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100 Truths about the Pharmaceutical Industry...


1. Its always profits over the people.
2. We are a cult!
3. Let's hire recent college graduates because we can mind control them.
4. Let's take care of the managers first, and scratch each others backs.
5. Let's get rid of anyone that questions the way we do business.
6. Downsize whenever we need to raise our stock price quickly.
7. We buy the business still, and always well.
8. Doctors are the easiest professionals to manipulate and we manipulate them well.
9. Role plays are necessary to demoralize people and keep them mind controlled.
10. Let's hire women that are hot because the doctors listen to hot.
11. Don't hire anyone too smart, because they can see that we are full of crap quickly.
12. Start the college grads with a company car because its great bait and cheap.
13. Let's have field ride evaluations to control the sales reps further.
14. Always keep the sales force in perpetual fear of losing their jobs.
15. Micromanage, micromanage, micromanage.


its not a funny list, but there is room for 100.

Hopefully we can grow this and get the youngsters that are considering this industry...to reconsider and find a sales job that is more full filling and offers a more productive and positive work environment.

We all know that we would have never entered this industry if we knew now, what we knew that.

Those of you that think otherwise...are either fools, cowards, or mentally challenged.


1. Its always profits over the people.
2. We are a cult!
3. Let's hire recent college graduates because we can mind control them.
4. Let's take care of the managers first, and scratch each others backs.
5. Let's get rid of anyone that questions the way we do business.
6. Downsize whenever we need to raise our stock price quickly.
7. We buy the business still, and always well.
8. Doctors are the easiest professionals to manipulate and we manipulate them well.
9. Role plays are necessary to demoralize people and keep them mind controlled.
10. Let's hire women that are hot because the doctors listen to hot.
11. Don't hire anyone too smart, because they can see that we are full of crap quickly.
12. Start the college grads with a company car because its great bait and cheap.
13. Let's have field ride evaluations to control the sales reps further.
14. Always keep the sales force in perpetual fear of losing their jobs.
15. Micromanage, micromanage, micromanage.


its not a funny list, but there is room for 100.

Hopefully we can grow this and get the youngsters that are considering this industry...to reconsider and find a sales job that is more full filling and offers a more productive and positive work environment.

We all know that we would have never entered this industry if we knew now, what we knew that.

Those of you that think otherwise...are either fools, cowards, or mentally challenged.

During the past several years, the pharma industry has had to downsize due to patent expirations and other impacts on the business. With this downsizing, companies have had to determine which people stay and which one's go. Basically, keep the cream of the crop and get rid of the low performers/deadbeats. Those that were cast aside had to find other jobs and, in most cases, these people have had to take much lower paying positions or are still unemployed. The people kicked out were mostly bitter, but got over their anger after some period of time. A few people did not get over the anger and they take out their bitterness on those that are more successful and still employed in the business. Here we see an example of one of those bitter people that just can't get pass the fact that he was dumped. He makes bitter posts like this one and has done so on other threads as well. Those posts are easy to spot. For this particular person, it has become an obsession. It seems to be getting worse by the day, to the point of impacting normal function. There is no way we can help him as most of us have no background in dealing with people that have a mental illness. All we can do is hope that someone in this person's family pushes this person into treatment.

During the past several years, the pharma industry has had to downsize due to patent expirations and other impacts on the business. With this downsizing, companies have had to determine which people stay and which one's go. Basically, keep the cream of the crop and get rid of the low performers/deadbeats. Those that were cast aside had to find other jobs and, in most cases, these people have had to take much lower paying positions or are still unemployed. The people kicked out were mostly bitter, but got over their anger after some period of time. A few people did not get over the anger and they take out their bitterness on those that are more successful and still employed in the business. Here we see an example of one of those bitter people that just can't get pass the fact that he was dumped. He makes bitter posts like this one and has done so on other threads as well. Those posts are easy to spot. For this particular person, it has become an obsession. It seems to be getting worse by the day, to the point of impacting normal function. There is no way we can help him as most of us have no background in dealing with people that have a mental illness. All we can do is hope that someone in this person's family pushes this person into treatment.

I spilled my coffee all over my Sunday best shirt when you said "the cream of the crop" in pharma sales!


Its more like those that can't sell anything else.

The top dogs moved out of pharma. a long time ago, into software and medical device sales, idiot.

I spilled my coffee all over my Sunday best shirt when you said "the cream of the crop" in pharma sales!


Its more like those that can't sell anything else.

The top dogs moved out of pharma. a long time ago, into software and medical device sales, idiot.

Your continued responses on this board indicate that you are still bitter over the loss of your pharma job and feel the need to change the story as a way of offsetting those feelings.

There is no need for you to continue to lecture those of us doing well in the business. Instead, you should focus on improving your own situation as it is clear that you are still suffering.

Good luck!

16. Make sure you get enough signatures.
17. Lots of signatures equals job security.
18. Take all the credit when things are going good.
19. Blame the POD when things are going bad.
20. Please the manager at all costs, even it it means losing your professional integrity.

I spilled my coffee all over my Sunday best shirt when you said "the cream of the crop" in pharma sales!


Its more like those that can't sell anything else.

The top dogs moved out of pharma. a long time ago, into software and medical device sales, idiot.

Woof! So true I was in pharma in 2004, I was 30 and got a big raise by getting into the "industry". At first I thought I was the man but 2 years in realized what a fake job it was. The money wasn't even that good and it's way less now. Worked with a bunch of fake bitch 20 something chicks, garbage. Anyone in 2014 who thinks pharma is a viable option, especially a guy is an ahole turdface LOSER



First quarter software sales= 104.3K suck it !

After some time, it becomes a dull way of life.
Sales should be exciting and offer an opportunity to make a lot of money and have some freedom. In pharma. you are a slave, 24/7. Other sales jobs, you can have more flexibility and make more if you are good and build up the territory.
without question, pharma sales is the most mind controlled industry out there.

Woof! So true I was in pharma in 2004, I was 30 and got a big raise by getting into the "industry". At first I thought I was the man but 2 years in realized what a fake job it was. The money wasn't even that good and it's way less now. Worked with a bunch of fake bitch 20 something chicks, garbage. Anyone in 2014 who thinks pharma is a viable option, especially a guy is an ahole turdface LOSER



First quarter software sales= 104.3K suck it !

And here you are hanging out on the pharma board making multiple posts. That is because you wish you had your old pharma job back, but it will never be. You will have to settle for your loser job. Sure, you can keep filling up this thread with your lies and insults, but it doesn't change reality. You couldn't cut it and now you will have to settle for a loser job.

And here you are hanging out on the pharma board making multiple posts. That is because you wish you had your old pharma job back, but it will never be. You will have to settle for your loser job. Sure, you can keep filling up this thread with your lies and insults, but it doesn't change reality. You couldn't cut it and now you will have to settle for a loser job.

the only one making multiple posts is you, liar.
Also, stop repeating yourself. It is annoying and ruins this website.

the only one making multiple posts is you, liar.
Also, stop repeating yourself. It is annoying and ruins this website.

Uhm, no........we can see all your posts on the various threads, which makes you the liar.

Ruining the website?? You mean like someone that is no longer in the pharma industry, is posting over and over again on a pharma website, bashing the industry and those that work in it?

21. We can always count on annoying reps like the poster above to stay in our industry because they will do everything they can to keep their jobs, even if it means back stabbing others or sleeping with the manager.
22. The doctors really don't like us.
23. Its a good way to ruin a career.
24. You have to sell your soul to the Devil to stay in.
25. We know our products stink, but we are brain washed to that fact.
26. Fake clinical studies are common.
27. Training is a mind controlled factory.
28. We sell expired drugs to 3rd world countries.
29. Fines are just a part of the business model; its all about ROI, baby!
30. Mangers here are the best slaves money can buy. Reps are second.

21. We can always count on annoying reps like the poster above to stay in our industry because they will do everything they can to keep their jobs, even if it means back stabbing others or sleeping with the manager.
22. The doctors really don't like us.
23. Its a good way to ruin a career.
24. You have to sell your soul to the Devil to stay in.
25. We know our products stink, but we are brain washed to that fact.
26. Fake clinical studies are common.
27. Training is a mind controlled factory.
28. We sell expired drugs to 3rd world countries.
29. Fines are just a part of the business model; its all about ROI, baby!
30. Mangers here are the best slaves money can buy. Reps are second.

Your case of sour grapes is making you flip out.

Was in the biz nearly 17 years and the "counter" is spot on. The industry is a mind-numbing, career killer that, for about 80 percent, completely destroys their work ethic and their ability to be part of a real team.

- not really sales, so do not kid yourself. It is a marketing job.
- OK, management thinks it is hardcore sales that's why you need constant brainwashing
- that feeling in your stomach is actually the giant puppet hand of pharma shoved all the way up your ass
- managers love that feel
- upper management only exists to lie, gladhand, prop up stock prices, create spread sheets and present at POAs
- Sales people are completely expendable and it matters not if you won CEO five times, when the cuts come, your number could be up becuase YOU do not matter
- counterparts are not to be trusted
- wear a flack jacket to keep the knives from stabbing you in the back
- watch out for counterparts that work 10 to 2 or less and have brown noses

I could go on for 100 pages. Pharma is that bad. I am so GLAD I am out. What a totally shit job.

Was in the biz nearly 17 years and the "counter" is spot on. The industry is a mind-numbing, career killer that, for about 80 percent, completely destroys their work ethic and their ability to be part of a real team.

- not really sales, so do not kid yourself. It is a marketing job.
- OK, management thinks it is hardcore sales that's why you need constant brainwashing
- that feeling in your stomach is actually the giant puppet hand of pharma shoved all the way up your ass
- managers love that feel
- upper management only exists to lie, gladhand, prop up stock prices, create spread sheets and present at POAs
- Sales people are completely expendable and it matters not if you won CEO five times, when the cuts come, your number could be up becuase YOU do not matter
- counterparts are not to be trusted
- wear a flack jacket to keep the knives from stabbing you in the back
- watch out for counterparts that work 10 to 2 or less and have brown noses

I could go on for 100 pages. Pharma is that bad. I am so GLAD I am out. What a totally shit job.

Man, I really appreciate your post.
I have been getting tempted to get back in, but I am hesitating and for good reason.

I think your statement about producers that get let go despite their success is telling because YOU/ME don't matter. We are not important to the business model. We are expendable because the business model/analysis from home office MBA's is that the sales rep is not the one that makes the sale, but the marketing team and the TV commercials, etc.

Thank you. I am staying where I am. My pay is about 15 percent less than pharmaceuticals now, but if I stick it out, I will make about 40 percent more in the long run.

but, the kicker is that I have almost no micromanagement...and tons of job security because my job is difficult...a real sales job, unlike pharmaceutical fairy land.

Another beautiful thing about my job is that I have my own territory, and the offices generally have to work with me to help their patients.

Sleep better, no field rides, no meaningless conference calls, no meaningless P.O.A. meeting and not annoying, back stabbing jealous counterparts!


Man, I really appreciate your post.
I have been getting tempted to get back in, but I am hesitating and for good reason.

I think your statement about producers that get let go despite their success is telling because YOU/ME don't matter. We are not important to the business model. We are expendable because the business model/analysis from home office MBA's is that the sales rep is not the one that makes the sale, but the marketing team and the TV commercials, etc.

Thank you. I am staying where I am. My pay is about 15 percent less than pharmaceuticals now, but if I stick it out, I will make about 40 percent more in the long run.

but, the kicker is that I have almost no micromanagement...and tons of job security because my job is difficult...a real sales job, unlike pharmaceutical fairy land.

Another beautiful thing about my job is that I have my own territory, and the offices generally have to work with me to help their patients.

Sleep better, no field rides, no meaningless conference calls, no meaningless P.O.A. meeting and not annoying, back stabbing jealous counterparts!


It is pathetic to see you responding to your own post, which was another mindless post to begin with. It is typical for people like you to be mad when you lose a great paying job, like your former pharma job. You need to find a way to get over all your anger and bitterness. In your case, it goes beyond a normal reaction. As such, you should look into professional help to deal with your issues.

It is pathetic to see you responding to your own post, which was another mindless post to begin with. It is typical for people like you to be mad when you lose a great paying job, like your former pharma job. You need to find a way to get over all your anger and bitterness. In your case, it goes beyond a normal reaction. As such, you should look into professional help to deal with your issues.

Just go away.
Liars are not welcome here.

You repeat yourself over and over, a sign that the pharma. industry has mind controlled you to even sell you first born to stay in the business.

Just go away.
Liars are not welcome here.

You repeat yourself over and over, a sign that the pharma. industry has mind controlled you to even sell you first born to stay in the business.

Yes, you are a liar and I am not sure why you just don't go away since you are not in pharma anymore (and this is a pharma board). In fact, you said a few times that you were leaving, yet you didn't. Clearly, you have some unresolved mental issues and just can't stay away.

Find a way to deal with your bitterness and anger because all you are doing on this board is fueling your own problems.

Just to help the former reps on this board understand that their comments are a result of sour grapes:

Sour grapes
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Making a false pretense to form a rationalization, i.e., not to care for something one wants, but does not or cannot have (expression originated in "The Fox and the Grapes," one of Aesop's Fables)

31. Liars like the poster above are expected to be a part of our industry a long time.
32. No need to be smart in this industry, just be a great "showman".
33. Strong men need not apply. You don't fit in.
34. Check your hair before you want into an office.
35. The office cows don't like pizza! Order something good and expensive to buy business.
36. You will have to go through 5 interviews!
37. Expect a lot of lying in the interview, especially when you ask why the position is open.
38. Only the mind controlled still think we are helping patients' quality of life.
39. Approximately 90 percent of the industry is mind controlled, strange but true.
40. Big breasts. You are hired!

41. The job pays so well, that when you lose it, you also lose your mind, because you can't find anything else that pays this well. In fact, you may have to accept a low paying/demeaning job like car sales or timeshare sales.
42. It really isn't that hard of a job. I didn't realize it until I lost my job. That tells me that I must have been a real loser to not be able to cut it.
43. If you are mentally unbalance (like I am), you will take it hard when you lose your pharma job. In fact, you may end up obsessing over it so much, that you posts nonsense on pharma boards to help try and make yourself feel better.
44. Your former pharma colleagues will be living the good life, while you struggle just to get by.
45. You will find yourself repeating stuff (like I am now) on the pharma chat boards because you have become mentally unbalanced from losing your pharma job.