#1 Ranked Company to Work For

Just remember, the color of your skin is not a sin. Even Usher, Snoop and Jay-Z would struggle to get a job here.

So white people at Genentech think all blacks are good for are to entertain and play basketball? Well Guess what, we can market, do well in the sciences and kick your lame asses in the work place.

So white people at Genentech think all blacks are good for are to entertain and play basketball? Well Guess what, we can market, do well in the sciences and kick your lame asses in the work place.

You forgot to mention high incarceration rate, welfare, etc. Those of color who makes it got thru school and big companies via affirmative action reverse discrimations.

You forgot to mention high incarceration rate, welfare, etc. Those of color who makes it got thru school and big companies via affirmative action reverse discrimations.

Hey cracker, colored person here, PhD from a top university, you know, affirmative action, not hard work. Why don't you bring your sorry ass over to Oakland so some of my BLM brothers can address your sorry racist ass. Lots of privileged crackers at Genentech that foster some of the most racists views.

You forgot to mention high incarceration rate, welfare, etc. Those of color who makes it got thru school and big companies via affirmative action reverse discrimations.
Wow, you have to be a non-spelling hick because what the hell is "those of color who makes it" or "thru" ... Did you complete kindergarten? It is whom make it through jackass! Wow, and you have the audacity to say someone made it through school with affirmative action, did you make it through because you slept with your cousin? You idiot!

Wow, you have to be a non-spelling hick because what the hell is "those of color who makes it" or "thru" ... Did you complete kindergarten? It is whom make it through jackass! Wow, and you have the audacity to say someone made it through school with affirmative action, did you make it through because you slept with your cousin? You idiot!

Uh-oh, the grammar nazi and the privileged homeboy (who does not live in the hood) are bashing the non-colored or somethings. Guess TRUTH hurts.

Let me give you some advice, re-read your posts before hitting the reply button. You appear to be very uneducated. Well that's if you can read!

We is dig all them free thangs and luv to get in front of the crackas when it comes to education and jobs and all. We is love EBT cards, homie Obama phones and section 8 vouchers! Y'all are just jealous!

So white people at Genentech think all blacks are good for are to entertain and play basketball? Well Guess what, we can market, do well in the sciences and kick your lame asses in the work place.

I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say it's one white DB, not a general consensus of the white people

Disagree. Many are getting tired of the PC reverse discrimination activity at Genentech in Mexifornia. Time for the swiss to clean house. The pasty boys from the alps don't go for that crap.

Time to get them butches in HR to remove their strap on's and actually do their jobs, stop pushing all non-white, non LGTB's to the front of the line.

I had a very abusive mentally ill boss. hR was worth than useless. Of course if your boss is willing to lie, they seem more than happy to go with it. I saw her destroy whole projects, compounding, the stroke advocacy, menace to the company. I left to take a pay cut with a company that has adopted a no jerks policy and its been great so far. In my readings from Wharton our HR is sub par and there is no ombudsman.
Let's face it when you have a head of office that commits suicide because he is caught stealing it shows the fish rots from the head.