2021 Projections

you are not talking to management on this site. Every time you say something like that you make yourself look delusional.

Remember that one time a few years back during “March Madness” when we were receiving daily updates on which team won their daily matchup of number of calls.

The moment someone posted on this site on how annoying and unnecessary the contest was, is the same moment that those daily VMs, updating us on the “tournaments” results stopped.

Don’t tell me management doesn’t read this.

I can assure you that all management reads this forum.

Just the other day I was in a meeting and the CEO specifically asked if there were any learnings from the reps gleaned from CP. He said “hey, remember those people that we hired straight from Enterprise, Sprint and E&J Gallo with no industry experience? Maybe we should look at that anonymous forums and see what they would do regarding dealing with the FDA, launching a new drug, designing territories, and other matters. They don’t seem to be selling what they have so maybe they are good for something!”

There was an awkward moment of silence followed by a mischievous grin at which point everyone started laughing and a few spit takes occurred with their Blantons bourbon.

after that, we all went back to not really giving a crap what you think.

I can assure you that all management reads this forum.

Just the other day I was in a meeting and the CEO specifically asked if there were any learnings from the reps gleaned from CP. He said “hey, remember those people that we hired straight from Enterprise, Sprint and E&J Gallo with no industry experience? Maybe we should look at that anonymous forums and see what they would do regarding dealing with the FDA, launching a new drug, designing territories, and other matters. They don’t seem to be selling what they have so maybe they are good for something!”

There was an awkward moment of silence followed by a mischievous grin at which point everyone started laughing and a few spit takes occurred with their Blantons bourbon.

after that, we all went back to not really giving a crap what you think.

This is most likely a true story

I can assure you that all management reads this forum.

Just the other day I was in a meeting and the CEO specifically asked if there were any learnings from the reps gleaned from CP. He said “hey, remember those people that we hired straight from Enterprise, Sprint and E&J Gallo with no industry experience? Maybe we should look at that anonymous forums and see what they would do regarding dealing with the FDA, launching a new drug, designing territories, and other matters. They don’t seem to be selling what they have so maybe they are good for something!”

There was an awkward moment of silence followed by a mischievous grin at which point everyone started laughing and a few spit takes occurred with their Blantons bourbon.

after that, we all went back to not really giving a crap what you think.

The street isn't laughing at the reps, they are laughing at those responsible for filing 812's NDA with the wrong address.

I can assure you that all management reads this forum.

Just the other day I was in a meeting and the CEO specifically asked if there were any learnings from the reps gleaned from CP. He said “hey, remember those people that we hired straight from Enterprise, Sprint and E&J Gallo with no industry experience? Maybe we should look at that anonymous forums and see what they would do regarding dealing with the FDA, launching a new drug, designing territories, and other matters. They don’t seem to be selling what they have so maybe they are good for something!”

There was an awkward moment of silence followed by a mischievous grin at which point everyone started laughing and a few spit takes occurred with their Blantons bourbon.

after that, we all went back to not really giving a crap what you think.

We know you don’t care. That’s why we vent on an anonymous website. Because you have made it clear to us, time and time again, that you don’t care.

I can assure you that all management reads this forum.

Just the other day I was in a meeting and the CEO specifically asked if there were any learnings from the reps gleaned from CP. He said “hey, remember those people that we hired straight from Enterprise, Sprint and E&J Gallo with no industry experience? Maybe we should look at that anonymous forums and see what they would do regarding dealing with the FDA, launching a new drug, designing territories, and other matters. They don’t seem to be selling what they have so maybe they are good for something!”

There was an awkward moment of silence followed by a mischievous grin at which point everyone started laughing and a few spit takes occurred with their Blantons bourbon.

after that, we all went back to not really giving a crap what you think.

Blantons ROTFLMAO. They’re still sipping on Old RVW from when we launched migraine. Slapping each other on the back while they renege on promises to their sales force. It’s no wonder VV left. Smart man.

Remember that one time a few years back during “March Madness” when we were receiving daily updates on which team won their daily matchup of number of calls.

The moment someone posted on this site on how annoying and unnecessary the contest was, is the same moment that those daily VMs, updating us on the “tournaments” results stopped.

Don’t tell me management doesn’t read this.

please do not ever bring up March Madness again. We got through those years, but no one (including the RD) wants to repeat them. RIP MM

I can assure you that all management reads this forum.

Just the other day I was in a meeting and the CEO specifically asked if there were any learnings from the reps gleaned from CP. He said “hey, remember those people that we hired straight from Enterprise, Sprint and E&J Gallo with no industry experience? Maybe we should look at that anonymous forums and see what they would do regarding dealing with the FDA, launching a new drug, designing territories, and other matters. They don’t seem to be selling what they have so maybe they are good for something!”

There was an awkward moment of silence followed by a mischievous grin at which point everyone started laughing and a few spit takes occurred with their Blantons bourbon.

after that, we all went back to not really giving a crap what you think.

You keep using language that beats down people who worked at the listed companies, however, it’s odd because when we all compare notes, we all made much more money at those jobs - SELLING. Is it our poor sales abilities? The sales abilities we proved through showing awards & such during the interview process. What changed guys? How did you hire the cream of the crop reps & all the sudden here at Supernus we’re all good for nothing? Supernus hired people from those companies with zero pharma experience for 2 reasons. 1. They could not afford to pay the $120K+ base salary to tenured reps. 2. No experienced rep would agree to the comp program of only getting “credit” for the the docs you call on. Meaning *ALL* other companies give credit on zip codes or new Rx activation NOT MS growth.
Here’s a little secret for you’re next meeting: Many of are no longer brand new reps & we have learned about reason #2. If you do the math on all the Rx written in the zip codes I assure you that’s why your enjoying your tasty bourbon, you’re welcome, with love, the sales force.

Regarding reps “not selling much & being good for something” - let’s hold the people accountable who came up with the gold card program & made it so available to the point that it hurt the company. When you made the decision to pull the plug what did you think would happen? People were going to pay out of pocket for our fabulous med?
Reality: Slews of phone calls from patients, Patients upset because they can’t get their med. A few might be ok but too many of those calls will permanently turn a HCP off from Rx-ing but you make the big bucks you know that already.... ummm right? You understand prescriber behavior, right? Are you sure? Or wait. Maybe you should revisit this tomorrow morning when you don’t have all that Blantons in your system. That is if you can remember.

I can assure you that all management reads this forum.

Just the other day I was in a meeting and the CEO specifically asked if there were any learnings from the reps gleaned from CP. He said “hey, remember those people that we hired straight from Enterprise, Sprint and E&J Gallo with no industry experience? Maybe we should look at that anonymous forums and see what they would do regarding dealing with the FDA, launching a new drug, designing territories, and other matters. They don’t seem to be selling what they have so maybe they are good for something!”

There was an awkward moment of silence followed by a mischievous grin at which point everyone started laughing and a few spit takes occurred with their Blantons bourbon.

after that, we all went back to not really giving a crap what you think.
I swear this sounds like something my old RD would write. But he retired so I can’t imagine he’d still be on here

Let’s not forget about the soon to be blunder that is 830. What a terrible acquisition USWM was. Supernus is going to have to spend another $50M in hopes that useless pump gets approved.

Management please stop burning the money WE are stockpiling for you.

Let’s not forget about the soon to be blunder that is 830. What a terrible acquisition USWM was. Supernus is going to have to spend another $50M in hopes that useless pump gets approved.

Management please stop burning the money WE are stockpiling for you.

What do you mean? We are going to launch it within the next 6-96 months? Should be a real winner.

Remember that one time that we launched TXR a week after approval? That was awesome.

This company is nothing but cowards since VV left. Scared to pre manufacture a product before approval. Now we have to wait 4-6 weeks after approval because of manufacturing.

Remember that one time that we launched TXR a week after approval? That was awesome.

This company is nothing but cowards since VV left. Scared to pre manufacture a product before approval. Now we have to wait 4-6 weeks after approval because of manufacturing.

Everyone on my team has been asking why we would wait until May when we will likely get approval in April. We keep getting typically vague Supernus-like response.

is this why we are not launching until May??? Manufacturing???

we already look like idiots in these offices. Can’t wait to see what a debacle this is going to be.

Everyone on my team has been asking why we would wait until May when we will likely get approval in April. We keep getting typically vague Supernus-like response.

is this why we are not launching until May??? Manufacturing???

we already look like idiots in these offices. Can’t wait to see what a debacle this is going to be.

May will turn into June and then June will turn into late July. But keep going into those offices and selling that DSE.

A company that cares about it's culture sends out an anonymous satisfaction survey to be completed by the field. Not Supernus. Instead, they post a video on a social platform applauding their amazing culture. Then to add insult to injury they send an email to the field to share this on that social platform. If you cared about the culture you would ask us what the culture is like.

Taylor, where is the anonymous company satisfaction survey for the field to complete?

A company that cares about it's culture sends out an anonymous satisfaction survey to be completed by the field. Not Supernus. Instead, they post a video on a social platform applauding their amazing culture. Then to add insult to injury they send an email to the field to share this on that social platform. If you cared about the culture you would ask us what the culture is like.

Taylor, where is the anonymous company satisfaction survey for the field to complete?
Do us all a favor and leave. The people have always been the heartbeat of this company and always will be. Your constant negativity and criticism is pathetic.

Do us all a favor and leave. The people have always been the heartbeat of this company and always will be. Your constant negativity and criticism is pathetic.

If you cared about the culture of this company you would ask the field. As far as me leaving.... I’m sticking around to watch this place burn.