Pradaxa - The Final Straw that broke the Multaq Camel's Back

So what you idiot, Multaq is marginal at best.. but that drug already has tons of issues independent of Multaq, bleeds, etc. It will not be the blockbuster they think. You losers have nothing better to do than come on here and spew gloom and doom. Multaq will limp along.. pradaxa will have no effect on it, but the CV sales force is praying nothing else comes up regarding safety issues.

So what you idiot, Multaq is marginal at best.. but that drug already has tons of issues independent of Multaq, bleeds, etc. It will not be the blockbuster they think. You losers have nothing better to do than come on here and spew gloom and doom. Multaq will limp along.. pradaxa will have no effect on it, but the CV sales force is praying nothing else comes up regarding safety issues.

The only "idiot" is you. You uninformed "idiot". The poster is right. Pradaxa is taking off. Drs are using it like water. Who writes the most Pradaxa? Our most important customers, the EPs. You think Pradaxa has "bleeds"? What happens when you add Multaq on board (1.7-2 fold increase) Pradaxa will be a blockbuster. Im waiting for you to reply back and EXPLAIN TO US ALL WHAT HAPPENS TO PATIENTS ON MULTAQ AND PRADAXA?

Don't you get tired of being wrong? Speaking of broken backs, why don't you get back to your sweetie on Brokeback Mountain, and find more creative ways to spend your sad little days? You are a sad little man with child sized hands. Stay off my site!

Former Sanofi Multaq rep here who now sells Pradaxa. Hate to say it but we are hearing it daily: Docs want to know if there is an interaction b/c they are going to DC the Multaq (or not initiate any new starts) if that is the case. Life is much easier for the doc, patient, hospital, managed care, etc. if they are on Pradaxa and the only way that they will continue with Multaq is if that is the only option the patient has. We all know that Multaq has some major issues and Pradaxa looks pretty clean right now except for some dyspepsia. I wish you guys the best.

Former Sanofi Multaq rep here who now sells Pradaxa. Hate to say it but we are hearing it daily: Docs want to know if there is an interaction b/c they are going to DC the Multaq (or not initiate any new starts) if that is the case. Life is much easier for the doc, patient, hospital, managed care, etc. if they are on Pradaxa and the only way that they will continue with Multaq is if that is the only option the patient has. We all know that Multaq has some major issues and Pradaxa looks pretty clean right now except for some dyspepsia. I wish you guys the best.

hey poster #2 pull your head out of your ass and read this

In 6 months Pradaxa will be recalled due to safety concerns. You think Multaq has issues, you ain't seen nothin yet. First of all NO ONE is rxing Pradaxa because of its cost. I can't wait to see what all you BI losers do when this one gets recalled.

In 6 months Pradaxa will be recalled due to safety concerns. You think Multaq has issues, you ain't seen nothin yet. First of all NO ONE is rxing Pradaxa because of its cost. I can't wait to see what all you BI losers do when this one gets recalled.

Covered by Medicaid, BI has issued Co-Pay Cards for commercial insurance that limits co-pays to $30/month for a year and Part D is seeing wins every week. There actually are patients willing to pay the $250-$270 per month out of pocket to escape the warfarin baggage.This drug is almost universally covered out west. And safety concerns? The drug does not use CYP-450 and the serious bleeds are much less than what you see with warfarin. Sorry Young Buck, you are out of your league on this one. Recalled? Save that line dronedarone.

Covered by Medicaid, BI has issued Co-Pay Cards for commercial insurance that limits co-pays to $30/month for a year and Part D is seeing wins every week. There actually are patients willing to pay the $250-$270 per month out of pocket to escape the warfarin baggage.This drug is almost universally covered out west. And safety concerns? The drug does not use CYP-450 and the serious bleeds are much less than what you see with warfarin. Sorry Young Buck, you are out of your league on this one. Recalled? Save that line dronedarone.

I hate to say it, but I think you are right.

Copay cards? Really? That's the secret weapon genius? Does the copay card increase in value if you have an MI? Some real good marketing going on at BI!

Check the #'s: Dabigatran with over 20K Rx in the 1st 11 weeks. Multaq on the market for 19 months and still has not approached that #. "It's all over Johnny"

Take it easy on the French honey. The Germans aren't exactly famous for their ability to do the right thing. According to the FDA Multaq is killing no one. In a year let's see about your beloved Pradaxa. In the mean time enter your f n calls in the computer.