No confidence in ELT to lead company forward. Unclear priorities. No real talent within the organization at executive or mgmt level. No reward for high performance.
This is a shady company. The management out of San Diego and the CEO are selling non-existent products (and so timelines are not real), other than the Cologuard. Investors please watch out.
Good ol boys club. Racist PIGS. Definite sham. Company bullies and bullies and bullies. So happy to be LEAVING. My future is bright and the grass is getting more and more green.
My boss is a misogynist pig. I’ve gone to HR many times. They only trigger him to shun and mistreat me more. Many women quit and minority males end up leaving as well. Do not apply here if you are female or a minority. This is a good ol boy company and I am sure eventually someone will take legal action. My husband doesn’t want me to go that route he feels it will affect my hireabillity in future. HR has high turn over as well. Each time there is a new director I am hopeful, alas it’s the same. HR is a farce they are not allowed to do anything. I heard that a married male rep propositioned a female for sex and sent her nude photos of his genitals and he’s still in his station. HR allegedly saw screenshots of the pictures and text. Ask yourself if you want to feel targeted and oppressed daily with no backup or way to defend yourself? Snide remarks, ficticious performance reports even though you’re doing well, and phone calls that blast you with anger when you are at home. This place is horrible do not risk your reputation.
There is always a reason to not pay reps their full commissions. Your self esteem as a rep goes down if you stay and you loose commissions if you leave. Lose / Lose here. You feel very stuck.
My company does not:
Appreciate the sales teams value to the company
Appreciate our time as a rep (constant calls)
Pay us our full commissions
My company relishes in ways they can screw us
Dishonest management, favoritism, not getting paid for sales made, total BS quota calculations, "location based selling" SO RIDICULOUS, VP trying to create another Novartis
Lied to in interview, Micromanagement, too many conference calls, poor business model, Messed up CRM, hostile work environment, when you make above quota you frequently are not paid for the difference (others have said the same things to me so I am not the only one who feels this way).