The New Reality of (what's left of) Merck Employees

Thank you! You are a courageous man and I salute you. There are too many gutless, ass-kissing pussies running this company into the ground, and its good to know there is at least one who will speak the truth.

Thomas L. Lyon. III is one of those you speak of. Barely sold product in the field, leap frogged into upper management without putting in the time or going into headquarters and now trapped as a Vaccine DCO at age 47 because his management style sucks (he micromanages, constantly rides in the field with reps and drove off dozens of his managers and best reps) but because of his connections nobody will fire him. Eventually Merck will tire of paying this cornfed, over priveleged Kansas boy over 350,000 k in compensation and replace him with somebody cheaper. Karma is coming koolaid sipping Tommy and it will be amazing to watch.

Thomas L. Lyon. III is one of those you speak of. Barely sold product in the field, leap frogged into upper management without putting in the time or going into headquarters and now trapped as a Vaccine DCO at age 47 because his management style sucks (he micromanages, constantly rides in the field with reps and drove off dozens of his managers and best reps) but because of his connections nobody will fire him. Eventually Merck will tire of paying this cornfed, over priveleged Kansas boy over 350,000 k in compensation and replace him with somebody cheaper. Karma is coming koolaid sipping Tommy and it will be amazing to watch.
In other words, he's a typical Merck manager.

Man's inherit happiness requires a sense of purpose and meaning. The pharmaceutical rep and manager positions, at least at Merck, detract from that purpose. If you doubt this, just think about what you are doing over the course of your next full work week. What value do we provide? We are trying to look busy but the reality is, if we took the week off, no one would notice. The only solution, if we choose to stay on the payroll is to seek purpose outside of work. Seeking volunteer opportunities is not a bad way to compensate for what this job does to your soul. Just my opinion, I could be wrong.

Good idea. Won't get it at Merck.

True, I'm seeing VP' s and DCO's leaving and also reps at the bottom of the chain. I'm my area the one thing they all have in common is they are connected. Someone is giving them a forewarning ahead of the storm. No the sky is not falling but something is for sure going on. We'll see.

Where did the S California DCO go? He was good.

Where did the S California DCO go? He was good.

He has too much talent to oversee the 'Merck lunchbox gang' of ctl's and reps. He's out and many 'in the know' are out of here in a few weeks.

Personally I'm investing in Pampers stock this week. Cannot wait until the ctl's and deli reps are given the bad news.

Just watch closely who leaves mother in the next 30 days then you will know bad news is coming.

hey you bunch of merckphucks listen up. I've been gone for a while from merck. Landed a great job with a much better company. Ill finish my career here, hopefully, but the learning curve is intense. Ive learned how far my skills have slidden since working for merck. Its true. Ive had to work very hard to keep up with my new colleagues who do certain things routinely. I didn't. I still don't, but am learning. Just know there are much better opportunities out there. If you think you're treated well at merck, you a stupid shit. You aren't. And you'll realize that when you find another job out there-if you do. I got lucky. But do know that your skills have definitely taken a back seat. Merck sucks ass. So do its reps, managers, and "leadership" at the higher levels. But be comfortable in your weak ass jobs, giving verbatims, and "do you need me to sign" mentality. Youre all a bunch of turds.

hey you bunch of merckphucks listen up. I've been gone for a while from merck. Landed a great job with a much better company. Ill finish my career here, hopefully, but the learning curve is intense. Ive learned how far my skills have slidden since working for merck. Its true. Ive had to work very hard to keep up with my new colleagues who do certain things routinely. I didn't. I still don't, but am learning. Just know there are much better opportunities out there. If you think you're treated well at merck, you a stupid shit. You aren't. And you'll realize that when you find another job out there-if you do. I got lucky. But do know that your skills have definitely taken a back seat. Merck sucks ass. So do its reps, managers, and "leadership" at the higher levels. But be comfortable in your weak ass jobs, giving verbatims, and "do you need me to sign" mentality. Youre all a bunch of turds.

I wish I could hire you on the side to conduct a Merck turd factory meeting. These managers and reps are lazy, old and need your exact style. Don't worry though, in a short few months NO Merck rep minus Onc will earn over 90k annually. Bonus still intact but be assured you won't see much. Less ctl's but of course their salaries aren't touched. Finally, draining the swamp. Hehe.

Blah, blah, blah, from another self-impressed person who is insecure and wants jealousy. Sick.
"Self-impressed"? "Insecure"? "Wants jealousy"? (I don't even know what that means.)

Look, whoever wrote the original post obviously knew what he/she was talking about. He was also 100% absolutely positively and certainly spot-on correct. Nailed it. Period. Anyone that disagrees is simply wrong.

Everyone who leaves Merck or any other large pharma company always brags about this great new job, no pressure, more perks, better salary, etc. It does not exist. You might get a title, etc. at a smaller company. Bio tech companies are quite particular: iv nurse, etc. M.B.A., chem major, etc. So do not believe what you read or hear. They all SAY it is greener over the fence; SAY.

I left here from Merck R/D three years ago and started my own bio med company. I now have 15 employees and did $12M last year. My MBA and PhD served me well.

You have any job openings? I've got skills as a pc rep, I can send field emails, feed people and repeat one liners. I'm good at signature collecting and sample sends. Hook me up please.

Where did the S California DCO go? He was good.
He probably went anywhere but here, just like even other good manager and salesperson has (I give you reps with golden handcuffs a pass on this). Just like the person who wrote this original post. This company is a complete train wreck, served with a smile by a bunch of unethical, untrustworthy morons.

Everyone who leaves Merck or any other large pharma company always brags about this great new job, no pressure, more perks, better salary, etc. It does not exist. You might get a title, etc. at a smaller company. Bio tech companies are quite particular: iv nurse, etc. M.B.A., chem major, etc. So do not believe what you read or hear. They all SAY it is greener over the fence; SAY.
I'm one of those people who say that. And I mean it. My post-Merck life makes me regret wasting those years at Merck. Everything about working for Merck was a charade. The entire job was one big lie, from start to finish. You were punished if you DIDN'T lie! What a joke, just like most of the people I left behind there. The good ones are all gone. Only the desperate remain.

He probably went anywhere but here, just like even other good manager and salesperson has (I give you reps with golden handcuffs a pass on this). Just like the person who wrote this original post. This company is a complete train wreck, served with a smile by a bunch of unethical, untrustworthy morons.

And the new fleet choice is a Ford Focus, yikes. Guess we are trying to save money after the recent "it" calamity. Focus, really? No samples equals a smaller ride, this stinks.

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