Pradaxa - The Final Straw that broke the Multaq Camel's Back

Um, cause you're a pharma rep. Poop has more respect from drs than you. I was WORKING, making $$$..... nothing you would understand.

Okay, so you're not in Pharma. That explains it. If I may ask, why do you come to this board then? We bitch and moan here and complain about everything. CP is our place to vent. Yes, its been frustrating here lately, (last three years actually). I've been doing this gig for over 17 years now. It has changed and I must say its not for the better. I am looking, but economy doesn't want to play right now. It doesn't matter though, Changes are in the wind again and I think that my number is up with this next downsizing, rightsizing, restructuring or whatever they call it. I'll take my severence and move on to better things, less money prehaps, but better state of mind and yes, the opportunity to make some real money. By the way. My doctors like me a little more than "Poop". I've always been honest with them and give the straight poop no matter what. Its a credibility thing I have and yes it allows me back where others can't get in.

Okay, so you're not in Pharma. That explains it. If I may ask, why do you come to this board then? We bitch and moan here and complain about everything. CP is our place to vent. Yes, its been frustrating here lately, (last three years actually). I've been doing this gig for over 17 years now. It has changed and I must say its not for the better. I am looking, but economy doesn't want to play right now. It doesn't matter though, Changes are in the wind again and I think that my number is up with this next downsizing, rightsizing, restructuring or whatever they call it. I'll take my severence and move on to better things, less money prehaps, but better state of mind and yes, the opportunity to make some real money. By the way. My doctors like me a little more than "Poop". I've always been honest with them and give the straight poop no matter what. Its a credibility thing I have and yes it allows me back where others can't get in.

You may be the few and I mean few pharma reps that actually "see" a dr or 2 on any given day. I was a pharma reps for years and left due to diminishing access and a horrible manager. I am a sales person, not a sample dropper or drive by fake call noter. I am outraged with the bragging of the slugs who do little to nothing and will call them out each and every time. If you value your family or career you will do something else. IMHO