
I appreciate all of the info and that is was done in a professional manner. I would be taking a $40k decrease in base which obviously is a huge concern. However, I have been told the bonuses at Zoll would easily surpass my total comp. This is nowhere close to being true and I would also lose a lot of vacation time having well over 10 years in medical sales. Thanks again and good luck to everyone in finding your new career path!

spoken like a true mentor....frankly Spencer Farmer has shit for brains and just tries to sound important with convoluted analogies of inspiration that leave you stunned. The big mouth yenta in West Palm Lisa Glasband can not shut her yap! and has no spine for her team and will cut your knees for her own benefit.

12 of the top 15 YTD are TMs that have been here for 2+ years. Maybe you are so new you don't know how to run numbers

Vesting takes 6yrs for 401K. Insurance coverage being good really doesn't indicate what you will book ($). The revenue could be $1500-$3200 with the patient absorbing the deductible. Even with "great coverage" your quota will still outpace you in 1-2yrs depending on your start point and market saturation. Ask yourself, is $130K for a 1-2yr gig worth it?

PLEASE do not accept the position unless, AND ONLY IF, you do not currently have a job! You will not make the quoted money on an annual basis. As others have said, you may make that amount for a few months, but you will not make it on an annualized basis.

The company claim about vacation is; being that ZOLL LifeVest is owned by a Japanese company traditional holidays are not observed, rather PTO issued and used at each employees discretion. If you ask me, it's just another way for ZOLL to f@@k over employees!

The "best" area of the worst company...what a consolation!!!

Stay away from north east. Can someone give me the over under on a Mike D and Aldo's tenure at Zoll? Rumor has it all of Aldo's tenured reps left him. One told him to go stuff himself and the result was a loss of about a million dollars. Of course Aldo decided to split the territory so now you have 2 reps eating the donuts they put up every month. Another tenured rep left in the western part of the state and told Mike D he was fed up with Aldo and Zoll corporate policies that are affecting sales. Rep left in eastern part of state, again loss of another million in sales and another split! Anyone see a pattern of management incompetence? I also love Aldo's policy on having his reps go to patients homes and ask the patient to take off the vest when insurance has declined (after ZOLL approved fitting) because the patient doesn't have the ability to pay 3k a month! Can anyone say law suite? By the way his reps kept all the e mails he was stupid enough to pass along to them. So Mike D how about taking an active roll in your job and learning what your managers are doing or not doing in most cases! New guys still think your going to make 190 as your fearless manager told you? Feel used yet? Is there a reason Aldo won't let you talk to the last senior rep in the territory? Aldo your one rep away from the blind leading the blind! Nice job !

Stay away from north east. Can someone give me the over under on a Mike D and Aldo's tenure at Zoll? Rumor has it all of Aldo's tenured reps left him. One told him to go stuff himself and the result was a loss of about a million dollars. Of course Aldo decided to split the territory so now you have 2 reps eating the donuts they put up every month. Another tenured rep left in the western part of the state and told Mike D he was fed up with Aldo and Zoll corporate policies that are affecting sales. Rep left in eastern part of state, again loss of another million in sales and another split! Anyone see a pattern of management incompetence? I also love Aldo's policy on having his reps go to patients homes and ask the patient to take off the vest when insurance has declined (after ZOLL approved fitting) because the patient doesn't have the ability to pay 3k a month! Can anyone say law suite? By the way his reps kept all the e mails he was stupid enough to pass along to them. So Mike D how about taking an active roll in your job and learning what your managers are doing or not doing in most cases! New guys still think your going to make 190 as your fearless manager told you? Feel used yet? Is there a reason Aldo won't let you talk to the last senior rep in the territory? Aldo your one rep away from the blind leading the blind! Nice job !

Central area is another prime example of a mess. You have a 5+ year tenured TM in Tim Conroy in Chicago. He single handedly built Chicago into one of the decent territories in the company.

What thank you does he get for his efforts??? Split multiple times, where he has to fight to protect the accounts he really wants. Passed up for multiple promotions to a RM while they hire morons - Kathy Sawyers anyone!?!?

They're going to lose him soon, and with him a system and relationships that work...

Stay away from north east. Can someone give me the over under on a Mike D and Aldo's tenure at Zoll? Rumor has it all of Aldo's tenured reps left him. One told him to go stuff himself and the result was a loss of about a million dollars. Of course Aldo decided to split the territory so now you have 2 reps eating the donuts they put up every month. Another tenured rep left in the western part of the state and told Mike D he was fed up with Aldo and Zoll corporate policies that are affecting sales. Rep left in eastern part of state, again loss of another million in sales and another split! Anyone see a pattern of management incompetence? I also love Aldo's policy on having his reps go to patients homes and ask the patient to take off the vest when insurance has declined (after ZOLL approved fitting) because the patient doesn't have the ability to pay 3k a month! Can anyone say law suite? By the way his reps kept all the e mails he was stupid enough to pass along to them. So Mike D how about taking an active roll in your job and learning what your managers are doing or not doing in most cases! New guys still think your going to make 190 as your fearless manager told you? Feel used yet? Is there a reason Aldo won't let you talk to the last senior rep in the territory? Aldo your one rep away from the blind leading the blind! Nice job !

Same in my area, over 13 reps in the past 2 years and many managers. Do your homework don't believe the lies that the managers are telling you, pick up the phone or use linked in or whatever means you need to be call or contact the previous rep. They will confirm everything you read here and more. Don't let some manager tell you you can't talk to the previous rep. You're a sales person find out who the previous rep was and I'm sure you can find out a way to contact them.

Stay away from north east. Can someone give me the over under on a Mike D and Aldo's tenure at Zoll? Rumor has it all of Aldo's tenured reps left him. One told him to go stuff himself and the result was a loss of about a million dollars. Of course Aldo decided to split the territory so now you have 2 reps eating the donuts they put up every month. Another tenured rep left in the western part of the state and told Mike D he was fed up with Aldo and Zoll corporate policies that are affecting sales. Rep left in eastern part of state, again loss of another million in sales and another split! Anyone see a pattern of management incompetence? I also love Aldo's policy on having his reps go to patients homes and ask the patient to take off the vest when insurance has declined (after ZOLL approved fitting) because the patient doesn't have the ability to pay 3k a month! Can anyone say law suite? By the way his reps kept all the e mails he was stupid enough to pass along to them. So Mike D how about taking an active roll in your job and learning what your managers are doing or not doing in most cases! New guys still think your going to make 190 as your fearless manager told you? Feel used yet? Is there a reason Aldo won't let you talk to the last senior rep in the territory? Aldo your one rep away from the blind leading the blind! Nice job !

Mike D doesn't care what's going on as long as it doesn't trickle up. He's totally absorbed with himself

Stay away from north east. Can someone give me the over under on a Mike D and Aldo's tenure at Zoll? Rumor has it all of Aldo's tenured reps left him. One told him to go stuff himself and the result was a loss of about a million dollars. Of course Aldo decided to split the territory so now you have 2 reps eating the donuts they put up every month. Another tenured rep left in the western part of the state and told Mike D he was fed up with Aldo and Zoll corporate policies that are affecting sales. Rep left in eastern part of state, again loss of another million in sales and another split! Anyone see a pattern of management incompetence? I also love Aldo's policy on having his reps go to patients homes and ask the patient to take off the vest when insurance has declined (after ZOLL approved fitting) because the patient doesn't have the ability to pay 3k a month! Can anyone say law suite? By the way his reps kept all the e mails he was stupid enough to pass along to them. So Mike D how about taking an active roll in your job and learning what your managers are doing or not doing in most cases! New guys still think your going to make 190 as your fearless manager told you? Feel used yet? Is there a reason Aldo won't let you talk to the last senior rep in the territory? Aldo your one rep away from the blind leading the blind! Nice job !

Aldo has been a cancer everywhere he has worked. He never takes the time to understand the business and doesn't care to. If you leave, or are under the number, he will bang on you and talk shit about you to other reps. Maybe if hiring mangers do their jobs they will see the pattern. I LOVE his side job, as a recruiter....LOL!!!!

Central area is another prime example of a mess. You have a 5+ year tenured TM in Tim Conroy in Chicago. He single handedly built Chicago into one of the decent territories in the company.

What thank you does he get for his efforts??? Split multiple times, where he has to fight to protect the accounts he really wants. Passed up for multiple promotions to a RM while they hire morons - Kathy Sawyers anyone!?!?

They're going to lose him soon, and with him a system and relationships that work...

Hopefully Tim leaves and all the business in Chicago goes with him. That's what they deserve for treating him so shitty!

Jeff Roberts and Jamie Prince have been lying to him telling him he's in a "management development program". They are simply lying to him to get him to keep producing, and he is too nice to tell them to get fucked!!!

If you actually worked at this company you would know JR doesn't even cover Chicago. These posts across this thread are all from former TMs that were positive turnover for this company.

Aldo has been a cancer everywhere he has worked. He never takes the time to understand the business and doesn't care to. If you leave, or are under the number, he will bang on you and talk shit about you to other reps. Maybe if hiring mangers do their jobs they will see the pattern. I LOVE his side job, as a recruiter....LOL!!!!

How can Mike D allow tenured reps who have brought in millions of dollars to leave because of Aldo? He has plugged in new TM,s with no relationships and no cardiac experience and the business has tanked!! Aldo is on the bottom of the sales standings trying to blame everyone but himself. He has embarrassed the company in front of customers, chases his tale looking for reimbursement for Medicade patients instead of solving current patient issues that are costing him easy money. Shame on you Mike. Next time Aldo gives you an excuse tell him to hold up a mirror. Then come clean and admit you created this mess and waited way to long to pull the trigger. Nice hire! Kinda like the manager in NY city from KCI who lasted 3 months! Did he mention to you that he believed nursing homes were the places to look for patients? That's what you get Mike when you don't promote from within or at least hire cardiac experience.

If you actually worked at this company you would know JR doesn't even cover Chicago. These posts across this thread are all from former TMs that were positive turnover for this company.

Yup ALL the turnover that Zoll has had is positive. HA! 75% of the field force is new every single year and it's all "positive" turnover for the company. Keep believing that!

If you actually worked at this company you would know JR doesn't even cover Chicago. These posts across this thread are all from former TMs that were positive turnover for this company.

I am a current TM, so I am fully aware Alexia is our new AD.

Now if YOU actually knew the history of Tim Conroy being passed up for promotions and the lies Jeff and Jamie told him, you'd have a clue! Since you don't, shut the fuck up!!!

If you actually worked at this company you would know JR doesn't even cover Chicago. These posts across this thread are all from former TMs that were positive turnover for this company.

Thank you for your input _________ (<-- insert desperate manager name here)!

Keep trying hard and MAYBE, just MAYBE, you'll find people for all your vacancies...

If you actually worked at this company you would know JR doesn't even cover Chicago. These posts across this thread are all from former TMs that were positive turnover for this company.

So Mr./or Mrs. manager, what you are saying is you and your peers are so poor at making hiring decisions that the 75% turnover is actually positive???

I am a current TM, so I am fully aware Alexia is our new AD.

Now if YOU actually knew the history of Tim Conroy being passed up for promotions and the lies Jeff and Jamie told him, you'd have a clue! Since you don't, shut the fuck up!!!

Does this surprise you? JP and JR have been telling people lies from day 1. TC is a very good rep and quite honestly not sure why he has stayed so long with the way he has been treated. He has given Zoll much more than he has received back. All you will hear at Zoll is LIES. LIES to get you to join the company, lies to keep you here and lies when they want to let you go because your quota that goes up every two weeks grows out of control.

Does this surprise you? JP and JR have been telling people lies from day 1. TC is a very good rep and quite honestly not sure why he has stayed so long with the way he has been treated. He has given Zoll much more than he has received back. All you will hear at Zoll is LIES. LIES to get you to join the company, lies to keep you here and lies when they want to let you go because your quota that goes up every two weeks grows out of control.

Not in the least! I think he/or she was just trying to bring to light the lying/dirty tactics that senior management at this company employs!