Pradaxa - The Final Straw that broke the Multaq Camel's Back

The label changes have had little to no effect on top line Multaq sales. Comparing Multaq and Pradaxa is like comparing Plavix and Aggrenox. The market potential of Pradaxa is 10x that of Multaq.

The label changes have had little to no effect on top line Multaq sales. Comparing Multaq and Pradaxa is like comparing Plavix and Aggrenox. The market potential of Pradaxa is 10x that of Multaq.

here is your typical post that validates the stupidity of many reps. You are right genius, Pradaxa is going to take off and become a blockbuster, and a cardiologist will throw Multaq under the bus "in a heart beat" if there are any questions about drug interactions. "Plavix and Aggrenox" LOL. Even in PAF, based on CHADS score, most patients should be on Pradaxa. So the question for you: give me proof that Pradaxa 150mg bid and Multaq combined is safe?

here is your typical post that validates the stupidity of many reps. You are right genius, Pradaxa is going to take off and become a blockbuster, and a cardiologist will throw Multaq under the bus "in a heart beat" if there are any questions about drug interactions. "Plavix and Aggrenox" LOL. Even in PAF, based on CHADS score, most patients should be on Pradaxa. So the question for you: give me proof that Pradaxa 150mg bid and Multaq combined is safe?

Can't give you proof since Multaq isn't safe when its the only drug. Combo'd w/ anything and you have a train wreck.

Correct, the market is huge for P. However, soon it won't be the oral anti thrombin available. J&J anticipates approval of Riva, a Qd anti-thrombin by mid summer. I have been selling to cardio’s for a long time, they are more interested in getting away from INR’s. Good luck using Multaq on those patients if there are any interactions.

The label changes have had little to no effect on top line
Multaq sales. Comparing Multaq and Pradaxa is like comparing Plavix and Aggrenox. The market potential of Pradaxa is 10x that of Multaq.

Correct, the market is huge for P. However, soon it won't be the oral anti thrombin available. J&J anticipates approval of Riva, a Qd anti-thrombin by mid summer. I have been selling to cardio’s for a long time, they are more interested in getting away from INR’s. Good luck using Multaq on those patients if there are any interactions.

This is the one to be scared of for a fib. Xarelto will destroy multaq! I know b/c my two largest CV groups have been telling me to join J&J and sell this and dump multaq asap.

hey poster #2 pull your head out of your ass and read this

I am just beginning my research on these two drugs. What I DO know is my wife was hosptialized with bleeding around her brain and because of it, severe pain, disorientation, disruption of work as well as her life. I am approaching this with not a slight degree of anger. The deeper I get into this, the angrier I get. Yes, that 70% in my eyes are TOTALLY wrong... When I am done someone besides me shall be unhappy.
Y'all point fingers and spout off like emotional children if you wish but people (real people) are being injured and killed by the cure...

I am just beginning my research on these two drugs. What I DO know is my wife was hosptialized with bleeding around her brain and because of it, severe pain, disorientation, disruption of work as well as her life. I am approaching this with not a slight degree of anger. The deeper I get into this, the angrier I get. Yes, that 70% in my eyes are TOTALLY wrong... When I am done someone besides me shall be unhappy.
Y'all point fingers and spout off like emotional children if you wish but people (real people) are being injured and killed by the cure...

real world patients, real world situation. If you were one of the posters above with a smug, pompous attitude - READ THIS POST 10 TIMES.

The only "idiot" is you. You uninformed "idiot". The poster is right. Pradaxa is taking off. Drs are using it like water. Who writes the most Pradaxa? Our most important customers, the EPs. You think Pradaxa has "bleeds"? What happens when you add Multaq on board (1.7-2 fold increase) Pradaxa will be a blockbuster. Im waiting for you to reply back and EXPLAIN TO US ALL WHAT HAPPENS TO PATIENTS ON MULTAQ AND PRADAXA?

dude, relax. Don't you know that we are telling doctors to use Multaq in the appropriate patients only? Pradaxa might be a blockbuster, but many patients and insurance companies still think that coumadin is still king. Most elderly patients like coumadin because it gives them a reason to go outside of the house and see the nurses who do labs and they treat them well and then they can brag how their INR's are doing. The benefits go on and on.

I have more non EP's using multaq than EP's. I'm not after the EP patients anyway. With that said, multaq's demise will come from poor management and a rush to use with poor messaging. Just too many issues have come up to put this drug on the fast burner to success. With on 2 years and some change left on patent, it was going to be a short ride anyway. So the Multaq team will sit and wait for the calls to come and then we'll be gone and you can go sell your Pradaxa or Lantus or what ever. When I'm let from sanofi, I'm starting a MaryJane farm in my basement for additional income, who knows where it will go?

dude, relax. Don't you know that we are telling doctors to use Multaq in the appropriate patients only? Pradaxa might be a blockbuster, but many patients and insurance companies still think that coumadin is still king. Most elderly patients like coumadin because it gives them a reason to go outside of the house and see the nurses who do labs and they treat them well and then they can brag how their INR's are doing. The benefits go on and on.

I have more non EP's using multaq than EP's. I'm not after the EP patients anyway. With that said, multaq's demise will come from poor management and a rush to use with poor messaging. Just too many issues have come up to put this drug on the fast burner to success. With on 2 years and some change left on patent, it was going to be a short ride anyway. So the Multaq team will sit and wait for the calls to come and then we'll be gone and you can go sell your Pradaxa or Lantus or what ever. When I'm let from sanofi, I'm starting a MaryJane farm in my basement for additional income, who knows where it will go?

see post 29 dumbass.

see post 29 dumbass.

Post 29 is a sad story, I admit that. How many women have died from complications from birth control pills? How many have died because Plavix didn't work? How many have been injured because their Osteo drug didn't work? The list goes on and on. What the FUCK do you want me to do? Give me a solution. dumbass!

Post 29 is a sad story, I admit that. How many women have died from complications from birth control pills? How many have died because Plavix didn't work? How many have been injured because their Osteo drug didn't work? The list goes on and on. What the FUCK do you want me to do? Give me a solution. dumbass!

Educate your physicians, dumbass, or this drug will be pulled. There is your solution. Multaq is slowly fading away because YOU are too worried about YOUR sales. Here is the problem jack, and I will let you try to explain it. This isnt about birth control, Plavix, etc. Will you proactively bring up to YOUR customers they need to monitor serum creatinine, as per our label? Will you proactively bring up the 1.7 -2 fold increase in Pradaxa levels? Will you proactively bring up the issue of monitoring patients closely to make sure they are not in permanent AFIB? My guess YOUR answer is NO. Post 29 is a sad story, as you put it. I wonder if that HUMAN BEING was in YOUR territory, and YOU didnt proactively inform and educate YOUR doctors.

Educate your physicians, dumbass, or this drug will be pulled. There is your solution. Multaq is slowly fading away because YOU are too worried about YOUR sales. Here is the problem jack, and I will let you try to explain it. This isnt about birth control, Plavix, etc. Will you proactively bring up to YOUR customers they need to monitor serum creatinine, as per our label? Will you proactively bring up the 1.7 -2 fold increase in Pradaxa levels? Will you proactively bring up the issue of monitoring patients closely to make sure they are not in permanent AFIB? My guess YOUR answer is NO. Post 29 is a sad story, as you put it. I wonder if that HUMAN BEING was in YOUR territory, and YOU didnt proactively inform and educate YOUR doctors.

Laughable, you are so lost here. Who said I am not educating my Physicians. Home for lunch after a good call where this very discussion came up. I'm not saying that Multaq is a great drug or that I want profit over the health and welfare of patients. Here is your dilemma. If you feel so passionate about the lack of safety with Multaq, then you need to sit down in a conference call with your DM and RD and tell them that you can not ethically sell this drug. Then you need to submit your resignation and move on. Its that simple! I am sick and frustrated that everytime that I turn around there is another Label change with Multaq, who can keep up with all this crap concering this drug and all the crap will be coming. But I don't have other job opportunities on the table at the moment. I've got financial responsibilities to my family and DAMIT ALL TO HELL, they come first. These HUMAN BEING's ARE in my territory. Guess what a mortuary van shows up every damn day at the hospitals in my territory. Patients die every day! Its sad, but its true. Don't come here and point your finger at me and call me unethical. FUCK you and the horse you rode in on. Wake Up!!!!

Multaq rep here and yes I did tell all my docs all of the above. So maybe I was not blowing out the numbers. But I'm not crying right now either. And if I ever do call on them with another drug guess what they are going to let me through the door. I know I can sleep.

Laughable, you are so lost here. Who said I am not educating my Physicians. Home for lunch after a good call where this very discussion came up. I'm not saying that Multaq is a great drug or that I want profit over the health and welfare of patients. Here is your dilemma. If you feel so passionate about the lack of safety with Multaq, then you need to sit down in a conference call with your DM and RD and tell them that you can not ethically sell this drug. Then you need to submit your resignation and move on. Its that simple! I am sick and frustrated that everytime that I turn around there is another Label change with Multaq, who can keep up with all this crap concering this drug and all the crap will be coming. But I don't have other job opportunities on the table at the moment. I've got financial responsibilities to my family and DAMIT ALL TO HELL, they come first. These HUMAN BEING's ARE in my territory. Guess what a mortuary van shows up every damn day at the hospitals in my territory. Patients die every day! Its sad, but its true. Don't come here and point your finger at me and call me unethical. FUCK you and the horse you rode in on. Wake Up!!!!

"Home for lunch after a good call"....I don't know which part is more HYSTERICAL, "home for lunch" or "good call" !!!! You're a pharma rep, you're always home! And good call, oh, did you get a wave AND a nod !! wow !!

"Home for lunch after a good call"....I don't know which part is more HYSTERICAL, "home for lunch" or "good call" !!!! You're a pharma rep, you're always home! And good call, oh, did you get a wave AND a nod !! wow !!

You tell me dickweed! You sound like you were there with me. Wow! How do you know what I do or don't do. Now that you have been schooled, go back to your desk.