Seroflo= Generic Advair

I have been using Cipla Rotohaler for four months now I buy it out of Canada. It ships from India. I get six months supply for 145.00. Was paying 196.00 for advair 250/50 at 60 inhaleations

Yep. Ciplo Rotohaler is working great for me, too. $15.00 for one month supply. Works better than Advair diskus for me.

Actually, it is scary because it can be purchased by individuals in the US and anyone who has access to a computer can get information about it-- Dumbass. For those of us selling Advair---it is important to have the facts so we can address concerns when it is brought up. If it hadnt been an issue, no one would have taken the time to post. To the original isnt available in the US yet and it would be important for Docs to tell their patients it is inadvisable to order ANYTHING out of the US due to lack of regulation of these generic products. Hope that helps you in your selling efforts. Ignore the idiots who only want to post negativity and not offer any real suggestions.

Inadvisable to order Ciplo Rotohaler? The docs better open their eyes since we patients are taking our health into our own hands. I am using Ciplo Rotohater and loving it - without the help of Big Pharma - I don't give one bit about your busines - I need to actually breath to live and without health insurance, I can't spend $180 a month; I get Ciplo Rotohaler for $15 a month, no problems. I don't know how anyone working for Big Pharma can actually live with themselves knowing people are choosing between food and medicine and you are all worried about GSK? Pathetic.

Inadvisable to order Ciplo Rotohaler? The docs better open their eyes since we patients are taking our health into our own hands. I am using Ciplo Rotohater and loving it - without the help of Big Pharma - I don't give one bit about your busines - I need to actually breath to live and without health insurance, I can't spend $180 a month; I get Ciplo Rotohaler for $15 a month, no problems. I don't know how anyone working for Big Pharma can actually live with themselves knowing people are choosing between food and medicine and you are all worried about GSK? Pathetic.

That is a great way to thank the company who DEVELOPED the product that has changed your life. Lets hope that the company that makes the ciplo will fund the research and develop the product that helps save the life of a close loved one that you can not do without. Do you buy bootleg copies of movies and microsoft software? Do you smoke? Do you drink?

That is a great way to thank the company who DEVELOPED the product that has changed your life. Lets hope that the company that makes the ciplo will fund the research and develop the product that helps save the life of a close loved one that you can not do without. Do you buy bootleg copies of movies and microsoft software? Do you smoke? Do you drink?

Lets not get defensive here. I am a GSK employee and understand the importance of R&D etc but there is also a reality here which was stated by the previous post and will continue to be a problem as the baby boomers age- and that is cost of medications. This person ,like many, have to choose between rent or food and thier medications. Not everyone has behaviours that contribute to their poor health. My mother who takes very few medications yet needs to take some and is on a fixed income struggles with this very issue. Thankfully she has children that can help. lets work to help find solutions to this very important and real situation. I value what use to be the core value of Pharma and that was to provide innovated medicines, however i do resent the high salaried executives who continue to keep thier high pay/bonus/stock options etc.. while making some very poor decisions driving this company into the ground and then blame the workers (sales people) for their inability to be effective sale people. The result is drive the sales people out with pressure tatics or selectivly choose the reps who haven't succomb to the pressure and fire them. I don't have the answers but I am surely not for big management of GSK or any other big pharma. Get them and thier big salaries out of the way and get back to progress. I would love to see JP give back a little of what he has taken from this company. Wouldnt that be bold and humble to say since my people are only getting 1-3% raises I will by pass mine. My how Noble!!!! How much does the man need!!!!!!!!!! Saving lives?????? Right! Put your money where your mouth is!! I digressed sorry!

Lets not get defensive here. I am a GSK employee and understand the importance of R&D etc but there is also a reality here which was stated by the previous post and will continue to be a problem as the baby boomers age- and that is cost of medications. This person ,like many, have to choose between rent or food and thier medications. Not everyone has behaviours that contribute to their poor health. My mother who takes very few medications yet needs to take some and is on a fixed income struggles with this very issue. Thankfully she has children that can help. lets work to help find solutions to this very important and real situation. I value what use to be the core value of Pharma and that was to provide innovated medicines, however i do resent the high salaried executives who continue to keep thier high pay/bonus/stock options etc.. while making some very poor decisions driving this company into the ground and then blame the workers (sales people) for their inability to be effective sale people. The result is drive the sales people out with pressure tatics or selectivly choose the reps who haven't succomb to the pressure and fire them. I don't have the answers but I am surely not for big management of GSK or any other big pharma. Get them and thier big salaries out of the way and get back to progress. I would love to see JP give back a little of what he has taken from this company. Wouldnt that be bold and humble to say since my people are only getting 1-3% raises I will by pass mine. My how Noble!!!! How much does the man need!!!!!!!!!! Saving lives?????? Right! Put your money where your mouth is!! I digressed sorry!

TRY MEDICARE PART D! TRY THE PATIENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS. ASK FOR SAMPLES. ASK FOR $4 GENERICS. The cost issue solutions are endless. List her meds and watch how many posts there are on how to save her money. Also move to Canada where your socialistic mentality is welcome.

TRY MEDICARE PART D! TRY THE PATIENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS. ASK FOR SAMPLES. ASK FOR $4 GENERICS. The cost issue solutions are endless. List her meds and watch how many posts there are on how to save her money. Also move to Canada where your socialistic mentality is welcome.

Are you really in tune with medicare part D? Have you worked that system? I bet not! It is a step in the right direction but it has many flaws and that didn't come from Pharma. As for PAP- I've been doing this job 22 years do not tell me about PAP! They help a small few;but thats it! Really you are not in touch. Until you work on the other side-by the way I have family workers (2) who are social workers and deal with this stuff daily - you are only reciting the company line. I do thank GSK for putting a step forward towards a solution but I still do not agree with the high salaries of the executives. If that makes me a socialist than so be it. I am taking a guess that you are young and are from the ME generation and can't relate to the future crisis in medcine today. You only know what you know. Volunteer with the elderly and then get a look of YOUR future. If we don't work together to find bettter solutions and stop the all about me attitude then we will continue to be moving backwards. But what else would one expect from a GSK parrot such as yourself!

Are you really in tune with medicare part D? Have you worked that system? I bet not! It is a step in the right direction but it has many flaws and that didn't come from Pharma. As for PAP- I've been doing this job 22 years do not tell me about PAP! They help a small few;but thats it! Really you are not in touch. Until you work on the other side-by the way I have family workers (2) who are social workers and deal with this stuff daily - you are only reciting the company line. I do thank GSK for putting a step forward towards a solution but I still do not agree with the high salaries of the executives. If that makes me a socialist than so be it. I am taking a guess that you are young and are from the ME generation and can't relate to the future crisis in medcine today. You only know what you know. Volunteer with the elderly and then get a look of YOUR future. If we don't work together to find bettter solutions and stop the all about me attitude then we will continue to be moving backwards. But what else would one expect from a GSK parrot such as yourself!

List your Mom's drugs and her cost. Part D works people just want everything to be free.

Three cheers for Wal-Mart. And now they've started selling 3 months of those generics for $10. Wow! For my other meds that aren't generic I use the prescription discount card that I found at Low membership fee. Drug prices posted to check before you join.

What have you heard about this drug. I looked it up online and minus the delivery system it is identical to Advair and Docs are asking about it. Anyone have any further info on its availability in the US? This is really scary. Could be a serious threat to GSK.

I have using Seroflo for three years with no adverse effects. Its generally available from Freedom and Healthy Choice Pharmacys. Bottom line, I could not afford the GSK version. Before, I was using the Advair Diskus product (at $90 a month) and actually had a bad reaction from it. That dry powder in the Diskus is not for everyone.

I have using Seroflo for three years with no adverse effects. Its generally available from Freedom and Healthy Choice Pharmacys. Bottom line, I could not afford the GSK version. Before, I was using the Advair Diskus product (at $90 a month) and actually had a bad reaction from it. That dry powder in the Diskus is not for everyone.

Thank you Mr. Jilted Symbicor rep

I recently changed my medical insurance, and RX. When I had to order my ADVAIR I was SHOCKED at the price, I just cant afford $300 every 2 months.
so I went on line contaced Northwest Pharmacies, they had the generice
SEROFLO, which I had not heard of but the price was RIGHT! at $44 a pop!
I actually like it better than the ADVAIR it was giving me muscle cramps!
So I am very happy with the SEROFLO! My Dr. approved the prescription :))
half moon bay ca

You didn't change your insurance you must have lost it. That really sucks that AstraZeneca does not cover your prescription meds. You really should have a gigantic supply of that Symbicort stuff. See if you can get your doc to sign for that and give you a supply.

It is better than you breaking the law and getting who knows what.

The Food and Drug Administration has "now established a mechanism by which we think this contaminant could cause these adverse events," said Dr. Janet Woodcock, director of the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research.

She said contaminated shipments of the blood thinner have been traced from China to 10 countries, including the United States.

"Contamination of the heparin supply is a worldwide problem," she said.

I live in Australia and think its insane how much Americans pay for medicine. Here Seretide (which is EXACTLY the same as Advair) costs about $30 a month. Ventolin or any reliver, costs $10 per inhaler which can be bought over the counter. If you get a script for your reliever, you get 2 inhalers for $10. If you're willing to change your meds, Symbicort here (also $30) is indicated for preventer and reliever use. So you can essentially gets both therapies in one and potentially save more $$. Our drug safety committee is even tougher than the FDA so if you want to buy your meds online and want to be assured of their safety and authenticity, may be worth looking at some of the online Aussie pharmacies.

TRY MEDICARE PART D! TRY THE PATIENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS. ASK FOR SAMPLES. ASK FOR $4 GENERICS. The cost issue solutions are endless. List her meds and watch how many posts there are on how to save her money. Also move to Canada where your socialistic mentality is welcome.

This is absurd. Health care companies are looking at the bottom dollar... period. I have gone through a few different providers, all of which have a lifetime exclusion on athsma. If an athsma prescription is even written during a routine doctor visit, these so called "health CARE" companies try to get me to pay for the appointment. Even if I were to end up in the ER due to athsma attack I would have to pay for ALL costs out of pocket. What a bunch of BS! What am I paying the insurance companies for?!?

I've tried various assistance programs to offset costs, but still end up paying as much on medication as I do in insurance coverage. There is a major problem with the way things are being ran.

you dont live in Australia. Prove it. Where do you live? Your area code? local newspaper

Are you serious!? I live in Melbourne, my area code is 3152, and the local paper is the Knox Leader. Do you believe me now??

I know Australia is a little out of the way, seemingly isolated on the edge of the pacific. But we do have the internet and a reasonable (though not perfect) health-care system...

wrong that area code just changed numb nuts

You clearly don't know what you're talking about... seeing as you're not Austalian, because you're asking for my area code rather than my postcode, how would you know if my local postcode changed anyway? In fact I have never heard of a postcode changing...

Why is it so hard to believe that I live in Australia??

What is your income tax rate? What does the average home cost? What is the average yearly income? What does gasoline cost?

Lets compare the great USA to the great Australia.

Why are you on here?