Tenured reps


Would like to start a discussion about people's thoughts on how those "tenured" reps are still here and are still doing pretty well. If you've been with the company for some time, then you would know the people I'm talking about; HL, KP, amongst others.. My point in this question, is how is it that they haven't hit a wall like everyone else seems to at around the 1/2 year mark and are still here, making plan (otherwise, Zoll would have had them on a PIP and out a long time ago).

Would like to start a discussion about people's thoughts on how those "tenured" reps are still here and are still doing pretty well. If you've been with the company for some time, then you would know the people I'm talking about; HL, KP, amongst others.. My point in this question, is how is it that they haven't hit a wall like everyone else seems to at around the 1/2 year mark and are still here, making plan (otherwise, Zoll would have had them on a PIP and out a long time ago).

simple. Leverage on illegal activities, ("I go, you go").

Zoll Solldiers are taking over Medical Device Sales. It may be the greatest job in the history of Cardiovascular Sales. Get on board or get the F out of our way losers!!

Post is an oxymoron. There are no tenured reps.

I'm not sure if you simply wanted to use the word "oxymoron" and that was the reason for the ignorant statement, but if you do your homework, you'll notice that there are in fact tenured reps here. Not many, but certainly some. I'm not arguing this in defense of Zoll by the way, I'm really interested in figuring out HOW reps have lasted here for 5/6 years (yes they exist) and continue to make plan. It defies reason, since clearly all the others posters have agreed on the insane quota increases. 98% quit due to not making money or being forced out, and the other 2% happily carry on. But how?

Zoll Solldiers are taking over Medical Device Sales. It may be the greatest job in the history of Cardiovascular Sales. Get on board or get the F out of our way losers!!

Seriously naïve, stupid. I have been involved in the refinement of Cox-maze procedures, pacemakers and defibs, moved to valves, and Min-CAB, off pump CABG, IABP and for a bit did mapping systems and 3D CT. In all those innovations not once did I ever come across a part, procedure or a protocol that required "cleaning a dongle with 409".

Seriously naïve, stupid. I have been involved in the refinement of Cox-maze procedures, pacemakers and defibs, moved to valves, and Min-CAB, off pump CABG, IABP and for a bit did mapping systems and 3D CT. In all those innovations not once did I ever come across a part, procedure or a protocol that required "cleaning a dongle with 409".

Wow. Impressive. You failed in a LOT of industries!!

Wow. Impressive. You failed in a LOT of industries!!

That's s damn stupid comment. Finally a ZOLL employee with a strong background making a point about our tech department "winging it" when it comes to stopping the alarms and inappropriate shocks and you attack thier background? I guess it's an appropriate response from a former pharm rep now turned DME employee.

That's s damn stupid comment. Finally a ZOLL employee with a strong background making a point about our tech department "winging it" when it comes to stopping the alarms and inappropriate shocks and you attack thier background? I guess it's an appropriate response from a former pharm rep now turned DME employee.

first of all the Lifevest despite all the BS about vectors, morphology algorithms is not more than a rate device that would probably thump any poor bastard with a good run of sinus tach after a red bull and vodka ! Secondly for this so called Cardiology superstar ?? Any so called Cardio device rep with a half way decent book of business would have never left any of those jobs making any where from 2-3 large. I'd stop calling these out these so called Pharma reps selling a DME product, cause bro you one of us now !!

Wow. Impressive. You failed in a LOT of industries!!

comprehension obviously not your strong suit. The post in no way indicated failures just positioned where this product sits in relation to TRUE, evidenced based, widely accepted cardiology innovations. I guess they would have had more street cred if they came directly from Hertz, Konica or a work release program.

first of all the Lifevest despite all the BS about vectors, morphology algorithms is not more than a rate device that would probably thump any poor bastard with a good run of sinus tach after a red bull and vodka ! Secondly for this so called Cardiology superstar ?? Any so called Cardio device rep with a half way decent book of business would have never left any of those jobs making any where from 2-3 large. I'd stop calling these out these so called Pharma reps selling a DME product, cause bro you one of us now !!

I did very well over the years. Yes, I am here and frankly, it was/is a mistake. I have been with great techs and firms and along the way have been right sized, consolidated, transferred, merged, laid off, laid up and now laid out (lol). Truth be told, the allure was not having to shoulder now meaningless service burden in the face of procurement single source contracts along with the travel burden. My kids are all Ivy league and starting life well. My wife is set to transition in a couple of years and I just wanted to keep occupied, stay local, keep it simple and see if I could grow this. Results are, I have quite a bit but its saturated and nothing more needs to be said. I put a few more bucks in the bank, helped the kids with mortgages and delved into other investments. As for me, The only pharma reps that are of substance would be a Pharm.D but, they typically do not manage sales or markets. So a junior marketer will never ever be a valued colleague or have the depth of medical sales or lifelong relations. Bro I am here as a hobby not a career notch.

I did very well over the years. Yes, I am here and frankly, it was/is a mistake. I have been with great techs and firms and along the way have been right sized, consolidated, transferred, merged, laid off, laid up and now laid out (lol). Truth be told, the allure was not having to shoulder now meaningless service burden in the face of procurement single source contracts along with the travel burden. My kids are all Ivy league and starting life well. My wife is set to transition in a couple of years and I just wanted to keep occupied, stay local, keep it simple and see if I could grow this. Results are, I have quite a bit but its saturated and nothing more needs to be said. I put a few more bucks in the bank, helped the kids with mortgages and delved into other investments. As for me, The only pharma reps that are of substance would be a Pharm.D but, they typically do not manage sales or markets. So a junior marketer will never ever be a valued colleague or have the depth of medical sales or lifelong relations. Bro I am here as a hobby not a career notch.

No one leaves, is downsized, laid off (or whatever you want to call it when they take out the garbage) from CRM if they are good. Too much money at stake Sally