The co-founder, Scotty, is very unprofessional, uses foul language, threatens you. Unrealistic goals. Nobody I see at this company is happy. The pressure for growth is unrealistic and the condescending ways of which he presents himself is not motivating. Working 12 hours a day + weekends. They are asking us to speak ‘clinically’ to doctors, which we have not been trained. We are asked to ‘self’ train medically on google!
Because they let me be me and sell the way that suits me and the company best! Great pay! Energy! Awesome peeps! Shea and Scotty are a class act! Bravo Vikor Scientific!
I have been with the company a few months now and the best part about my job is the fabulous people I work for and work with! Everyone really does become like family here and I have been welcomed like nowhere I have ever worked before.
This is great company with amazing people and great opportunities.
This company has literally changed my life financially and just my outlook on corporate employment. It’s such a family environment. There are many times it calls for pivots but we do it seamlessly and with ease. It’s a very fast paced environment. We work hard and we play just as hard TOGETHER.