I don’t care about his race, creed, age, or sex is. Here are some legitimate reasons I distrust him:
His foolish idea that call metrics positively affect sales.
His counterproductive idea field rides positively affect sales.
The fact that he is so out of touch with what we do every day, he thinks having two more devices to keep charged positively affects sales.

I could think of more, but these are currently the most wasteful of our time and resources.
Remember when Dez had to apologize on behalf of the woman who told Hitler jokes because she wouldn't do it herself?
If I only remember one thing about Dez, it will be that.
He would cut an entire division of reps loose while getting his morning massage, but when a friend of his commits a Q-wave career infarction in front of thousands of people, he apologizes on her behalf.
Says a lot about him as a person and an executive.

Remember when Dez had to apologize on behalf of the woman who told Hitler jokes because she wouldn't do it herself?
If I only remember one thing about Dez, it will be that.
He would cut an entire division of reps loose while getting his morning massage, but when a friend of his commits a Q-wave career infarction in front of thousands of people, he apologizes on her behalf.
Says a lot about him as a person and an executive.
Dez is an insincere azz hat.

Dez could not inspire calling the numbers for a bingo game down at the local senior citizens lodge. Even the seniors would recognize him as an uninspiring and calculated robotic drone.

I thought same. Too much selling copilots use at every opportunity. It’s a commercial for copilot all the time. Must get a kickback every time it’s used or it’s simply a way to track everything we do. Creepy either way.

I thought she was working for Microsoft. Selling those Copilot licenses! Since Laurie got here all she wants to talk about is AI and Copilot. I've had enough of it. Found it kind of unethical that she cheated and used AI to do her son's project for him. Not the best hire by Dez. She should probably go back to Microsoft and take Dez with her..

I thought she was working for Microsoft. Selling those Copilot licenses! Since Laurie got here all she wants to talk about is AI and Copilot. I've had enough of it. Found it kind of unethical that she cheated and used AI to do her son's project for him. Not the best hire by Dez. She should probably go back to Microsoft and take Dez with her..
Look closer - she did a brief stint at Glaxo. Goes deeper than Microsoft

I like Laurie, I think she really is trying to implement changes, and comes with a different perspective that is much needed in CV. learning how to use new technology is important otherwise you will fall behind. Copilot definitely has its advantages. have in open mind people, the same old same old gets you no where

Agree. Though I didn’t hear anything racist at NSM. Most people hide it better than that.
DEI reverse racism is Dead in 2025! Martin Luther King famous "I have a Dream" speech" is 100% against DEI racism. A Racist is not color blind ... DEI policies in the workforce are more about unethical "quotas" around the superficial color of ones skin, ones sex, sexual orientation and a hoist of other Non-Performance, non-skill and non-talent related attributes. Fairness in the workforce is about equality of opportunity based on Merit alone for all, NOT equality of outcomes based on superficial DEI advocates and quotas.

DEI reverse racism is Dead in 2025! Martin Luther King famous "I have a Dream" speech" is 100% against DEI racism. A Racist is not color blind ... DEI policies in the workforce are more about unethical "quotas" around the superficial color of ones skin, ones sex, sexual orientation and a hoist of other Non-Performance, non-skill and non-talent related attributes. Fairness in the workforce is about equality of opportunity based on Merit alone for all, NOT equality of outcomes based on superficial DEI advocates and quotas.
You'll never understand how desperately you need psychological help.
You start DEI threads every week.
When nobody responds or they get taken down, you move on to existing threads.
You have a clinical obsession with it.
It's unhealthy, and it is destroying your life.
You can't wrap your head around the fact that 95-98% of society doesn't give a fuck about DEI; it is utterly irrelevant to them.
And, for what it is worth, DEI is not antithetical to merit-based hiring or promotions.
The fact that you voraciously consume Fox News talking points, and they inform every thought that rattles through your empty head, has wrecked your ability to see the world objectively.
Which is fine, but you should stick to sites where people are like you and care about the same irrelevant shit you care about.

I Agree... a former retired 30 year veteran who has seen the total erosion of face to face access nationwide in our industry and the subsequent explosion of medical information online for HCP's
Poor fella…. Retired eh but can’t stay away from this Pharma site. Both odd and sad. Go see the world. I bet you’re really an existing bitter and trapped Pharma rep.