52-Week High pulled thread again???


Yeah... Where is the economic genius who stated the only reason NVS was on the rise was because the stock market generally was on the rise? The Dow has plummeted over 260 pts. today and yet Novartis continues to make gains.

D.E. Shaw & Co. sold its entire common stock position of 64,971 shares between 9/30/10 and 12/31/10. Net institutional shares sold during the current quarter at 25.3M and 2.8M net shares sold during previous quarter. Net mutual fund shares sold during the current quarter at 13.4M and 16.0M net shares sold during the previous quarter.
ANOTHER fund dumping paper tiger Novartis , this on the heels of hedge funds dumping Novartis & reporting insiders have not purchased any shares in almost a year

D.E. Shaw & Co. sold its entire common stock position of 64,971 shares between 9/30/10 and 12/31/10. Net institutional shares sold during the current quarter at 25.3M and 2.8M net shares sold during previous quarter. Net mutual fund shares sold during the current quarter at 13.4M and 16.0M net shares sold during the previous quarter.
ANOTHER fund dumping paper tiger Novartis , this on the heels of hedge funds dumping Novartis & reporting insiders have not purchased any shares in almost a year

Why do you find it the least bit relevant to quote some article from 2010? It is 2013, just in case you didn't know and much has changed since then.

What are you going to tell me next... To sell my stock in beta-max video tape technology?

You are so cutting-edge!

Why do you find it the least bit relevant to quote some article from 2010? It is 2013, just in case you didn't know and much has changed since then.

What are you going to tell me next... To sell my stock in beta-max video tape technology?

You are so cutting-edge!

4 year trend of funds dumping , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 , 2013
Keep your beta max stock as that would be SONY who also owns Colombia pictures & music
but do sell your stock in Pan Am Enron & Novartis ;)

4 year trend of funds dumping , 2010 , 2011 , 2012 , 2013
Keep your beta max stock as that would be SONY who also owns Colombia pictures & music
but do sell your stock in Pan Am Enron & Novartis ;)

Hmmm.... Keep Sony, which has a 52-week high of 18.06 and dump my highly rated Novartis stock? I get it, buy low and sell high, but Sony is an ill-advised buy for sure and Novartis has been a solid performer and is predicted to continue.

You can keep your financial advice, it's as worthless as beta max in a blu-ray world.

Can his advice be any worse than your daily "OOO my stock has gone up" ? Who the hell cares, amateur. Most of us who trade regularly don't need your pitiful cries that you made a buck of two

Can his advice be any worse than your daily "OOO my stock has gone up" ? Who the hell cares, amateur. Most of us who trade regularly don't need your pitiful cries that you made a buck of two

I have given no advice. I am giving updates on Novartis stock which is largely positive and runs contrary to about 90% of the negative shit on this site. Liberal/socialists infiltrate most of these message boards and try their best to portray themselves as a victim of an unjust society/company or whatever. They can never see the world for what it is and they can never take responsibility for their pathetic lot in life. They always need to blame someone or some thing.

I have given no advice. I am giving updates on Novartis stock which is largely positive and runs contrary to about 90% of the negative shit on this site. Liberal/socialists infiltrate most of these message boards and try their best to portray themselves as a victim of an unjust society/company or whatever. They can never see the world for what it is and they can never take responsibility for their pathetic lot in life. They always need to blame someone or some thing.

You confuse facts with negativity but then again that thong you're wearing under your Novartis skirt struck in your ass crack & those teal blue pom poms they provide you to rah rah this sinking titantic of a pharma co clouds your judgement. For instance
1) Generic Diovan HCT approved
2) Generic Gleevec now available
3) Monumental Devastating legal loss in India
4) Generic Reclast approved
5) Generic equivalents for Exforge
6) Generic equivalents for Exelon & soon the patch
7) OTC mfg problems continue
8) Quality issues from Sandoz
9) Poor performance by gilenya with a major competitor released
10) Hundreds of millions lost annually by Diagnostics & 7 billion wasted on Chiron
11) Non existent pipeline despite billions wasted by NIBR
12) Desperation to re-launch horrible black boxed tekturkey
Stopping at 12 since your pea brain will have a hard time rationalizing & responding with some Novartis corporate shill talking point .
BTW-- yes a rising tide lifted all boats including the paper tiger known with symbol NVS
there is a reason there has been no unique insider purchases in almost a year
executives know something the average joe does not , yet , we all know what that is don't we
DOWN DOWN DOWN ...............<EOM>;)

You confuse facts with negativity but then again that thong you're wearing under your Novartis skirt struck in your ass crack & those teal blue pom poms they provide you to rah rah this sinking titantic of a pharma co clouds your judgement. For instance
1) Generic Diovan HCT approved
2) Generic Gleevec now available
3) Monumental Devastating legal loss in India
4) Generic Reclast approved
5) Generic equivalents for Exforge
6) Generic equivalents for Exelon & soon the patch
7) OTC mfg problems continue
8) Quality issues from Sandoz
9) Poor performance by gilenya with a major competitor released
10) Hundreds of millions lost annually by Diagnostics & 7 billion wasted on Chiron
11) Non existent pipeline despite billions wasted by NIBR
12) Desperation to re-launch horrible black boxed tekturkey
Stopping at 12 since your pea brain will have a hard time rationalizing & responding with some Novartis corporate shill talking point .
BTW-- yes a rising tide lifted all boats including the paper tiger known with symbol NVS
there is a reason there has been no unique insider purchases in almost a year
executives know something the average joe does not , yet , we all know what that is don't we
DOWN DOWN DOWN ...............<EOM>;)

And despite your obvious expert insight, NVS continues to make gains... even with over a 260 pt. drop in the DIJA yesterday. Oops, there goes your theory that a rising tide lifts all boats. For example, has Suntech Power Holdings Co Ltd (NYSE: STP) been helped by the rising tide? Your knowledge is not even equivalent to a paper-tiger, you are just plain ol' paper.

And despite your obvious expert insight, NVS continues to make gains... even with over a 260 pt. drop in the DIJA yesterday. Oops, there goes your theory that a rising tide lifts all boats. For example, has Suntech Power Holdings Co Ltd (NYSE: STP) been helped by the rising tide? Your knowledge is not even equivalent to a paper-tiger, you are just plain ol' paper.

So be clear , are you actually advocating buying into
the mess that is Novartis
At $70 plus ????
Lol !!!! That's rich

Aww.... You poor socialists, who pretend to work for Novartis. Looks like yet more bad news for you: BASEL, Switzerland (AP) - Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis AG has reported a 6.7 percent increase in profit for the first quarter, boosted by new products and emerging markets.

Novartis says its net profit rose to $2.42 billion from $2.27 billion in the same period last year.

The Basel-based company said in a statement Wednesday that the increase — a turnaround from the 18 percent earnings drop in the first quarter of 2012 — reflected new product launches, strength in emerging markets and E.U. and U.S. drug approvals to offset patent expirations.

Woo-Hoo!!!! Keep this gravy train running!!!! All you nay-sayers that bash this company and their lack of reasons to own the stock (let alone sell it) can continue to suck my big fat wallet!

The reason that the stock is going higher is that NVD is cutting costs while still sticking their cock in the ass of the US tax payer. You will need the stock to sell when you are on the street with no salary fucking moron - can't even apply simple reasoning.

Oh yeah, that's right. You, the great fortune telling guru, can see that I'll never get another job once I leave this stinkhole....

I'll ride this horse as far as it goes and then parlay my education and experience for another high paying gig. On top of that, I'll continue to trade the markets with stellar acumen and live the life of luxury while whiny little peons like you cry that 'big pharma stole my future'.

If you think big pharma was the only industry dipping their stick, you should open your eyes....we're probably the 4th or 5th largest wang in your backside.

Money talks, BS walks....trickle down economics is alive and well - except what's trickling is taxpayer funds into the pockets of all big business and their paid for crony politicians.