
STAY OUT OF SO FLORIDA. manager is a nightmare. miami will soon be thru 3 reps in 5 years. what kind of company has that kind of turnover. I wouldn't touch this job>

Reps are making 170 at plan

Instead of asking what the top 10 percent make, why not ask -are there any plans that don't pay for the vest in my area? Has ZOLL sent out large bills and pissed off the Docs for those patients who's insurance denied the vest? Has the previous rep pissed off the hospital by trying to obtain a lease for non insured patients? Have people died waiting for Zoll to process the patient assistance program? Does the manager know where the heart is located in the body? Is a previous social worker going to be reviewing the paperwork my hospital sends in to have a patient approved for a vest? Is my daughters babysitter, now an AC at ZOLL going to be responsible for my inventory? Am I going to have to go to a national meeting only to find out there aren't enough rooms for everybody? Is the answer to the shortage of rooms to have all the woman bring in extra cots and room with each other and then listen to the lets shoot a porno film jokes? Do I really need to learn opening questions that have to do with car seats and parachutes? If your like every other pharm rep that has come over you'll probably ignore all the warnings that have been posted by people who have lived through hell. So good luck welcome aboard. See you at the meeting if I'm unfortunate enough to still be in this shit hole!!!

Instead of asking what the top 10 percent make, why not ask -are there any plans that don't pay for the vest in my area? Has ZOLL sent out large bills and pissed off the Docs for those patients who's insurance denied the vest? Has the previous rep pissed off the hospital by trying to obtain a lease for non insured patients? Have people died waiting for Zoll to process the patient assistance program? Does the manager know where the heart is located in the body? Is a previous social worker going to be reviewing the paperwork my hospital sends in to have a patient approved for a vest? Is my daughters babysitter, now an AC at ZOLL going to be responsible for my inventory? Am I going to have to go to a national meeting only to find out there aren't enough rooms for everybody? Is the answer to the shortage of rooms to have all the woman bring in extra cots and room with each other and then listen to the lets shoot a porno film jokes? Do I really need to learn opening questions that have to do with car seats and parachutes? If your like every other pharm rep that has come over you'll probably ignore all the warnings that have been posted by people who have lived through hell. So good luck welcome aboard. See you at the meeting if I'm unfortunate enough to still be in this shit hole!!!

AMEN! If you are reading the above post and are stupid enough to not believe it (and all the others like it) then you deserve to be here/what you get...

Wonder if this is the same negative poster that may be on the way out or perhaps a real issue. Anyone else want to chime in? Is there anything positive to share?

Most positive people don't come on here. 70% of the reps hit or exceeded quota this year. That's a large number of happy people. And for the record the names at the way top are NOT newer reps. This is a great job if you get the right manager. Don't listen to 99% of the garbage on this board. Cafe pharma is not a place to research a company. If you are interviewing ask to speak to other reps on the team or even do a field ride.

Most positive people don't come on here. 70% of the reps hit or exceeded quota this year. That's a large number of happy people. And for the record the names at the way top are NOT newer reps. This is a great job if you get the right manager. Don't listen to 99% of the garbage on this board. Cafe pharma is not a place to research a company. If you are interviewing ask to speak to other reps on the team or even do a field ride.

Why do you need to give people false hope? Why don't you quote the turnover? Why don't you explain the turnover. Other posters backed there opinions with facts. Why not you?? Who's happy here. I'm over quota and I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel ! As everyone who has posted on this board has explained , you get one year to make your number. After that forget it!! As explained on this board and which you apparently don't understand, success is based on areas of reimbursement or a PSR network that writes for the product. Why don't you mention these facts? Can you not comprehend or are you so green you just don't get it?? Answer this, why so many negative posts if people are so happy???

Wonder if this is the same negative poster that may be on the way out or perhaps a real issue. Anyone else want to chime in? Is there anything positive to share?

Why don't you ask a question that makes sense. You wonder if this is the same negative poster that may be on the way out or perhaps a real issue????? Wtf are you stupid? Don't post unless you bring something to the table! 70 percent of the sales force is on the way out!! Problem is, you should be!!!

Most positive people don't come on here. 70% of the reps hit or exceeded quota this year. That's a large number of happy people. And for the record the names at the way top are NOT newer reps. This is a great job if you get the right manager. Don't listen to 99% of the garbage on this board. Cafe pharma is not a place to research a company. If you are interviewing ask to speak to other reps on the team or even do a field ride.

Complete bullshit!!! If you are stupid enough to interview ask why rep left? Ask how many reps before you? Ask about reimbursement? Ask if tech support has pissed of Drs? Ask what your DMs background is. If not cardiology run! Ask about the 3200 per month increase. Ask what happens if you don't make your number year 2. If the answer is anything but you'll be put on a plan, get it in writing!! Ask why so many people pissed off? Ask is it possible on Friday the last day of your selling month,and your right at 100% , is it possible negative adjustments will hit over the weekend and you'll be below quota on Monday? Ask how much money you'll make if you come in at 99% to plan every month for 12 months? Ask is it possible you could bring in 99,999 in sales for the month on a quota of 100,000 , and make less commission for the month than someone who brought in one patient for 10,000 in sales ,on a quota of 10,000 dollars? Ask all these questions and see if you get ,or want the job. Than track down the idiot poster above and punch him in the face!!!!

Complete bullshit!!! If you are stupid enough to interview ask why rep left? Ask how many reps before you? Ask about reimbursement? Ask if tech support has pissed of Drs? Ask what your DMs background is. If not cardiology run! Ask about the 3200 per month increase. Ask what happens if you don't make your number year 2. If the answer is anything but you'll be put on a plan, get it in writing!! Ask why so many people pissed off? Ask is it possible on Friday the last day of your selling month,and your right at 100% , is it possible negative adjustments will hit over the weekend and you'll be below quota on Monday? Ask how much money you'll make if you come in at 99% to plan every month for 12 months? Ask is it possible you could bring in 99,999 in sales for the month on a quota of 100,000 , and make less commission for the month than someone who brought in one patient for 10,000 in sales ,on a quota of 10,000 dollars? Ask all these questions and see if you get ,or want the job. Than track down the idiot poster above and punch him in the face!!!!

The idiot poster above is either a desperate manager that can't find a warm body to fill the role ONCE AGAIN, or an AD that can't stand being turned down again!

The idiot poster above is either a desperate manager that can't find a warm body to fill the role ONCE AGAIN, or an AD that can't stand being turned down again!

I have another theory. The talent level has gotten so bad here that I believe many of these people (new managers) have never worked for a good medical device company. They have nothing to compare this shit hole to! They've never had a real comp plan, never sold a truly innovative product and managed mostly little leaguers. They are bringing no value to this organization, perform mandated ride alongs in which the Dr may as we'll be speaking Vietnamese, therefore to them this is a great opportunity. They can see about as far as the end of there nose ,in regards to what the future holds for them ,with all the turnover the company is experiencing. After 3 or 4 reps ,and the lack of support from THIER superiors (ACs) they quickly will get the picture! Notice how I said THIER bosses were ACs? Anyone who works here understands that management has about as much power and influence as the people who sweep up at night. My god take a look at the expense reporting system! Why are managers even included? So basically they might as well sit in your back seat and look for the blue signs. Nice work if you don't want to work.

Most positive people don't come on here. 70% of the reps hit or exceeded quota this year. That's a large number of happy people. And for the record the names at the way top are NOT newer reps. This is a great job if you get the right manager. Don't listen to 99% of the garbage on this board. Cafe pharma is not a place to research a company. If you are interviewing ask to speak to other reps on the team or even do a field ride.


Let me explain why and how your new hire, stupid ass makes this ridiculous comment:

1. You are obviously new.
2. You are obviously drinking the Kool-Aid ZOLL is serving you.
3. You don't realize that once a territory turns over corporate MASSIVELY lowers the quota in the territory so the new TM can hit it for a few months and consequently "buy-in".
4. (Referring back to #3) 75% of the field has been at ZOLL for less then 1 year...SO, those TM's fall into #3.
5. LifeVest has been around for OVER 10 years. Only 25% of the TM's have been at ZOLL more then a year - something doesn't add up!?!?
6. A quick search of rankings (not just believing what JP says at meetings) reveals that most of the names in the top 10 ARE new (< 1 year) employees!

I guess the other plausible theory is you are a troll from corporate trying to refute the negative THRUTH on this site!?!? Good luck with that...

I will say this, I do agree that cafepharma isn't the best place to research a company! As a result, the 4 or 5 people who have contacted me regarding openings at ZOLL have received the full, honest story from me. Ironically, it sounds EXACTLY like the posts on this site. Imagine how it blows these perspective candidates minds when I tell them that I am hitting my quota...

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