120 Days At Zoll/ Please read if considering


I had always heard neutral or negative things about Zoll and its flagship LifeVest. I was contacted in early Fall about an opportunity. At first everything was great…a very easy going day and manager. i even ignored my counterparts within the district as they were extremely negative but honest. My revenue quota was low ($20k) and my fit quota was low as well with existing business in the territory. In training I was told that my revenue quota would only go up $1600 per month….I was making 11-13 grand per month….Lets fast forward 4 months….My revenue quota has doubled and my fit quota has increased 50%…The last two months alone, my quota was raised nearly $8k. Revenue and Fit: These are the two ways you get paid in addition to your salary. I have never seen a commission plan like this…furthermore, there are many moving parts to your commission. You can do your job and sell a vest, but the patients insurance policy can easily deny authorization for it after the fact…DME NOT DEVICE.nothing like seeing a big fat zero on your sales report. There are so many moving parts to this process…unlike pharma and device…..I don’t want to make this a long winded passage but I just wanted to share my feedback about this company and its antics out of all courtesy…There are individuals who thrive here and it is merely circumstantial and highly volatile. In addition to the monthly raises in revenue quota and periodic increases in fit quota…there is an annual increase to make it even more DIFFICULT. I was told by my manager that the monthly increase of $3,200 was a “compounded” raise and it was actually $1,600. Funny enough, there was a month i missed quota by 1,300…no compound taken into consideration. I have been at least the second sales rep in a year and my customers ONLY respect me for not bothering them. If you are taking this job to get physician call point experience, great! If you think this is a path to devices, please stop and know its not devices. There are several device companies that hire direct from pharma. Please do your due diligence before accepting an offer. How many reps before you? Book of business, quota, insurance reimbursement, etc. This company obviously operates on statistics as they know you will be gone within a year. What is sad is that with each abrupt turnover, credibility is lost and doctors can’t take you seriously. My humble suggestion is to stay away unless you are unemployed. Its been great, Zoll….Im out of here back to the OR.

This was helpful….I do not see how this business is sustainable...

Short answer...it's not. No reason they should continue to have direct reps and waste money on salary, benes, training, etc. only to have them leave in a short time. Then rinse and repeat. Call points have been exhausted and if they don't know by now they must be suffering from dementia.

From the outside looking in, management would be better suited to utilize a distributor model or set up direct distribution via a customer call center. Pay someone a "fit" fee when the orders come in the territory.

Seems like this company is a debacle. How any RSM or RVP of Sales is still employed there is beyond belief.

This stinks. I am interviewing and so many things about the job are appealing on the surface. The more I read, and the more I speak to current reps, it all feels wrong. My gut is telling me to stay away. I am ready for a change in my career and a new challenge. I guess no move is better than the wrong move.

This stinks. I am interviewing and so many things about the job are appealing on the surface. The more I read, and the more I speak to current reps, it all feels wrong. My gut is telling me to stay away. I am ready for a change in my career and a new challenge. I guess no move is better than the wrong move.

Talked myself into Zoll. Stuck here until I find a way out. The rest of Zoll might be fine, but I can only recommend Life Vest sales job on two conditions -
1) you are unemployed with zero prospects
2) you won't have to call on these doctors again in another job

If both those are true, then collect your base salary, stay under the radar and keep job hunting.

I had always heard neutral or negative things about Zoll and its flagship LifeVest. I was contacted in early Fall about an opportunity. At first everything was great…a very easy going day and manager. i even ignored my counterparts within the district as they were extremely negative but honest. My revenue quota was low ($20k) and my fit quota was low as well with existing business in the territory. In training I was told that my revenue quota would only go up $1600 per month….I was making 11-13 grand per month….Lets fast forward 4 months….My revenue quota has doubled and my fit quota has increased 50%…The last two months alone, my quota was raised nearly $8k. Revenue and Fit: These are the two ways you get paid in addition to your salary. I have never seen a commission plan like this…furthermore, there are many moving parts to your commission. You can do your job and sell a vest, but the patients insurance policy can easily deny authorization for it after the fact…DME NOT DEVICE.nothing like seeing a big fat zero on your sales report. There are so many moving parts to this process…unlike pharma and device…..I don’t want to make this a long winded passage but I just wanted to share my feedback about this company and its antics out of all courtesy…There are individuals who thrive here and it is merely circumstantial and highly volatile. In addition to the monthly raises in revenue quota and periodic increases in fit quota…there is an annual increase to make it even more DIFFICULT. I was told by my manager that the monthly increase of $3,200 was a “compounded” raise and it was actually $1,600. Funny enough, there was a month i missed quota by 1,300…no compound taken into consideration. I have been at least the second sales rep in a year and my customers ONLY respect me for not bothering them. If you are taking this job to get physician call point experience, great! If you think this is a path to devices, please stop and know its not devices. There are several device companies that hire direct from pharma. Please do your due diligence before accepting an offer. How many reps before you? Book of business, quota, insurance reimbursement, etc. This company obviously operates on statistics as they know you will be gone within a year. What is sad is that with each abrupt turnover, credibility is lost and doctors can’t take you seriously. My humble suggestion is to stay away unless you are unemployed. Its been great, Zoll….Im out of here back to the OR.

This is so true….dont forget the all or nothing compensation plan….[Puts gun to head and pulls trigger]…..stay away unless you are without work

Thanks for playing! You just missed quota and you get $0. We had a last minute negative adjustment for you behind door #2.

So true. Love it when those negative revenue adjustments come in 1 day before the segment or period ends..no payout for you this month! The cherry on top is when you get the PIP on top of that due to lack of performance.

I too recently came to Zoll and was told it was going to be the best decision I ever made. I have never regretted anything so much in my life. I just hope that having this on my resume isn't going to hurt me in my job search.

Really sad that nothing changes. Goosebumps developed as I read this passage. An amazing scamtastic deceitful company that thrives off the desperate unemployed, ignorant, and pharma reps! There should be a class action lawsuit! Good luck getting out to those there.

Really sad that nothing changes. Goosebumps developed as I read this passage. An amazing scamtastic deceitful company that thrives off the desperate unemployed, ignorant, and pharma reps! There should be a class action lawsuit! Good luck getting out to those there.

scamtastic. like it. perfect for this place.

Just a heads up...the outdated life vest you were provided in training will need to be sent back....upon your imminent resignation you must mail that vest back to HR along with any sales material you have. If HR doesn't receive your demo vest they will dock you one full base pay period. Provide HR the tracking number and CYA! Good luck, guys! I'm out

Just a heads up...the outdated life vest you were provided in training will need to be sent back....upon your imminent resignation you must mail that vest back to HR along with any sales material you have. If HR doesn't receive your demo vest they will dock you one full base pay period. Provide HR the tracking number and CYA! Good luck, guys! I'm out

I know! They hose you if you lose that demo...it's really worth $2500? Lol