Is lay-off coming ?

Good to see TR posting. Being part of the leadership here I’ve never heard a single bad thing about MB from anyone but TR. That being said I’ve also never seen one good thing come from Gish so clearly TR is posting this.

Good to see TR posting. Being part of the leadership here I’ve never heard a single bad thing about MB from anyone but TR. That being said I’ve also never seen one good thing come from Gish so clearly TR is posting this.
I doubt it . Unless you can’t let go of the past, many people really like Gish and all his changes toward the future. I am one of the many believers in Gish and Trya. I’m trusting what they are trying to do.

A change in pharmacy leadership needs to happen.

Big Mitch is Ok - he sold a mere 300,000 shares right before the pandemic took off in March. He likes to brag about which overly-priced car he’s going to buy his son.. hope he doesn’t ponder too much, considering he pocketed $677K on that transaction alone. Pompous ass.

Im extremely disappointed by the questions that were brought up on the post layoff call! Seriously we lost some great teammates and you are more worried about what color scrubs you can wear and begging pretty please for cars to be SUVs?

Are you kidding? We are in a pandemic and the only thing you are worried about isn't getting scripts but what kind of car they will give you? Seriously?

Also for those of you who want to wear scrubs! Actually, to a provider this is considered a huge insult! Its like wearing a military uniform but never even being in the military!

Most provider hospitals have certain colors they associate with different departments in the hospital. WE are not MEDICAL REPS! WE don't scrub into surgeries!

IF you are more concerned about what kind of car you will get or what color scrub you will wear, do us all a favor and just put in your notice!!!

Wow. Seems like Chris Gish is now on here defending himself against Melissa B. Swear it is not Melissa B with all those posts you think it is. Maybe some, I guess, but not a few I’ve written about you Chris G. You have others talking about you because you are sinking this ship, are self-centered, egotistical and that will not win in business. It was evident at the NSM. Not sure how long you will last. Try defending yourself. It’s a futile effort. Numbers and actions speak for themselves.

Another chris g post on the offense. Just come clean, scrub like the surgeon you are, put on the scrubs and tell us it is you. So obvious you maleficent leader. You may also need to look that word up. You don’t need to open up a dictionary, just google it.

Wow. Seems like Chris Gish is now on here defending himself against Melissa B. Swear it is not Melissa B with all those posts you think it is. Maybe some, I guess, but not a few I’ve written about you Chris G. You have others talking about you because you are sinking this ship, are self-centered, egotistical and that will not win in business. It was evident at the NSM. Not sure how long you will last. Try defending yourself. It’s a futile effort. Numbers and actions speak for themselves.

The attitude of being self-centered and egotistical applies to others within corporate. Rumor has it that during one interview, C Starr spent the entire time looking down at his laptop instead of conversing with the candidate, as if he was too important to be part of the discussion.

Haha this place is a mess ! Surgical scrubs really ? You might as well let some reps try because they haven’t sold anything in regular garb . Good luck in a pandemic selling me too products .

Me too products? All have unique advantages. Problem is the leadership from Vp Sales and up. Poor vision and lack of experience. Too many costs and people. Cut half of BI, all of BioIgnite and have 75 reps. Just isn’t going to be the 2 billion dollar company Dawn and Rob are selling. They’ve both mismanaged the company in a horrible way as well as brought in the wrong people like everyone is saying in the thread. Dawn, Rob, Chris G and Tyra just need to go. We will have to keep cutting, maybe claim bankruptcy to wipe out the debt or we will get lucky and get a large pharma company to buy us out for 2 dollars a share for what it may be worth on a good day. Too little, too late imo.

Me too products? All have unique advantages. Problem is the leadership from Vp Sales and up. Poor vision and lack of experience. Too many costs and people. Cut half of BI, all of BioIgnite and have 75 reps. Just isn’t going to be the 2 billion dollar company Dawn and Rob are selling. They’ve both mismanaged the company in a horrible way as well as brought in the wrong people like everyone is saying in the thread. Dawn, Rob, Chris G and Tyra just need to go. We will have to keep cutting, maybe claim bankruptcy to wipe out the debt or we will get lucky and get a large pharma company to buy us out for 2 dollars a share for what it may be worth on a good day. Too little, too late imo.
I can understand your frustration with Rob but am failing to see your rationale with GG-he wasn’t responsible for Covid people and TR had to let Patty and Melissa go just like a lot of other managers had to make tough decisions. This is clearly displaced training people. Just admit it and fess up. Dawn is one of the greatest leaders we have hired. She has turned around that entire marketing department and bringing Steelman here. Your comments don’t make any sense. Maybe this is why you got let go.

The stock price has been a key indicator on how this company and its leadership has been performing. The stock price tanked well before Covid-19.

That was before the restructuring and prior to multiple layoffs without severance.

This company is garbage, plain and simple.

Seems like Dawn is now patrolling this post. Great leader? How? Turned around marketing? How? What metric do you have that shows the people you hired first (Sharon and that regime) for marketing that you then displaced for the new regime you had turned to is better? You’ve turned this org it into a three ring circus. You have been here for an eternity, prior to any fda approved product and have absolutely nothing to show for it but chaos, turnover, Realignments due to poor expansion plans, bad high level decisions (bioignite), low reimbursements for a manger care etc. Really a poor job. Shareholders should be able to keep you accountable. Please resign. You’ve done enough damage to Txmd and have no ability to hire, motivate, train, lead and execute. You get measured by stock performance and that’s a capital F. I still work here and wasn’t let go but yes, am looking and hope to find a new company soon.

Not one leader showed an ounce of compassion today about the riots and what is going on in our country. Instead of sending a message that today Is the day to hit our number, how about sending a message of stay safe and how are you doing?

Rob and John don’t care about our well being in the field. They just want us out there selling, doing whatever it takes. Big payday for those guys once this company sells. Am I wrong?