Reasons why I had to leave Zoll


In my 2 year tenure at Zoll as a TM:

* my goal was raised 109 times
* I was paid on only 65% of my orders
* Commission reversals affected 72 of 107 goal segments - creating a deficit each segment I had to overcome before my sales counted for commission. This cost me my commission many times.
* My clinical team turned over 3 times - all PSRs run off by being disregarded by management, unpaid for correcting constant errors by Zoll (bad/incomplete equipment, delayed fittings, sent to the wrong location) - forcing me to constantly recruit and train new folks and fill vacancies with my own time
* My weekends were constantly interrupted with uncommissioned and irrelevant work and patient problems that Zoll should have handled, but didn't
* I missed the last 3 family holidays because Zoll couldn't handle patient problems themselves. Why those of us scheduled to be off have to work because those who are scheduled to be on can't handle the volume, I still don't understand.
* MANY of my weekends were shot because Zoll runs a skeleton crew of scheduled staff inside, forcing those of us who are scheduled to be off to cover for the shortage. And when we call in, we are treated like WE are interrupting THEM, when WE are supposed to be off.

And despite the above list, the biggest reason is that I have never been more disregarded as an employee by any other employer in my life. I am so grateful to be gone. I have my life and my sanity back.

-constant change in upper management. What's the real reason the VPs abandoned ship?

-regional managers hired from the outside and have no clue about cardiology and product.

-2 week quotas?!?!? Really?! Is that even legal?

-constant quota growth. I understand growth but flat increase across all territories. But my AD/RM always says "all territories are different"

-21 yr old co-Ed ACs with no work ethic. Who drop everything and are out the door at 5:01 leaving TMs high and dry.

-yes, only skeleton crew after hours and weekend. And no MOs past noon on Sunday. Zoll doesn't care about service. Oh and BTW, SCD still happens on holidays, nights&weekends

I can go on and on but I have to enter my PPM.

Exactly. No reps making money here. Only Zoll is making money. I had 24 orders this segment. Got commission credit for 6. The fact that top leadership thinks this is a reasonable and motivating situation for sales people just illustrates the severe lack of skill and experience.

Newsflash Zoll: Sales people want credit for their sales.

This is totally true and so sad. I'm looking for another job too. Can't take this place anymore. I think it is the hypocrisy and double standards I can't stand the most. They can make all the mistakes they want - revenue, send PSRs to the wrong places, send defective equipment, set biased policies against sales, botch internal operations - and have no responsibility for results. But for us, on the other hand, they can jack up the goals every 2 weeks, rescind revenue creating deficits we can't cover, split our territories over and over with no relief in the growth expectation - and we are 100% responsible for the results. It is unreal. It is like Congress.

This is totally true and so sad. I'm looking for another job too. Can't take this place anymore. I think it is the hypocrisy and double standards I can't stand the most. They can make all the mistakes they want - revenue, send PSRs to the wrong places, send defective equipment, set biased policies against sales, botch internal operations - and have no responsibility for results. But for us, on the other hand, they can jack up the goals every 2 weeks, rescind revenue creating deficits we can't cover, split our territories over and over with no relief in the growth expectation - and we are 100% responsible for the results. It is unreal. It is like Congress.

Jason whiting is an asskissing degenerate with no regards for anyone else, except for Marshall Linder. ..hey Jason you got some shit stains on your face. Why don't you ask Dave Baydouche to pick it off. ..bunch of losers, g paid and keep their jobs because they are wiping to say anything, no matter how ridiculous or untrue....

People making money dknt have time to post here and complain

Agree 100%. They are on the phone argueing with tech support To approve a patient and are asking them to read page 2 of the documents they sent in, that clearly show an ef of 30 and a previous MI. They then are on there way to pick up a system 70 miles from their house, because their AC won't supply their territory with enough product. They then have to drive their manager around who only knows 3 cardiology terms, and then listen to their opinions on how to drive business. Your absolutely right! Anybody who wants to clean up all of the shit mistakes Zoll has gifted them this and every holiday season, does not have time to post on this site!

Agree 100%. They are on the phone argueing with tech support To approve a patient and are asking them to read page 2 of the documents they sent in, that clearly show an ef of 30 and a previous MI. They then are on there way to pick up a system 70 miles from their house, because their AC won't supply their territory with enough product. They then have to drive their manager around who only knows 3 cardiology terms, and then listen to their opinions on how to drive business. Your absolutely right! Anybody who wants to clean up all of the shit mistakes Zoll has gifted them this and every holiday season, does not have time to post on this site!

OMG, so true. And god forbid you take 2 minutes of your day to vent ...

Wow! I've only been here six months and I've already experienced every single one of these examples... I'm not sure if sales management either cannot or simply will not make changes to properly reward hard work and even out quotas relative to the territories. I'm actually ahead of my goal for the year but have had to claw and scratch for every piece of revenue. Actually getting the order is hard enough but then I have to spend the rest of my day emailing intake, my AC to find a PSR, and whomever else is layered (because there aren't enough moving parts to screw it up) into the equation for that particular order just to get a patient fit two days later. Meanwhile the hospital is pissed and Pittsburg couldn't care less!

Absolute joke!

I'm an RM & have done well but if there aren't significant changes that lead to more money being made by more rm's and tm's. I'm leaving. I am sick of losing reps due to poor rules and terrible senior leadership. It is embarrassing to interview for these jobs. It's a disgrace.

Wow! I've only been here six months and I've already experienced every single one of these examples... I'm not sure if sales management either cannot or simply will not make changes to properly reward hard work and even out quotas relative to the territories. I'm actually ahead of my goal for the year but have had to claw and scratch for every piece of revenue. Actually getting the order is hard enough but then I have to spend the rest of my day emailing intake, my AC to find a PSR, and whomever else is layered (because there aren't enough moving parts to screw it up) into the equation for that particular order just to get a patient fit two days later. Meanwhile the hospital is pissed and Pittsburg couldn't care less!

Absolute joke!

You are absolutely correct. Pittsburgh DOES NOT CARE about TMs, PSRs, doctors, or patients. They only care about their precious processes, that are based on no industry standards whatsoever. I had 2 patients today. I spent 6 of 8 hours haggling with intake, ACs, tech. PSRs got sent to the wrong place on the work orders, one of the units was botched. Know how much time I got to spend selling? NONE. I spent the entire day doing the jobs of OTHER DEPARTMENTS, meanwhile I won't be paid on either patient, so who looks bad? ME.

I'm an RM & have done well but if there aren't significant changes that lead to more money being made by more rm's and tm's. I'm leaving. I am sick of losing reps due to poor rules and terrible senior leadership. It is embarrassing to interview for these jobs. It's a disgrace.

It is a relief to hear from an RM saying the same thing we are. This place makes you feel like you are the only one, like you are crazy. I'm going to need therapy when this is over.

A competitor is the only thing that could ever shake this company up and bring important changes.
After over a decade on the market no other company has produced a similar offering. You figure if it was that great of a product/idea/solution there would be at least 1 competitor by now.

Reason I am leaving: I've had to work EVERY SINGLE DAY I've taken off this holiday. And my numbers are in the toilet after years of growth because my territory is so miniscule and the growth rate is just as aggressive as it was when I had 5x times the territory.

You are absolutely correct. Pittsburgh DOES NOT CARE about TMs, PSRs, doctors, or patients. They only care about their precious processes, that are based on no industry standards whatsoever. I had 2 patients today. I spent 6 of 8 hours haggling with intake, ACs, tech. PSRs got sent to the wrong place on the work orders, one of the units was botched. Know how much time I got to spend selling? NONE. I spent the entire day doing the jobs of OTHER DEPARTMENTS, meanwhile I won't be paid on either patient, so who looks bad? ME.

Remember when they were pushing standing orders LOL? You think you work now? Imagine if you set up your Hospital on standing orders! First you wouldn't have a clue how many orders intake would F up unless your hospital called YOU asking where the vest was? Of course it would have been denied and the customer would have never been notified. Company used to screw up at least 3 out of every 10 orders I sent in. Of course most were the fact that nobody can read documents. So the easy thing is to decline when you don't understand medical terminology. Imagine how many orders would be declined, delayed or lost AND YOU WOULD NEVER KNOW BECAUSE YOU WERE NOT IN CONTROL OF THE PROCESS! Bunch of F-info idiots.

Remember when they were pushing standing orders LOL? You think you work now? Imagine if you set up your Hospital on standing orders! First you wouldn't have a clue how many orders intake would F up unless your hospital called YOU asking where the vest was? Of course it would have been denied and the customer would have never been notified. Company used to screw up at least 3 out of every 10 orders I sent in. Of course most were the fact that nobody can read documents. So the easy thing is to decline when you don't understand medical terminology. Imagine how many orders would be declined, delayed or lost AND YOU WOULD NEVER KNOW BECAUSE YOU WERE NOT IN CONTROL OF THE PROCESS! Bunch of F-info idiots.

Totally. And remember "pre-orders"? What morons. They can't figure out how to speed up/improve their approval ability, so they put it on the sales force to get doctors to pre-order a LifeVest before one is actually needed so Zoll could have more time to process the orders.

The AC meeting has people believing that Zoll is changing for the better. This company has the right stuff and is on the right track to grow exponentially. Warren Buffet would be lucky to acquire such a diamond in the rough. Please change your attitudes and mindsets and you can win too!!

Totally. And remember "pre-orders"? What morons. They can't figure out how to speed up/improve their approval ability, so they put it on the sales force to get doctors to pre-order a LifeVest before one is actually needed so Zoll could have more time to process the orders.

My favorite was when they stopped processing orders on Sundays. Like people don't get discharged on Sundays.

Then the BEST PART was when they started processing orders again on Sundays, but were told NOT TO TELL THE SALES FORCE. As if (a) we wouldn't figure it out, (b) we didn't need to know (what other company would think its a good thing that their sales reps don't know when they can provide their own products??) and (c) like would in any way influence when orders come in or not.

This place is a JOOOOOOOOOOOKE.