demoralizing company culture at Sanofi....the actual work is stifling and oppressive..many of the problems are industry wide but Snaofi has a terrible culture and the most mean spirited management you can imagine
Highly questionable decision making. I'm the bad girl for passing down the decisions of senior management. We ( field management) are forced to pick upon "low performers " despite managed care issues, lack of specialty rep coverage or open territories. It is really sad.
Made the big mistake of coming here from another competitor several years ago. Been trying to go back. Promises not kept. Salary and bonus sub par for the industry. Was an award winner and thought the perk was both cheap and insincere. Manager is a micromanager of tasks and lists having little to do with driving business.
Unfortunately, I work for Sanofi. Have worked for them for 17 years. I use to feel good about my company and job. Now, or for the past year, I just go through the motions. I have lost all motivation. The way Sanofi treats it's people is terrible