The New Reality of (what's left of) Merck Employees

June was D-day and plenty of people are here; ? October; I doubt it. All doom and gloom. But I will tell you beware if 50 or older; very difficult to get anything near comparable. Enjoy that company car; what a true gift. People do not appreciate what they have; too bad for all of them.

June was D-day and plenty of people are here; ? October; I doubt it. All doom and gloom. But I will tell you beware if 50 or older; very difficult to get anything near comparable. Enjoy that company car; what a true gift. People do not appreciate what they have; too bad for all of them.
"Plenty of people are here.." Wow, anyone who could say this has the vision of a dog focusing on the bowl of Purina in front of him. Step back, Genius, and take note of the fact that over 80,000 FEWER people "are here" over the last decade.

With that level of idiocy, you must be a drug rep. Go back to faking your entire existence and leave the thinking to those of us with a brain.

They used to have the same optimism for Vioxx. Merck will soon be a one-pony show. The clock is ticking for what little is left of us, I'm afraid.

A sales Director and 3 CtL's gave separation notice this morning, all in different parts of the US. What is happening, many higher ups leaving. I'm worried because over the years those that are informed either leave suddenly or scurry to another division and are hired by friends. My concern is there is no place to scurry to if the bottom falls out. Anyone have details about field sales? Do tell

A sales Director and 3 CtL's gave separation notice this morning, all in different parts of the US. What is happening, many higher ups leaving. I'm worried because over the years those that are informed either leave suddenly or scurry to another division and are hired by friends. My concern is there is no place to scurry to if the bottom falls out. Anyone have details about field sales? Do tell
If you haven't been looking for a new position you soon will be.
The upcoming downsizing will be the largest in pharma history. The only safe haven is in oncology however there will be purging of nonproductive reps there also

It is amazing that primary care is still hanging on as long as it has. I think changes in the pension will make some people leave voluntarily. We will see what happens...I don't think big layoffs are coming though. Merck is going to want to hold on to folks to fill in the gaps of 40/50 year olds who do end of leaving voluntarily.

It is amazing that primary care is still hanging on as long as it has. I think changes in the pension will make some people leave voluntarily. We will see what happens...I don't think big layoffs are coming though. Merck is going to want to hold on to folks to fill in the gaps of 40/50 year olds who do end of leaving voluntarily.

Cough syrup n 4th gen SGLT will save pc count on it. Jeez, what next, give pc Bravecto to sell. PC is done and the few remaining years left will be done with a skeleton crew of Inventiv greenhorns. MRK will no longer pay big salaries, vacation and benes to the ole timers to spew out one liners about a 10 year old dia drug. Get your affairs in order, now. Look very carefully around you, I will say some of the posts on this thread are dreadfully accurate. Avoid the dreaded call, act now field troops.

Opportunities are everywhere. Merck is where bad salespeople hide and fake their way through their career. We all know the job is a charade.

Just ask Vaccine DCO, Thomas L.Lyon III. He barely sold Merck products when he was first hired out of college, he got Merck's products banned from one of his hospitals, he was allowed to move up into management ranks because his daddy was a prominent business professor at a private business school in the Midwest and he never had to go to headquarters before he landed a Vaccine DCO position which he was not qualified to have. He is still unqualified and he is a tyrannical micromanager with narcissistic tendencies who smiles in your face and stabs you in the back using his managers as well as his favorite kiss up reps. Merck takes pride in hiring these type A, socially inept, suck up, malcontent yes folks to destroy a good company.

Just ask Vaccine DCO, Thomas L.Lyon III. He barely sold Merck products when he was first hired out of college, he got Merck's products banned from one of his hospitals, he was allowed to move up into management ranks because his daddy was a prominent business professor at a private business school in the Midwest and he never had to go to headquarters before he landed a Vaccine DCO position which he was not qualified to have. He is still unqualified and he is a tyrannical micromanager with narcissistic tendencies who smiles in your face and stabs you in the back using his managers as well as his favorite kiss up reps. Merck takes pride in hiring these type A, socially inept, suck up, malcontent yes folks to destroy a good company.
That fraud of a manager is a a tiny small part of the problem. Vaccines are crumbling anyhow and with them goes TL.

Drive around, get signature, wait in parking lot, deliver lunch, jump on a tc then repeat. Career you say? My ten year old could do this if she could drive.
It's more like: drive around, pray that you can get the office to accept even one little sample box so that you can get that coveted signature, lie about the call. Repeat….eight times per day, every day for your entire fake career. You people are a joke.

It's more like: drive around, pray that you can get the office to accept even one little sample box so that you can get that coveted signature, lie about the call. Repeat….eight times per day, every day for your entire fake career. You people are a joke.

Too funny - plus dco's and ctl's are constantly on visits with reps. They simply don't have enough to do! Ctl's should have a minimum of ten reps and DCO's a minimum of 15 ctl's. We are so bloated here and time to rid these lifer ctl's who simply grift along. Hey dco's, numbers in the toilet? Ever thought of changing up ctl's? Of course not

He has too much talent to oversee the 'Merck lunchbox gang' of ctl's and reps. He's out and many 'in the know' are out of here in a few weeks.

Personally I'm investing in Pampers stock this week. Cannot wait until the ctl's and deli reps are given the bad news.

Just watch closely who leaves mother in the next 30 days then you will know bad news is coming.

OK I believe you as your predictions have been correct. Your last sentence scares me, I work in Kenilworth and no less than 5 C suite level people have given exit notice since Monday. What can you tell us? Facts only please, no speculation.

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