Is lay-off coming ?

Not one leader showed an ounce of compassion today about the riots and what is going on in our country. Instead of sending a message that today Is the day to hit our number, how about sending a message of stay safe and how are you doing?

This is a company that condones age discrimination, encourages sexual innuendo by candidates seeking employment, throws hard-working people in the street like a dog without severance pay - so why would you expect anything more from these people?

He's the one that figures out how to cut everyone. That guy is a snake I always watch myself around him. For those of us still here we know to watch everything you say around MikeZ

He wasn’t happy when they brought Chris Starr in with a higher title, nor was he happy when they moved him out of BI into Sales. My impression was that he gets off on being the boss and micromanaging whoever they have reporting to him. He has that blank stare and wants you to know his is bigger than yours. Really shouldn’t be managing people.

No way ! They are doing it to cut budget . Edge is too slow with too many steps to make a call . Your iPads battery will be dead . Good luck

Has it even been validated in compliance with federal law CFR Title 21? Not only is it way too busy, but imagine the fines if we’re sampling with an SFA that hasn’t been validated.

I’m way more happy Patty is gone, at least Melissa did something.
I don’t think Melissa is the gossip but Patty certainly is. Now that she is back in the field her ego is bigger than our Annovera goal and she has no problem sharing how much she despises numerous people including Gish. Not only is she a total ditz and airhead but has no sense of loyalty. Who decided to let her take a job away from a rep? For all of you in the field don’t trust this one. She’s nice to your face and will call you out the next day. Watch yourself

Both were wealthy prior to starting the company. Even though many years later the company is a complete failure with stock performance they are a lot wealthier because of it as each sold millions of shares at much higher prices and take a big salary and bonus. It’s all icing on the cake for them. rob will sell this company the first chance he can, if there’s a buyer.

I don’t think Melissa is the gossip but Patty certainly is. Now that she is back in the field her ego is bigger than our Annovera goal and she has no problem sharing how much she despises numerous people including Gish. Not only is she a total ditz and airhead but has no sense of loyalty. Who decided to let her take a job away from a rep? For all of you in the field don’t trust this one. She’s nice to your face and will call you out the next day. Watch yourself

The same could be said for C Starr. Yes, he’s polite on the phone and he’ll have a drink with you at the national sales meeting, but if your % Medicare is anywhere north of 60 he’d drop you faster than 3rd period French. He is perfectly situated in a culture that does not value people.

I agree, he’s a total snake. I don’t trust him at all. I didn’t think he would have kept his job.

Word has it that around the office he likes to bad mouth the “old people” that live in that area of Boca, Delray, and Boynton. Barely 30 and his hairline doesn’t suggest he’s such a spring chicken.

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