Innovation director puts new title to the test with virtual reality glasses and 3-D cities in pharma marketing

Innovation director puts new title to the test with virtual reality glasses and 3-D cities in pharma marketing

Fierce Pharma

PrecisionEffect's recently promoted innovation director Simon Wilson has worked with big-time brands like L’Oreal and Diageo and in an earlier film career, with famed director Stanley Kubrick. He’s crafted pop-up breweries and put 25 can-can dancers on an elevated bridge for marketing efforts.

But now his favorite place to be is in pharma and healthcare marketing.

“I kind of fell into it 15 years ago and I’ve been here ever since. And I love it,” he said. “I love the challenge of it. I love the fact they say ‘you can’t do that in healthcare' and I say 'well, we should certainly try.'”