40% employees Will be layoff from IT, Finance and commercial


Miles asked Mckenzie consulting to find redundancies at IT, Commercial and Finance divisions.
They came back recommending to layoff 40% of the people on those divisions. The announcement will be on June 26, 2014. There will be no Packages or early retirement. The maximum compensation is 39 weeks payment on case by case basis. Also they won't aloud transfers within the company or Abbie.
Sorry for the bad news but is the way things are. I have access to the memo from Mckenzie.

Heard the same thing including HR as another area to be impacted. Miles is just trying to show improved profits for next quarter. After that, they'll rehire all these folks back. It's a strategy they have tried before. But it does suck. Outsourcing is a strategy to save money. Good luck to everyone. Polish up your resumes.

I also can vouch for this news. I only wish they would lay off the Jerks who close Service requests for issues on Laptops and Ipods whichout doing anything. It is frustrating that you put in a complain, get a compaint #, Then no phone call etc and then get a email that the problem has been resolved and then you get a Questionair asking you to rate the service you got for the IT dept. I rip them to shreds and no follow up from IT management. ALL this happened when Abbott laid of their REAL Employees. What Miles need to learn is that when you outsource you get what you are paying for. Now all the Reps spend days on the phone trying to get IT help and less time increasing sales.

Aghh .... so you sobered up and started a new thread. Good. Keep your dialog with yourself going. Maybe someone else will join you.

I worked at a company before who laid off many people right before a move. I think it is standard practice. I buy into this rumor because it is clear to me that bazillions of people are redundant here, allegedly doing the same crap in different locations, which in actuality means do nothing. If we have lots of people doing nothing, it would be a good time to clean up the place. Think hard. How many people do you work with here who accomplish nothing and then decide whether this rumor is viable or not. I find it very credible.

I worked at a company before who laid off many people right before a move. I think it is standard practice. I buy into this rumor because it is clear to me that bazillions of people are redundant here, allegedly doing the same crap in different locations, which in actuality means do nothing. If we have lots of people doing nothing, it would be a good time to clean up the place. Think hard. How many people do you work with here who accomplish nothing and then decide whether this rumor is viable or not. I find it very credible.

This company is going to be sold soon. They have been on the block for a long time. Too many people going to meetings at Abbott who accomplish very little.

If you remember ADD (Diagnostic Division), it was almost sold to GE. Other divisions are also not making good profit. The Nutrition business which they considered the "crown jewel division" of Abbott is not doing good business in the Emerging markets too. So many recall products, product contamination, third party manufacturer issues. Polish your resume people and look for another jobs unless if you are just waiting for the company to let you go.

I KNOW 100 % that the Company is up for Sale. I was told this by several high ranking folks at the Presidents Club . OH YES, I got some praise on how I fudged my numbers for my favor and that MGMT knows what and how I did it. I got PRAISED for it and they said I have the perfect attributes for Abbott Management (be able to lie to folks while looking them in the eyes) .

Unless you are a fool, you can see all the signs of the upcoming sale, 1) layoffs , 2) outsourcing 3) lack of R and D . It makes no sense to put $ into future products that you will never sell. Let the new owner deal with that, Falsifying numbers, Lack of quality control and recalls.

Keep and eye on the higher ups and what they are up to career wise. IF you see a exodus of folks going to Molecular then i would see it as them putting on a parachute and jumping to safety. All the while lying to you face telling you that everything will be fine.

I remember Mr. Miles during the all employee meeting last January 2014. During the Q&A portion, one question came from the Affiliate asking if there was any lay-off coming soon. He paused a little bit for may be 5 seconds and replied NO. There's no future lay-off (big lie). By the end of January Abbott made a very huge lay-off. It's up to you folks if you TRUST your leader.

Aghh .... so you sobered up and started a new thread. Good. Keep your dialog with yourself going. Maybe someone else will join you.

Buddy, you are wasting you time, this guy lives on board and has severe seperation anxiety
his name is wuss boy he always starts and answers his own threads and uses clapping hands Icons guy this is a real jerk off

I KNOW 100 % that the Company is up for Sale. I was told this by several high ranking folks at the Presidents Club . OH YES, I got some praise on how I fudged my numbers for my favor and that MGMT knows what and how I did it. I got PRAISED for it and they said I have the perfect attributes for Abbott Management (be able to lie to folks while looking them in the eyes) .

Unless you are a fool, you can see all the signs of the upcoming sale, 1) layoffs , 2) outsourcing 3) lack of R and D . It makes no sense to put $ into future products that you will never sell. Let the new owner deal with that, Falsifying numbers, Lack of quality control and recalls.

Keep and eye on the higher ups and what they are up to career wise. IF you see a exodus of folks going to Molecular then i would see it as them putting on a parachute and jumping to safety. All the while lying to you face telling you that everything will be fine.

Jerk Off !!!!

Miles asked Mckenzie consulting to find redundancies at IT, Commercial and Finance divisions.
They came back recommending to layoff 40% of the people on those divisions. The announcement will be on June 26, 2014. There will be no Packages or early retirement. The maximum compensation is 39 weeks payment on case by case basis. Also they won't aloud transfers within the company or Abbie.
Sorry for the bad news but is the way things are. I have access to the memo from Mckenzie.

Barbeque these divisions and send all the work to India. Then outsource all the management. Make it a third world company.