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Zontivity is going to be BIG

The drug has a use for PAD and patients with multi-vessel disease. I am appalled that some territories have zero scripts this many months into the launch. It is not an easy sell but some of our reps need to look at why they have zero scripts

What use? It doesn't have any data in the PI pertaining to PAD other than it can be used in PAD patients. Can't draw conclusions from something that is simply not there. Perhaps the territories with zero scripts aren't misleading doctors with false claims. This is a lawsuit in the making!!

You misconstrued what I meant regarding our data in PAD. I never said we have a PAD indication but we have solid data in preventing secondary events in pAd patients. I have also heard from many cards that use the drug in PAD that their patients color has improved in their legs and that they are moving better on Z. Again, I am not promoting that but I am hearing this from customers.

You misconstrued what I meant regarding our data in PAD. I never said we have a PAD indication but we have solid data in preventing secondary events in pAd patients. I have also heard from many cards that use the drug in PAD that their patients color has improved in their legs and that they are moving better on Z. Again, I am not promoting that but I am hearing this from customers.
Promote the hell out of it, get that year end reward.
Look out for yourself!

Anecdotal information about some fat legs with better color? What a way to get sales ethically! What evidence do we have IN THE PI that can be used with physicians? Nothing really compelling. The drug is horrible and 230 scripts nationwide since launch of last year is no where near the point of a success. It doesn't even pay for our cars and fuel, never mind our salaries!

you get the idea that we are on the edge of doing good things with zontivity.

Ive sold nothing.

Anybody else feeling the squeeze?

Are they lying to us about how the company is doing?

This must be the worst recorded launch in Merck history.

On the edge? Sure, if you will just ask for those next 10 patients like they taught you do in Atlanta you will lead the country in sales.

Doctor: "What's the bleeding risk?"
Rep: Will you try this on your next 10 patients?

Doctor: "What's the half-life?"
Rep: "Half? OK, I appreciate you trying it on the next 5 patients".

Doctor: "No, no, no, I am asking your former primary care self a question about the specialty drug you now sell. Just give me the study please and I'll figure it out."
Rep: "I wish I could but we don't have it yet. Here is my wonderful detail piece though, let me read it to you".

Doctor: "Triple anti-platelet therapy with increased bleeding, why didn't I think of that genius idea?"
Rep: "Thanks doc, I'm glad you get it. Sign here for samples, you'll love this drug and so will your patients".

Im starting to get stressed over this drug. 65% SIP and most of us have nothing on the books. Oh, but look! There was a lot of interest at ACC! Big wow. So what? Whipty-do.

What is anybody doing to sell this drug?

Is it doomed? The way of liptruzet?

Im starting to get stressed over this drug. 65% SIP and most of us have nothing on the books. Oh, but look! There was a lot of interest at ACC! Big wow. So what? Whipty-do.

What is anybody doing to sell this drug?

Is it doomed? The way of liptruzet?

Dude, you have been promoting this for 1 year now with more troops added last July. Give me a shovel and I will bury this drug six feet under. The tombstone will read "3-1-14' to 4-1-15', RIP".

What will the dates be on the tombstone for the Zontivity sales force? 7-1-15?

No cemetery plot, no tombstone, no services, no obituary. There hasn't been enough Zont rx's to even cover those items. Heck, our sleep drug has been on the market a mere 7 weeks with 18, 400 prescriptions and it is priced the same as Zont. I say give us the sleeper with that whopping rx action!!!