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2015 Pfizer retiree medical plan

There is a great thread discussing lump vs. pension.
Re: healthcare or anything else for that matter, if Pfizer controls it watch out.
All cosines are struging wit the healthcare issue. Some are more benevolent than others but pfe tales the trophy for screwing employees. Do what you will , but pfe is not going to be looking out for your well- being. Control your own life.y experience with pfe over my 8 yr retirement is that initially things are great, benes cost is lower or at least equal to what I could do on my own but insidiously creeps up to where I'm paying double for same I can get on the open market.
Beware is the key word when deing with Pfizer

There is a great thread discussing lump vs. pension.
Re: healthcare or anything else for that matter, if Pfizer controls it watch out.
All cosines are struging wit the healthcare issue. Some are more benevolent than others but pfe tales the trophy for screwing employees. Do what you will , but pfe is not going to be looking out for your well- being. Control your own life.y experience with pfe over my 8 yr retirement is that initially things are great, benes cost is lower or at least equal to what I could do on my own but insidiously creeps up to where I'm paying double for same I can get on the open market.
Beware is the key word when deing with Pfizer

GSK doesn't offer insurance to their retirees, but instead they give them a stipend to buy insurance on the open market. To me that is a good way to do it. With what premiums Pfizer charges vs the coverage you can get on the open market, its not a brainer. Its amazing you can buy the "Cadillac" plan on the open market cheaper than the coverage that you get with the plans offered to us. My private insurance is through United Health Care which administers Pfizer's plan. Please before you make your choices, look around. It doesn't cost you a penny to make a wise decision.

My wife is going on Medicare in October and I had to make a choice between what Pfizer had to offer in comparison to what I available on the open market. We purchased Plan F which covers everything 100% with no copays or deductibles for $107.00 per month vs $253.00 per month through Pfizer. Folks, it pays to look around. Don't think you're getting a deal through Pfizer.

Would love to know which Insurance company?

Yes. The drug plan is good. I guess it really is worth it's weight in gold this year; just look at what they are charging for it.

You can say that again. My premium went up 50% over last years premium. Five out of the seven prescriptions my wife and I take can be ordered as a generic. Ole Pfizer is at it again. I agree at one time it was very good . It makes me sick how this company has put the screws to its retirees. I am one of those acquired companies (W-L) retirees and it makes me sick as to how they have raped the companies they acquired. I have no respect at all for this company and I feel sorry for those who may be losing their job in the near future. If you have several years of experience and making a nice income, trust me, you'll be the first on the list to go. You can be replaced with some inexperienced person who makes probably half of what you are making.

You can say that again. My premium went up 50% over last years premium. Five out of the seven prescriptions my wife and I take can be ordered as a generic. Ole Pfizer is at it again. I agree at one time it was very good . It makes me sick how this company has put the screws to its retirees. I am one of those acquired companies (W-L) retirees and it makes me sick as to how they have raped the companies they acquired. I have no respect at all for this company and I feel sorry for those who may be losing their job in the near future. If you have several years of experience and making a nice income, trust me, you'll be the first on the list to go. You can be replaced with some inexperienced person who makes probably half of what you are making.

Hard to feel any sympathy with you. Today's retirees have the reputation of being greedy geezers and the majority are ignorant but hard-ass Republicans who shit all over the rest of us. The federal government spends 6 and 1/2 times as much on each retiree than they do on each child. Today's retirees should be paying the their own way. I'm tired of paying for them.

Hard to feel any sympathy with you. Today's retirees have the reputation of being greedy geezers and the majority are ignorant but hard-ass Republicans who shit all over the rest of us. The federal government spends 6 and 1/2 times as much on each retiree than they do on each child. Today's retirees should be paying the their own way. I'm tired of paying for them.

Is this dinner time conversation with your parents/grandparents also? Ahhh to be young and stupid. The government will take your money ALL your life (if you work for a living) and piss it away and now when you get old you are supposed to say-give it to the kids....really! I might be inclined to agree with you if I haven't been screwed all my life paying ridiculous taxes. Oh, btw- my school taxes are $7,000/year. I haven't had a kid in school in 15 years-is that okay with you or would you rather pick that up yourself.

Hard to feel any sympathy with you. Today's retirees have the reputation of being greedy geezers and the majority are ignorant but hard-ass Republicans who shit all over the rest of us. The federal government spends 6 and 1/2 times as much on each retiree than they do on each child. Today's retirees should be paying the their own way. I'm tired of paying for them.

Were you raised by wolves?
Go back with me in time and remember....Who brought your sorry ass into this world? Who fed you, clothed you, wiped your ass, your tears, payed for your wasted education? Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, the government??? You are so typical of the "ME" generation. You make me sick!

Ponder these numbers: 40 yrs of work, wife and I raised two children, both professionals and making six figure incomes, paying taxes, SS, Medicare, etc. just like you. I ran some numbers and found that I, alone, not even adding in what my wife paid in while working, paid almost 1 million dollars in income taxes, nearly 200K in SS, Medicare, 185K in school taxes with no kids in school for 23 years. I think you get the picture. The seniors who had work careers paid their way for the pittance they receive in return from SS. Medicare still isn't free to us, even though we paid our premiums 100 times over while working. It's called "play it forward." Generations carry and provide for each other. Are you really that stupid? Your poor parents spent way too much educating you....which bring me to your comment on education spending.

Per pupil spending? Money does not educate kids. If it did, why is the US, who spends the most per kid, ranks 7th/8th in the world of industrialized nations??? Our reading levels are somewhere in the middle, math and science in the bottom,with their thinking abilities, common sense and decency at the bottom. You are a poster child for the educational system.Your generation wants even college to be free to all on the taxpayer's dime. I worked my way through with a little help from my mother, as my dad died when I was 10.
By the way, without the SS for minor survivor's we would have been on public welfare.

I could go on, but selfish brats like you don't get it and never will. When,and I truly hope it doesn't happen to you, you become unemployed, please come back to this board and tell us what you are doing to survive. Unemployment, food stamps, gov't mortgage help, welfare? Or, will you be one of the many who returns to the nest of your "greedy geeze" parents?

I hope you wake up, grow up, and realize how selfish and foolish you really are.

One last thing.....I am an independent...no lying, cheating, self-serving political party will ever tell me what to believe in....Republican, Democrat, doesn't matter to me BUT..,you have the most left wing president and democratic congress in history and look where we are today!!! Just saying.

You have a good day!

I fully agree with posters #69 & #70 comments on poster's #68's misguided view of "today's retirees".
Poster #68's bias against "today's retirees" is both grossly incorrect and disgusting.

Let's be clear on a few facts:

A) "Today's retirees" who reach 65 pay monthly premium for Medicare A & B.
This monthly cost can go up based on the retiree's yearly income.

B) "Today's retirees", per comment on this board and others, are seeing sharp double digit increases in their former employer's secondary to Medicare retiree medical & drug monthly insurance. Yet their annual income, specifically from social security, has not reflected real inflation experienced in the economy since the Federal Reserve policy to repress interest rates that protect banks and corporations, but generally not Main St. USA folks (working & retired, & yes, those unemployed or underemployed).

C) Colleagues who have retired from other large pharma question the increasingly high cost of secondary medical insurance (based on $ cost paid vs. $ benefit obtained).
In fact, some colleagues feel that employers are increasingly subsidizing current employees medical ins. coverage from retiree's premiums.

IN SUMMARY, poster #68 should redirect his biased focus & rhetoric instead to
work hard, stay employed, and look for employers, elected politicians and this nations's leaders to address and better the conditions for all workers, their families, and yes "todays and future retirees".

Hard to feel any sympathy with you. Today's retirees have the reputation of being greedy geezers and the majority are ignorant but hard-ass Republicans who shit all over the rest of us. The federal government spends 6 and 1/2 times as much on each retiree than they do on each child. Today's retirees should be paying the their own way. I'm tired of paying for them.

So your sympathy must go to the freeloaders of the US who have never paid a dime into the system yet collect benefits. You are one misguide, uninformed, ignorant Democrat. Repubs say work for a better life, Dems say You work and give it to me. You don't see the difference?
When you hit 65 you'll be singing a different tune.

Dear former colleagues/retirees -

Thanks for posting what is happening with the Pfizer retiree medical plans/premiums. I was RIF'd very close to my milestone where I would have qualified for these benefits. Knowing all along that companies reserve the right to change plans/discontinue them gave me a bit of solace over what might have been. I am truly sorry that your costs have gone up as a result and have seen this with many other mega-corps who are now scrambling to boost earnings. GE (as an example) has discontinued any subsidy for post-65 YO retirees. Pfizer gets "around" it by offering plans that cost more than paying out of pocket for Plan F through another insurer.

Again, just wanted to thank you for your info - hope you are all doing well. Pfizer is not the company we spent many good years with - I am sure you all know that by now!

Sorry - I may have missed something. My subsidy was supposed to have been very large - but Pfizer set the amount that I would have been able to apply to the monthly premiums so that it was projected to last well into our (spouse & I) 80s. Is it true that Pfizer has dropped ANY subsidy toward the Pfizer sponsored retiree Medicare supplement premium? If that is the case, it sounds like I have missed out on only a fraction of the subsidy I thought I would have qualified for had I stayed employed to my age/service. Again, so sorry for the retirees who thought these benefits were going to remain intact - Legacy PFE.

Sorry - I may have missed something. My subsidy was supposed to have been very large - but Pfizer set the amount that I would have been able to apply to the monthly premiums so that it was projected to last well into our (spouse & I) 80s. Is it true that Pfizer has dropped ANY subsidy toward the Pfizer sponsored retiree Medicare supplement premium? If that is the case, it sounds like I have missed out on only a fraction of the subsidy I thought I would have qualified for had I stayed employed to my age/service. Again, so sorry for the retirees who thought these benefits were going to remain intact - Legacy PFE.

I retired five years ago after thirty eight years of service. I have continued to see my monthly premiums increase each year with continuing increasing deductibles. Many so high, that I never have any reimbursements for any claims that were submitted. My last report showed that my medical subsidy is $0.00. So what am I to think. I expected Pfizer would be more generous than this after all the years I put it as a very successful "Hall of Fame" recipient. I'd like for Pfizer to explain to me their formula for figuring these RMS subsidy amount. The company that I was very loyal and successful for treats people like this, I don't understand it. As far as I am concerned, Pfizer can take their wonderful healthcare plan and stick it. I don't need their crappy plan. I can buy insurance on the open market way cheaper than Pfizer's crappy insurance plan. My personal insurance pays for all claims that Medicare doesn't cover, and it costs me less. People need to open their eyes and see what is going on. I urge you to make the right decisions before Oct. 31st. You do have choices and don't be afraid to check them out.

Hard to feel any sympathy with you. Today's retirees have the reputation of being greedy geezers and the majority are ignorant but hard-ass Republicans who shit all over the rest of us. The federal government spends 6 and 1/2 times as much on each retiree than they do on each child. Today's retirees should be paying the their own way. I'm tired of paying for them.

I don't need your sorry ass sympathy. I'm not greedy and I'm not a "geezer". I one of many who worked hard to establish products before your time. We're the reason you have a job now. Who said what party I belong too. I guess you're a Democrat. And just how do u know what the government spends on me. And yes, I continue to pay taxes through my federal, state, local and city taxes. I probably will help pay taxes when you have children in school. Do I complain about this, no. You don't pay anything for me. Now, take your sorry ass attitude and get out and make some calls. After all, that's what your being paid to do.
I guess you're depending on one of your other reps to cover for your sorry ass.

Poster #75 - I think we may be talking about two different things. The subsidy that I was hoping to qualify for was a set amount that would be applied toward monthly premiums until it ran out. There was no subsidy for deductibles, claims, etc. I believe this plan took effect after you retired (I had retiree eligible friends caught in the '09 downsize and they were grandfathered in to the old plan). Again, sorry to hear that things have been changed after your 38 years of service. You may have been one of my mentors when I joined over 2 decades ago. Ignore the idiots who post the crap about "geezes" etc. They don't deserve your time or energy.

I think the bottom line here is just because Pfizer is giving you money to buy into "their" health plan doesn't necessarily mean you should use it. It seems in the long run it may be cheaper to buy on your own. If the copays and deductibles with the plan are more than what you would pay for buying coverage in the open market-why do it. You're spending money either way-even with Pfizer's subsidy for their plan. The only thing I would buy in that case is RX coverage if I need it. These days they force generics on you anyway about 90% of the time. At that point I bite the bullet for the brand(if I feel it's worth it) or shop for generics not made in India!

The real bottom line is that Pfizer does not give a sh*t about it's former (or current) employees. It's all about the stockholders and ELT.

I retired five years ago after thirty eight years of service. I have continued to see my monthly premiums increase each year with continuing increasing deductibles. Many so high, that I never have any reimbursements for any claims that were submitted. My last report showed that my medical subsidy is $0.00. So what am I to think. I expected Pfizer would be more generous than this after all the years I put it as a very successful "Hall of Fame" recipient. I'd like for Pfizer to explain to me their formula for figuring these RMS subsidy amount. The company that I was very loyal and successful for treats people like this, I don't understand it. As far as I am concerned, Pfizer can take their wonderful healthcare plan and stick it. I don't need their crappy plan. I can buy insurance on the open market way cheaper than Pfizer's crappy insurance plan. My personal insurance pays for all claims that Medicare doesn't cover, and it costs me less. People need to open their eyes and see what is going on. I urge you to make the right decisions before Oct. 31st. You do have choices and don't be afraid to check them out.

Tell us what healthcare plan you are enrolled in.

My wife and I are both enrolled in the Medicare Part B insurance by Manhattan Life Insurance Company, which is a one of the highest rated insurance companies. The premium for myself and my wife is $274.00 per month. Both are plan F, which pays for everything that is not covered by Medicare. Nothing period. I do purchase the Pfizer Rx Plan. There are no worries about any type of copay or deductibles. My comment about the RMS was just to point out that we all have an RMS. This helps to lower the cost of Pfizer's insurance program for you. What I find amazing is that after five years of retirement and with a long tenure with Pfizer, that my balance would be $0.00. I point this out because this RMS is not great if you look at my situation. I've had no major claims with Pfizer the past five years. In fact, I have not met my yearly deductible and thus United Health Care has not paid any eligible claims submitted to them. I was always enrolled in the Pfizer plan, until I opened my eyes and started looking around. There maybe exceptions but I found a better deal for our family with better coverage at a lower price. Don't be afraid to look around. If you're not satisfied with the private insurance you might buy, you can always get back into the Pfizer program if you show proof of insurance coverage when you go back to Pfizer should that happen.