What is the worst pharmaceutical company to work for

Sunovion has to be in the top ranks of Worst Pharmaceutical Company. No leadership, manage via fear tactics and if you don't make your quarterly goal then you'll have three more months to look for your next job cause you'll be on a PIP. Oh and in case I forgot to mention 99% to goal will not cut it. No pipeline and no one wants to sell them their product- it's an embarrassment.

Unichem. Terrible company to work for. Pay is only 1/3rd of of industry average. Senior management employees really gets the stick for no reason whatsoever. Increments are pathetic lower side of single digits. sack threatens are quite often. Drunkards. They drink and shout at employees anything they feel like. You will be piled with 3 or 4 persons work and treated like a dog. No culture. Uncouth language being used for silly and routine matters.

Pfizer. Being asked to put a sample bottle in every single doctor's hand was degrading and inappropriate; what if the doctor was heading to see a completely different patient? 'By any means necessary' was their motto. Absolutely the worst.
You can look at their cheap looking Viagra ads with the Bimbo and determine just what types of management are running this company.

Abbott. Just go read the board and it is so obvious. They sell 2 drugs for the same disease state and pit partners against each other. Micro manage out the ass and lay off their own people during acquisitions to save money. they seriously suck and it is too bad because most of the reps are pretty bright. All of the good ones have left or are looking to get out.

Look, its still a great job for only one reason: the pay is above average in the sales profession.

Try other sales jobs. You will work 2X as hard and make a few bucks less. BUT, in time, you will make more in other sales jobs AND you will be more respected by your customers and your company and you will have more leverage to use your relationships with other companies.

The problem with pharma. is that there are too many arrogant people in it. And, they don't care about what you have done in the industry. If you get downsized, for example, they think you are not a good salesperson, which is total BS.

My suggestion is the NEVER get into this industry. If you are stuck in the industy, your best best is to move into management. Don't stay as a rep. It is not good. You will get downsized and you will lose a lot of respect from others because you look like you lacked the ambition to move up. I know it sounds silly, but that is pharma. for you.

In other industries, if you are a producer, you are looked up to. You can pick your own hours. You become more of an expert as well.

In pharma., if you stay in field sales, you will be looked upon as a hack after about 5 years unless you moved into managment.

With all that said, there really are no bad pharma. companies, because the pay is very good for such a structured and generally easy job.

Pharma sales jobs are dwindling. You now have the contract work which can be anywhere from 55k to 100k in salary but typically more toward the low end and we have the specialty and hospital reps at about 120k with a glut of managers (overpaid). There are some device jobs that will start at 35k and tell you how much you will make in commission. Then they work you to death and never pan out. I have had the fortune to work all sides and get out after I could no longer stand the bullshit, only to work my ass off at a "real" sales job and then to get a management job out of pharma but in science. Stay in pharma as long as you can is my recommendation. Any other sales job is going to bust your ass. You will work from 7 am to 10 pm five to six days a week for 1/2 the money and NO, no you won't one day make more than pharma. Your benefits will also suck. Pharma is like the teat of the overfed hog. Enjoy it. If you cannot, suck it up cupcake there is not much out there . . . . I make more now but with a specialized technical degree and managing a global sales force. It took me years of networking to land this good gig. Most who got out and did not land something right away are now selling cars or suits.

Pharma sales jobs are dwindling. You now have the contract work which can be anywhere from 55k to 100k in salary but typically more toward the low end and we have the specialty and hospital reps at about 120k with a glut of managers (overpaid). There are some device jobs that will start at 35k and tell you how much you will make in commission. Then they work you to death and never pan out. I have had the fortune to work all sides and get out after I could no longer stand the bullshit, only to work my ass off at a "real" sales job and then to get a management job out of pharma but in science. Stay in pharma as long as you can is my recommendation. Any other sales job is going to bust your ass. You will work from 7 am to 10 pm five to six days a week for 1/2 the money and NO, no you won't one day make more than pharma. Your benefits will also suck. Pharma is like the teat of the overfed hog. Enjoy it. If you cannot, suck it up cupcake there is not much out there . . . . I make more now but with a specialized technical degree and managing a global sales force. It took me years of networking to land this good gig. Most who got out and did not land something right away are now selling cars or suits.

dumbest post in the history of internet trolls.

You can look at their cheap looking Viagra ads with the Bimbo and determine just what types of management are running this company.

Yep, by far the worst. Management just unbelievably stupid and childish. Compare it to a fraternity/ sorority. Dumb fucks that have no clue which way is up. Had one bimbo ask me what a formulary was! She gave great head but had no brains. Guys were worse. Everyone is "dude".
Great gig though . Work 2 days a week for a six figure salary, another 20 k on the expense account, dinners with the babes, and all the tail you want ain't bad.

FOREST FOREST FOREST wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy
I worked for Forrest and had this total arshole for a manager. The guys name was Tim Tobolic. What d-bag. Terrible personal skills, Terrible management skills, I feel for those that have to deal with him on any level.

I worked for Forrest and had this total arshole for a manager. The guys name was Tim Tobolic. What d-bag. Terrible personal skills, Terrible management skills, I feel for those that have to deal with him on any level.
He hasn't held a management position since he left Pharma - he's been a device rep for the past 11 years. I know of many stories like this where terrible managers eventually left the industry and/or returned to being a rep again. And that's a good thing!

If we are talking about mid size biotech companies then Unchained is the worst of the industry in my opinion, it appears from Glassdoor only 20% approve of the CEO and they’re a cult like company with tons of turnover and NO respect for employees.

If we are talking about mid size biotech companies then Unchained labs is the worst of the industry in my opinion, it appears from Glassdoor only 20% approve of the CEO and they’re a cult like company with tons of turnover and NO respect for employees.