all of us as so dumb we can't check our own price, and he can give us the a running update. I do feel sorry for anyone who has such a meaningless life that this is their only outlet

oh I get it.... you're going to play it like that. Pretend to think that I was being critical of the guy who owns stock rather than the moron who pretends to be a consultant.

Having someone post factual news regarding positive developments with Novartis is a breath of fresh-air on this site that is seemingly dominated by socialists who have never worked for Novartis.

Pathetic attempt and you are awarded no points.

I generally don't respond to the drivel on these posts, but I have to say I am astounded at the hubris of both the "stock genius" and the "anti-Novartis doofus" Neither one have any information that is worth wasting time on, and both are childishly defensive when criticized. Thank God this is not the norm for those of us who actually work for the company.

The stock price is increasing but for the wrong reasons if you are an employee. It is rising with the speculation that the company will probably dump vaccines and either turn around animal health, or pull out of it as well amongst other factors.

Increasing the bottom line and the interest of an investor. I would rather the stock price be increasing because sales are great, the pipeline is TRULY robust (its not), and there is strong demand in the market moving forward for the current portfolio.

Yes, its going up but not for the right reasons.

No clue? Quite a bold statement considering you don't know who is on the other end of the keyboard and what they might know. I read the Forbes article. I do not doubt that Alcon will help carry the torch but 56% of NVS revenue comes from the pharma division. Don't get me wrong, the company isn't going anywhere but there are probably better returns to be had on a dollar and stock prices are not always a good barometer of the health of an organization.

That's my only point. If you are putting all your investment eggs in the NVS basket, then I hope for you it does well. Good day.

No clue? Quite a bold statement considering you don't know who is on the other end of the keyboard and what they might know. I read the Forbes article. I do not doubt that Alcon will help carry the torch but 56% of NVS revenue comes from the pharma division. Don't get me wrong, the company isn't going anywhere but there are probably better returns to be had on a dollar and stock prices are not always a good barometer of the health of an organization.

That's my only point. If you are putting all your investment eggs in the NVS basket, then I hope for you it does well. Good day.

NVS is obviously not my only investment. I don't talk about NVS for any other reason than as a way to piss off the 95% of the posters here that don't even work for this company. It is completely apparent that most of the people who post here have one agenda, which is to undermine corporate America and promote their socialist view. The problem is they completely lack facts and logic. NVS will fluctuate just like most stocks. The Forbes article really was only to demonstrate the fact that Novartis is not only a strong company now but even stronger moving forward.

You sound like a reasonable person, however, it is very difficult to understand the mindset of most of the morons who post here. They completely ignore reality and facts in favor of their socialist, delusional agenda.

Hey, lighten up Horatio. Do you really think that everyone who doesn't agree with your position is a socialist, or that all non-socialists agree with you? I think your cheeks are clenched a bit too tight - maybe put down the tea cup and expand your perceptions.

I agree totally with the above poster. How arrogant to think that only your ideas are those of a true patriot. The truly ignorant assume that there is no room for discourse. You have spent the last year ranting on this thread placing blame on everyone but yourself. Just grow up and go back to bragging to your family. I am sure they are SO proud of you--the rest of us simply don't care.

I agree totally with the above poster. How arrogant to think that only your ideas are those of a true patriot. The truly ignorant assume that there is no room for discourse. You have spent the last year ranting on this thread placing blame on everyone but yourself. Just grow up and go back to bragging to your family. I am sure they are SO proud of you--the rest of us simply don't care.

Who said anything about being a patriot? Of course there is room for discourse... The socialists are in charge. I am the discourse you moron.

Who said anything about being a patriot? Of course there is room for discourse... The socialists are in charge. I am the discourse you moron.

nothing like a marginally educated hawker of products from the most govt regulated govt subsidized industry in world history calling others socialist.

its another example of the hypocracy of the modern "thinkers" in the Repuibloican Party = "Keep your Govt hands off of my Medicare!"

hahahaha - you are a self paraody my friend.

nothing like a marginally educated hawker of products from the most govt regulated govt subsidized industry in world history calling others socialist.

its another example of the hypocracy of the modern "thinkers" in the Repuibloican Party = "Keep your Govt hands off of my Medicare!"

hahahaha - you are a self paraody my friend.

Here is a modern thinker for you..... repeat over and over and over again, "Keep your government hands off my Medicare!"
Have you ever had an original thought in your life?

Here is a modern thinker for you..... repeat over and over and over again, "Keep your government hands off my Medicare!"
Have you ever had an original thought in your life?

First, it completly incapsulates the entire stupid shit claims of your economic knowledge. Next, having someone ask this on a thread full of comments from Faux News is very insifghtful but not surprising when you consider you are a bunch of marginally educated parasites working for an industry that is most the equivalent of cigarette manufacturers.

So, be proud of the stock price. RJR does well also.

First, it completly incapsulates the entire stupid shit claims of your economic knowledge. Next, having someone ask this on a thread full of comments from Faux News is very insifghtful but not surprising when you consider you are a bunch of marginally educated parasites working for an industry that is most the equivalent of cigarette manufacturers.

So, be proud of the stock price. RJR does well also.

Perhaps you should ban cigarrettes like Hitler. You dumb, liberal M//F'ers always want to encapsulate and stereotype and never engage in serious/logical debate. That would be too difficult. Liberals have become completely intellectually lazy and can no longer defend their pathetic positions... So what do we get? Mindless chants, retarded bumper stickers and constant cutting and pasting of meaningless statements. LAZY.... just like your president.

Interesting that for all the bashing of big pharma and their (lack of) a future under this 'socialist' regime....the big money continues to find them attractive? I read the charts, not the BS propagated by both sides touting their crap, and right now the technicals say 'buy Mortimer, buy!'

Interesting that for all the bashing of big pharma and their (lack of) a future under this 'socialist' regime....the big money continues to find them attractive? I read the charts, not the BS propagated by both sides touting their crap, and right now the technicals say 'buy Mortimer, buy!'

There is no BIG-PHARMA.... this socialist regime has obliterated this industry just like everything else it touches. Need I remind you that Novartis was forced to reduce its sales force by 70% a little over a year ago.

It is true, Government is far too involved with medicine. Government sets-up the system and all the companies try to find ways to exploit it. Government needs to get the fuck out. Allow free-markets to work.

There is no BIG-PHARMA.... this socialist regime has obliterated this industry just like everything else it touches. Need I remind you that Novartis was forced to reduce its sales force by 70% a little over a year ago.

It is true, Government is far too involved with medicine. Government sets-up the system and all the companies try to find ways to exploit it. Government needs to get the fuck out. Allow free-markets to work.

"Free Markets" kill patients...but make money in the process.
Go Team??
Imbeciles seem to abound..........