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2015 Pfizer retiree medical plan

Seriously! I wasn't complaining at all. There are simple questions of logistics. Currently my primary is Medicare, secondary Pfizer BC.BS. They're now saying ALL will be administered under one card (UHP). Last year we each carried 2 cards (Medicare & BCBS secondary)' What I've learned in the past is that you need to know about changes. For example, one year the plan was changed to where we had to get prior auth for ER visits. That's kind of an oxymoron since one generally doesn't know an ER visit is coming until it is upon you. My daughter had one such visit. While the description was somewhere in the 10 pages of small print, who (when an emergency arises) reads and studies 10 pages and every detail and especially who would think of pre-authorizing an ER visit? So it might be good for us to know what differences lurk. Also curious about will my SS Medicare deduction still continue if the Medicare is handled thru PFE UHP? Or will my Medicare premium be paid entirely thru PFE UHP?

yawn. The ER will do a prior auth if you are in a health emergency state. Just like clinics now do prior auths on office visits.

yawn. The ER will do a prior auth if you are in a health emergency state. Just like clinics now do prior auths on office visits.
Where did u get your information at. If you show up at an ER and in a state of emergency, you will be treated. Especially if you are on Medicare. No one can be refused to be seen if it's an emergency. My advice to everyone is check out the open market for a true Medicare Supplement Plan. This so called improvement to our medical benefits coming this fall will still be expensive for you, especially knowing you still have a deductible to pay with Pfizer's plan and there are co pays for other things. I have Plan F, a Cadillac plan, and I have 0 copays, deductibles, and zero out of pocket costs. And its less that what I would pay if I had signed up with Pfizer. I repeat, DON'T BE AFRAID TO LOOK AROUND ON THE OPEN MARKET. YOU'LL BE AMAZED. IF YOU DO DECIDE TO DROPOUT OF THE PFIZER PROGRAM, YOU CAN COME BACK IN IF YOU SHOW PROOF OF INSURANCE COVERAGE THE YEAR BEFORE. I ENCOURAGE EVRYONE TO TAKE ADVANGE OF THE PFIZER PRESCRIPTION PROGRAM. IT'S THE BEST OUT THERE.

yawn. The ER will do a prior auth if you are in a health emergency state. Just like clinics now do prior auths on office visits.

That wasn't the poster's point and I an not that poster. I live in CA and raised a family here. One year the company DID change the plan so that ER visits needed prior auth. That was not the case the prior year because one of my children had a ER visit and no PA was necessary. The following year I had an ER visit and they attempted to bill me for the entire visit since I didn't get prior auth. Like I said to the case worker, how am I supposed to know when I'm going to have an emergency in advance? Her answer was, I was supposed to have read (and maybe be tested on? LOL) the new rules which were 10 pages long. I was supposed to ask the person admitting me to call for a prior auth. It cost me $500. This poster is 100% correct - get the info and buyer beware. Things can change in a heartbeat.

The current basic Medicare supplement (Legacy Pfizer) seems to never pay anything on medical claims. The drug plan is fairly comprehensive with far better drug availability coverage than free market plans.

I dread to see the premium cost to retirees for the upcoming plan, but, maybe, our out of pocket medical costs will be more balanced as relates to our premiums. Currently we just pay premiums with nothing paid on medical claims by UHC.

The current basic Medicare supplement (Legacy Pfizer) seems to never pay anything on medical claims. The drug plan is fairly comprehensive with far better drug availability coverage than free market plans.

I dread to see the premium cost to retirees for the upcoming plan, but, maybe, our out of pocket medical costs will be more balanced as relates to our premiums. Currently we just pay premiums with nothing paid on medical claims by UHC.

Well folks, to those who will be receiving the 2015 Retiree Medical Plan, it seems as though my last three posts concerning comparing buying insurance on the open market versus benefits of each has gotten Pfizer's attention. My last three posts on here giving you information on the benefit of buying on the local market may be a better choice for all of us. Isn't it interesting that three posts giving you accurate information has been removed from this site. Does this tell you anything. You need to realize that the more enrollees Pfizer has contracted with UHC, the lower price Pfizer has to pay. If this post is not removed, I'll keep on reminding everyone not to be blind when the enrollment period comes. For their system to work, they need you to sign with the Pfizer program. I was a very loyal and dedicated Pfizer representative for many years. This action taken in removing my posts has given me insights on how the system works. I guess Pfizer doesn't want negative information out there for us to read. Please make your choices wisely.

Well folks, to those who will be receiving the 2015 Retiree Medical Plan, it seems as though my last three posts concerning comparing buying insurance on the open market versus benefits of each has gotten Pfizer's attention. My last three posts on here giving you information on the benefit of buying on the local market may be a better choice for all of us. Isn't it interesting that three posts giving you accurate information has been removed from this site. Does this tell you anything. You need to realize that the more enrollees Pfizer has contracted with UHC, the lower price Pfizer has to pay. If this post is not removed, I'll keep on reminding everyone not to be blind when the enrollment period comes. For their system to work, they need you to sign with the Pfizer program. I was a very loyal and dedicated Pfizer representative for many years. This action taken in removing my posts has given me insights on how the system works. I guess Pfizer doesn't want negative information out there for us to read. Please make your choices wisely.

Pfizer always does what's best for its employees and retirees (sarcasm noted).

Pfizer always does what's best for its employees and retirees (sarcasm noted).

Right on. Pfizer doesn't value its employees, both active and retired, anymore. At one time they might have. This has been the most mismanaged company I have ever been associated with. There is no structure to its sales management system. It changes each time someone passes gas and has a new idea. Tell me please, just who is in charge of the sales force at Pfizer? At one time, we had a VP of sales who represented the sales force and maybe we all looked to for direction. That exists no more. Pfizer gutted their sales force by eliminating many of the senior representatives because of their age and the fact they were making too much money. These people knew how to sell and where to go for the business. Now look, whenever we need leadership the most, who do we have. It takes time in this business to become productive. That comes by establishing relationships and trust. But no, Pfizer doesn't think this is important and out the door we went. I'm just sorry that I did not get a package like so many of my friends did. No, Pfizer scared many of us into thinking if we didn't retire we would loose our healthcare coverage, which is all honestly, is no big deal. Folks, this was once a great profession, but no longer. You're scared to death that one minute you're gonna have a job for your family, and the next is fearing that you might lose your job. If you don't think this affects moral among the force and in the end effects sales, you're living in a dream world.

Well stated! I got the boot and the package in 2007. Took my retirement in a lump sum.
I was fortunate that once the medical ran out, I could tell Pfizer to stick the medical plan up the poop shoot, as my wife's employer gave us better coverage at half the price. I broke all ties with pfe because of the way they tried to screw people out of their earned benes. I had to threaten to sue them for $15,000 worth of bonus they tried to not pay me. If you have any brains, divest yourself of anything pfe has promised you because you will either have to fight for it or never see it. This is the first time I have Benin on CP in 6 yrs. the only reason I am posting is that a former pfe colleague told me about what pfe is doing to retirees.
Pfe represents all that is bad in business. I enjoy seeing it crumble into the pile of shit it has been made of since it mfged penicillin.... The last good thing they have ever done.

Yes, here is a thought....shut up and get a life. You better be damn happy that this plan is still being offered. Take your head out of your ass and ask people what they are paying for health insurance and how bad it is. Now go get some rest, the early bird special starts at 4PM.

Typical response from an uninformed, ignorant, immature, moron.
You think it's so wonderful... Keep it.
Once you get your head out of your ass you will see the light .

Right on. Pfizer doesn't value its employees, both active and retired, anymore. At one time they might have. This has been the most mismanaged company I have ever been associated with. There is no structure to its sales management system. It changes each time someone passes gas and has a new idea. Tell me please, just who is in charge of the sales force at Pfizer? At one time, we had a VP of sales who represented the sales force and maybe we all looked to for direction. That exists no more. Pfizer gutted their sales force by eliminating many of the senior representatives because of their age and the fact they were making too much money. These people knew how to sell and where to go for the business. Now look, whenever we need leadership the most, who do we have. It takes time in this business to become productive. That comes by establishing relationships and trust. But no, Pfizer doesn't think this is important and out the door we went. I'm just sorry that I did not get a package like so many of my friends did. No, Pfizer scared many of us into thinking if we didn't retire we would loose our healthcare coverage, which is all honestly, is no big deal. Folks, this was once a great profession, but no longer. You're scared to death that one minute you're gonna have a job for your family, and the next is fearing that you might lose your job. If you don't think this affects moral among the force and in the end effects sales, you're living in a dream world.

This reminds me of a line from the Stones song, "Salt of the Earth", which goes something like this:

Let's drink to the hard-working people,
Who need leading
But get gamblers instead
Let's drink to the salt of the earth.

Right on. Pfizer doesn't value its employees, both active and retired, anymore. At one time they might have. This has been the most mismanaged company I have ever been associated with. There is no structure to its sales management system. It changes each time someone passes gas and has a new idea. Tell me please, just who is in charge of the sales force at Pfizer? At one time, we had a VP of sales who represented the sales force and maybe we all looked to for direction. That exists no more. Pfizer gutted their sales force by eliminating many of the senior representatives because of their age and the fact they were making too much money. These people knew how to sell and where to go for the business. Now look, whenever we need leadership the most, who do we have. It takes time in this business to become productive. That comes by establishing relationships and trust. But no, Pfizer doesn't think this is important and out the door we went. I'm just sorry that I did not get a package like so many of my friends did. No, Pfizer scared many of us into thinking if we didn't retire we would loose our healthcare coverage, which is all honestly, is no big deal. Folks, this was once a great profession, but no longer. You're scared to death that one minute you're gonna have a job for your family, and the next is fearing that you might lose your job. If you don't think this affects moral among the force and in the end effects sales, you're living in a dream world.

This reminds me of a line from the Stones' song, "Salt of the Earth", which goes something like this:

Let's drink to the hard-working people,
Who need leading
But get gamblers instead
Let's drink to the salt of the earth.

Just received a booklet describing the 2015 plan. As usual, it's 10 pages of small print saying how wonderful it will be for us now that we're all on the same plan. Any thoughts on this?

My thoughts is that they owe you nothing if you are NOTcurrently working for them. Be very grateful that you even have this sort of supplement. Tired of hearing all of you old retirees whine like you are Welfare people. Pay for your own Medicare supplement, like the majority of people have to do.

My thoughts is that they owe you nothing if you are NOTcurrently working for them. Be very grateful that you even have this sort of supplement. Tired of hearing all of you old retirees whine like you are Welfare people. Pay for your own Medicare supplement, like the majority of people have to do.

Incorrect! Companies doing business in the US of A have an obligation to treat their employees fairly, and pay their fare share of taxes, including, health care benefits. After all, we the taxpayers provide a relatively safe environment for their corp HQ, with police and fire protection, plus our top-notch military keeps the bad guys away.

Can you imagine Ian and Co living in a Carribean nation, tax haven? They would live in a gated compound with thugs as armed gaurds.

Viva USA!

Incorrect! Companies doing business in the US of A have an obligation to treat their employees fairly, and pay their fare share of taxes, including, health care benefits. After all, we the taxpayers provide a relatively safe environment for their corp HQ, with police and fire protection, plus our top-notch military keeps the bad guys away.

Can you imagine Ian and Co living in a Carribean nation, tax haven? They would live in a gated compound with thugs as armed gaurds.

Viva USA!

Misspelled guards. Lo siento mucho; came from a long line of English teachers (Wisconsin).

My thoughts is that they owe you nothing if you are NOTcurrently working for them. Be very grateful that you even have this sort of supplement. Tired of hearing all of you old retirees whine like you are Welfare people. Pay for yfridgour own Medicare supplement, like the majority of people have to do.

I love comments like this from some working representatives like yourself. First of all, if Pfizer had not had the commitment and loyalty over the years by the current retirees, you might not even have a job today. Like it or not, you too will be retired and on medicare. We're not complaining, we don't like being screwed over by management. I dare say you never complain about anything this company is doing today. So don't come here preaching to us. I don't care to participate in Pfizer's plan for the retirees, it's not as good as what we can buy on the open market. Trust me, we're not like those on welfare. WE WORKED FOR OUR BENEFITS. Yes, WORKED. You can take your comments somewhere else. We don't need your lecturing us on what we should be doing. When you get to retirement age, you do have a right to express your comments on here. Put some years in, and maybe you might feel this way. Just how much business are you creating these days? I'm a member of the Pfizer Hall of Fame. How are your sales.

It seems that many posting on here don't know that not every retiree in every state/location has access to the same Medicare supplement/advantage plans. The plans being offered to retirees in one location may or may not be available in another area. Some retirees only have access to a plan offered by Pfizer, regardless of the cost and coverages. Many locations have poor or no choices for supplemental coverages. Be grateful Pfizer is still providing health coverage, especially the prescription plan.

My thoughts is that they owe you nothing if you are NOTcurrently working for them. Be very grateful that you even have this sort of supplement. Tired of hearing all of you old retirees whine like you are Welfare people. Pay for your own Medicare supplement, like the majority of people have to do.

For your information, there will be more of us buying our "Medicare supplement" in the future when they see that premiums being charged for an inferior plan compared to what I available out there today. My wife will be going on Medicare in October. I received notice from HR Resource telling me of the plans available to her for the last three months of this year. I currently buy my own plan which I less expensive than what Pfizer would charge for me. I have zero out of pocket expenses with my plan. Two things I learned, I would have to signup for the Pfizer plan in order for her to be qualified to buy one of the available plans. I refuse to do this. Secondly, on this letter they informed me that I have ZERO medical subsidy dollars left with Pfizer. This after 38 years of service. So much for this great benefit provides us. I would strongly recommend who is retired to look into this. The so called premium that you pay is not going to be subsidized from Pfizer. I have had no reimbursements from Pfizer for claims submitted since I retired five years ago.

I am 75 with cognitive problems due two stokes mywife and I are lost, I so sick, and both os are lost, They pfizer have missed dead lines in past for info in the past for info what should i do shoot my self