you know what pisses me off?


the national meeting. the thing about it is having roommates for the whole damn thing. what grown ass person wants to sit in a meeting all day, then go and sleep beside some dude they have never met before. even if I knew and liked the person after a day or two I need a break. what is this primary care start up treatment of employees? if we are doing it because we have too many employees in one place lets try this. how about just do a meeting with your business unit. why do I care about someone I don't know or will never meet and how they are doing within Zoll in another state. I just find it unbelievable that they treat us like this. how was HR passed on this. Can you say lawsuit waiting to happen. Come on Zoll grown up and do right by your employees.

lets just hope there aren't bed bugs, cock roaches and used condoms in our rooms like last year. AC was shameful but speaks volumes about how our company regards their sales force.

it has to be the most degrading week of my life every year. I despise it with so much emotion. not only the fact they keep us longer so we can do "fun" activites, but the roommate part is the worst. will this ever change? we aren't a bunch of college kids.

it has to be the most degrading week of my life every year. I despise it with so much emotion. not only the fact they keep us longer so we can do "fun" activites, but the roommate part is the worst. will this ever change? we aren't a bunch of college kids.
Lighten up, you may get to room with a Firebrand and that will change your whole perspective. It'll be a ride you'll never forget and you will get in touch with your feminine side.

it just shows poor leadership. firstly, why would you want to have a meeting this large? secondly, why would you make it so large people are forced to live together. that seems so 1990's pharma. those of us who have been here and stayed should not have to go through this. I know it seems like a small thing, but it really clouds the rest of what I think of our leadership.

Thx my good sir

Now that I have heard all external investigations (witch hunts if you ask me) are done and over and Zoll is found to be clean of any wrongdoing they can begin to upgrade commission plans (for performers) and stop skimping on resources (hotel rooms). This is a company that has made it through hard times and is poised to become the best and most talked about medical device company in the industry!